It’s the new year!
At the beginning of each year, I like to choose a word for that year. It’s usually very personal and has to do with my character or what I need in my heart.
In 2012, I chose Grace. In 2013 and 2014, I chose Confidence. In 2015, I chose Best.
This year, I’m choosing….
Well, first I’m going to tell you a story.
I was very busy last year and got to the point where I was always working, even on weekends. Not enjoying my family or spending time with my husband.
I began realizing in October 2015 that I couldn’t continue this way. So in November 2015, I stopped working on Saturdays and Sundays, and this felt so good! I also stepped down from doing outside work for a client.
The reason… I needed more rest, I needed more time with family just “to be” (and my family needed me), and I needed more…
That’s my word for 2016.
Even though it wasn’t quite 2016, I already started working on it! I’m committed to not working on the weekends, although I do like to read and “learn” then. My husband and I are spending more time together.
With the margin, I have big plans for Traditional Cooking School and for more time with my family (and to catch up with many neglected things)!
All that and more in today’s podcast. (See below for more notes on what I shared today.)
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Video from Periscope
I recorded this podcast live on Periscope last week and here’s the video from that! It’s just like the audio file above, except you can see it, too. 🙂
Want to join the fun of the live recording? Follow me on Facebook or @TradCookSchool on Periscope. I hop on to record most Thursdays!
Your Word For 2016, Plus SMART Goals
What is your word for 2016? Mine is margin, as I explained above.
No matter what your word is, you may also have set goals to help you achieve that and other things.
Did you know your goals should be SMART?
- S — Specific
- M — Measurable
- A — Achievable
- R — Results-oriented
- T — Time-bound
Setting SMART goals helps no matter what time of year and no matter the goal, though we tend to think about these things now at the beginning of the year. I’m not a huge New Year’s resolution person. I more set goals as I identify them.
In November, I decided it was time for me to move out of so much work and to stop working weekends. So I did it. I was more disciplined with my time during the week and I said no to things so I could have the weekends off.
Also in November, I decided to start working on decluttering and sorting through neglected areas of our home and life. I am doing one task every couple days and so far, I have:
- cleaned out my clothes — taken a huge bag of clothes to Goodwill; things I don’t like and which don’t fit anymore thanks to losing 30 pounds
- deep cleaned 2 bathrooms (about 10 mini-tasks included in this!)
- cleaned our 6 pantry shelves — including cleaning out a gallizion jars and I have the dry hands to prove it
- cleaned out one pantry cupboard
- caught up with the shredding — actually my son did this 🙂
- really scrubbed the kitchen sink — not the usual daily cleaning
- cleaned out the linens cupboard
- decluttered the kitchen counters (this is an ongoing task, though, honestly!)
My daughter and I are going to tackle the bookcases next.
If I was to apply the SMART acronym to my goal of “decluttering”:
- specific: goal is to declutter our stuff in the house, by tackling one task every few days
- measurable: evidence is when it’s done but also ongoing — are things being cleaned up and moved around and moved out?
- achievable: yes, and with help from the kids
- results-oriented: what does this do? peace of mind; family knowing where things are; more room in the cupboards; stop wasting money purchasing things when I have some buried somewhere; reduce the cost of upkeep which has both a physical and mental cost
- time-bound: I’m not sure when this is going to end, probably in a month or two. For now my time is that every few days, I want to tackle one cupboard, closet, or area
So what are you going to do in 2016? Traditional Cooking or in life? Or where they merge?
My goal (above) – I will spend most of my time working on the kitchen actually. That’s where the clutter and ignoring things has built up for years. So, yes, mine is absolutely about traditional cooking. Because to continue to learn and grow myself (and to continue filming and sharing with you) I need a good space to do that.
In the comments, please share:
- your word for 2016
- why you chose it
- a goal for 2016
- make your goal SMART (see above)
What’s Coming at Traditional Cooking School in 2016
1. In our members-only Facebook group, we’re hosting a Back to Basics Challenge in January. Join us!
2. If gut-healing is on your radar, be sure to get signed up for:
If you’re looking for more guidance on gut-healing diets and protocols, please don’t miss the Heal Your Gut Summit.
I’m speaking on how I reversed my seasonal allergies through following the GAPS diet, and many other speakers will be sharing how gut dysfunction can be linked to virtually every disease and can cause conditions like fatigue, depression, food sensitivities, chronic pain, allergies and many more. These conditions are largely preventable through an emphasis on gut-healing foods and strategies!
3. In the winter/early spring we begin a new class at Traditional Cooking School: pressure cooking incorporating traditional cooking methods.
4. Later this month on the Traditional Cooking School blog, I’ll be sharing my tips on how to do Trim Healthy Mama with traditional foods. Keep an eye out for that. For now, check out the brand-new (and wonderful) new books from Trim Healthy Mama:
Helpful Links:
- Heal Your Gut Summit (online conference)
- FREE Traditional Cooking Video series (from me)
I’m so grateful when you visit my show on iTunes and leave a rating and/or review! This helps me make my podcast better and also helps others find it. Thank you! For past or current episodes, check out the Know Your Food with Wardee podcast archives.
Anything to Add?
I would love to hear from you! Do you have questions for me, or comments about anything shared in this episode?
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Love it! 🙂
Our stories of this past year are very similar. I also found myself always working, never resting, not spending time with my husband. My word for this year is “fearless.” I have already (in December) left my career of 14 years and am leaping into the unknown. I have hopes and plans and dreams but am still praying my way through the next steps and aim to approach the year ahead without fear dictating my thoughts and decisions. As for goals, I want to save tuition money so I can (fearlessly) go back to school. This is specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented, and time-bound. I want to be starting part-time classes this time next year (if not before!) All the best with your new word and new year. Good for you for making time for what is most important! And thanks for all you do for TCS!
Andrea, I’m excited for your fearless year! Keep me posted how it goes and thank YOU for all you do!
Shehla — Love it! 🙂
My word for this year is faith. I need more of it in hard times and I know that I will benefit greatly from it.
Lora — Yes! Such a great reminder to us all to cling to our faith like it’s everything (because it is). God bless you!
There’s a lot I want to do, and a lot I need to do.
But it seems I don’t get anything done.
And there are days I’m just going through the motions
and at the end of the day nothing has been accomplished.
I love the definition of a goal being SMART.
That’s a great way to reflect and to see where your at.
Jay — I’m glad you found that helpful and that you will soon reach the end of most days feeling more happy with what you’ve accomplished. One thing to check is make sure you’re not expecting too much. God bless you!
That was a powerful message. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. One thing I learned roughly 26 years ago, always take care of yourself first. That is no matter what. IF you do not then you will not be able or there for someone near and dear to you. Without you – you do not exist.
John — Thank you for the encouragement! It means a lot to me. God bless you!
My word for 2016 is Simplify. I want to simplify my life by decluttering my house and to
simplify my body by losing weight and getting fit. I want to simplify my relationships and really enjoy all the relationships. My SMART goals for decluttering my house is to take one room for a month and really clean and declutter that room. I chose a month per room because I have been married for 35 years and have a lot of clutter! I have started in the kitchen so I have more room to do traditional cooking and try out healthy recipes so I can lose weight. Thank you for all the information and inspiration you give to us each week!
Connie — Excellent! It’s amazing how simplify can touch so many areas of our life and home, isn’t? God bless you!
Connie, a good overhaul in the kitchen is a great way to get started on your weight loss and simplifying journey. Best wishes!
Word for 2016 is welcome. It has to do with being on time so I can welcome others.
Amy — I love this. God bless you and the others you will touch through choosing it.
My word for this year is healing. My family and myself are fighting many allergies and for this year my goal is to change my way of cooking and try to heal my family. Thanks for your inspiration
Paula — Ah, I will pray for you. I know you can do it — it helps to seek answers and you are doing that! God bless you.
I love this idea of choosing a word for the New Year and using the SMART acronym to accimish goals associated with this word. Thank you! I chose overcoming. I am starting the new year trying to focus on the positive aspects of overcoming my life’s challenges as opposed to the negative. So overcoming to me defines what I wish to accomish in 2016. Today it occurred to me we can also choose one word to define our goals for the month. Ideally this word would define our goal for each month towards fulfilling our goal for the year. For January I choose the word organize towards my goal of overcoming. I plan to organize everything in my kitchen and house related towards traditional cooking so that it will make it easier to achieve my traditional foods goals and be more comfortable in my kitchen. Happy New Year to everyone!
Amy — “Overcoming”. Great word. I love your idea to define a word for each month, too! Thanks for sharing and God bless you!
“Embrace It” Actually two words, but so necessary for where I am in my life right now. I am always striving for perfection and control and this year I am going to take things where they are at and just embrace the moment or person, and let go of my expectations and ridiculous standards.
Can’t wait for your posts on THM. Thanks to your sharing about the plan, I am now down 45 pounds and moving forward as I try to regain control of my family’s diets and get back to traditional preparations of foods that I have let slip in past years. As a very busy single mom, I have set this and a number of other SMART goals for this year (something I never do) broken up into specific areas of my life (spiritual, health, finances, business, home and personal). Looking forward to a year of hope and possibilities (and many more great posts by you)!
Jennifer — 2 words is allowed 🙂 and I love your choice. Congrats on the weight loss and goal setting! God bless you!
Lisa — Amen! We all need that!
My word for the new year in “intentional.” I stepped out on faith last summer, leaving a secure job to follow whatever doors the Lord opens. He has been faithful, and I have had the opportunity to share music in many places over the past few months. However, I found myself jumping at every opportunity to learn and do, filling up every day to overflowing. Like you, may life soon was lacking margin. My goal this year is to follow the path He has laid out, and that means being very intentional about which things (and how many) I take on. Blessings to you in the new year! Thank you for sharing wisdom each week. I have learned a ton and am looking forward to intentionally serving more traditionally prepared foods in 2016!
Stacy — We will be on the same journey this year, to preserve that margin and be intentional in everything. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and God bless you!
Abundance mindset
Danielle — Yes!
My word for the year is self-care. Last year was so busy I forgot to take time for myself.I was working overtime, taking care of the home and several committees, studying for work and then just spending the left over time zoned out on the couch watching silly TV. Forgetting to spend time doing what I really wanted, taking time to rest and relax. So this year I will focus on me
Anna — Sounds wonderful! 🙂 God bless you!
I have more of a phrase than a word. Mine is “Let Go” This is so wide spread for me. I need to let go of people pleasing, grief, perfection and even owning too much stuff.
Elizabeth — I love this. We all need to do this. God bless you as you “let go”. 🙂
“Get things done.” That’s what I’m telling myself every morning when I get out of bed. I love planning and the whole goal setting process. I’m good at it and instruct it in my private practice. I am bad about making to-do lists without even looking at my goals and true desires, allowing the day-to-day hustle bustle to get the best of me. No more. I have some good business goals that I am jumping on this year, and I am going to slow down the hustle bustle so that I can get more things done that really matter. Plus, I need to kick myself in the rear sometimes, so telling myself “Get things done,” gently reminds me.
Jennifer — I love that you’re coaching yourself each morning when you get up. It sounds like you’re already making progress. Keep it up! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Wardeh,
Your de cluttering reminds me of FLY Lady (finally loving yourself) she sends me multiple emails reminding me to jump right in, starting with shining my sink 🙂 Be encouraged as you walk in your word this year.
My word is the same as last year’s- no. Saying no to lesser things/things that distract me/get me off course allows me to say yes to what truly matters- my God, me and my goals/health, my family, my friends. Slowing down and being present is a gift I’m learning to receive.
I’ve been trying to figure out my next career and I think it has something to do with gut health, so I am looking forward to the summit 🙂 And we are moving back to RI from CO to do life with an aging parent, so saying no will help me be present and a present to her.
Blessings and thanks,
Cheryl — Oh, boy, I don’t think I could handle Fly Lady! ha, ha
“No” is a great word to own in today’s busy world.
I hope you are enjoying the gut summit!
I’m really looking forward to your THM with traditional foods post!
Christie — It’s coming next week, on Wed — 1/27. 🙂
Perseverance is the word for 2016 for me. To persevere in getting to know God on a deeper level and allow the Holy Spirit to show me what needs to be faced, changed or let go of be it spiritual,physical, mental or emotional so I can be the best God intends for me to be. I’m ready for it though it took me a while to get here. It once would have been a scary place to be now it’s an exciting place to be. Once you realized God’s best for you is far above what we settle for the rest is as they say history.
Johnette — Oh, I love that word and the idea. It is hard to keep going when you feel scared about all you’re facing. I’m glad you’re excited about facing it and getting through it. God bless you this year!
Wow. I have goosebumps. Before I read this post, I had already chosen my word for the new year: Margin. Really. 🙂
And my daughter and I had already mapped out a plan to tackle our chaotic and cluttered home in small chunks each day until we reach our goals!
So fun to know that we’re in such good company! <3
Sonya — Wow, are we on the same page or what?! We can keep each other accountable! God bless you and your sweet daughter!
I forgot to add that as a part of incorporating “Margin,” I have been doing Priscilla Shirer’s Bible study called “Breathe,” about making time for Sabbath — not in a legalistic sense, but to view as a gift from God as a protection. As a Type-A-er, I am already SO uncomfortable knowing this means BIG but IMPORTANT changes for me! 🙂
My word for 2016 is “Joy”…. I know that when others see “the joy of the Lord” in us, they can’t help but be curious. Joy is a multi-faceted jewel. There is joy in answered pray and joy in suffering…. I am learning to allow “the joy of the Lord to be my strength.
My daughter is getting married this year, so other than spending quiet, quality time with the Lord, this is my biggest goal. I have a checklist and budget, I have timelines and do a lot of research and bargain hunting. I also work full time and my goal for that is to work with integrity and as if for the Lord.