This page will be updated frequently with the recommended merchants, tools, food/ingredients, books, and other links mentioned for the Low Vitamin A Cooking eBook and eCourse. (Keep scrolling to see all links and recommendations.)
Recommended Merchants
- Ancient Grains — use coupon code TCSMEMBERS23 to get 10% off flour or grains. May be used multiple times. Coupons cannot be stacked.
- Ancient Grains — use coupon code TCSMILL to get 15% off Mockmill grain mill or Flakelover grain flaker/roller when you also purchase 48 pounds of a single flour or grain or a pail. Coupons cannot be stacked.
- Cultures for Health — use coupon code TCS for 15% off cultures and 10% off supplies. May be used multiple times.
- Homesteader Supply — for cultures, cheesecloth, and lots of home cooking tools and equipment.
- Perfect Supplements — use coupon code TCS15 for 15% off anything! May be used multiple times. Carries wonderful grass-fed gelatin and collagen!
- Wildly Organic — Great resource for natural and organic food, including a robust selection of coconut milk products.
- Zip Top — use coupon code TCS15 for 15% off any time… reusable, resealable, non-toxic silicone zipper seal containers; made in the U.S.A.; freezer-safe and dishwasher-safe! In this course, I mostly feature the “dish” type (although the bags and cups are useful, too!).
- Infinity Jars — air-tight, light-proof storage of herbs and spices.
- All Clad Stainless Steel Cookware — high quality, made in the U.S.A.
- VitaClay Multi-Cooker CM7900 — hands-free rice and multi-cooker that’s cooks 4-5 times as fast as a slow cooker. I love mine! Use code WARDEE10 to get 10% off.
Getting Started
- coming soon!
Lesson 1: Intro to Low Vitamin A Cooking
- Love Your Liver membership
- Love Your Liver tour
- Low Vitamin A Recipe category on our website
- Megan Stevens’ Eat Beautiful Low Vitamin A recipes
- Detox Recipes for vA on LYL (must be a member there to view)
- Which Water Filtration System We Chose & Why — IMPORTANT: read the update in the text about how we REMOVED the remineralization cartridge on the 14-stage drinking water purifier
- Low Vitamin A Food List from Megan Stevens at Eat Beautiful
- Dr. Smith interview, Healing Digestive Issues Naturally
- Dr. Smith interview, Healing Skin Conditions Naturally
- Dr. Smith interview, Balancing Hormones Naturally
- Healthy Diets Lesson 8, Low Vitamin A Diet
Lesson 2: Tools & Equipment
- 13-quart stainless steel mixing bowl
- 2-Quart Batter Bowl
- Tamara Rubin: Lead-Safe Mama
- AllClad Stainless Steel Cookware
- Stainless Steel Sturdy 1/2 Sheet Baking Trays
- Stainless Steel Muffin Tins
- Corelle White Frost Dishware
- Zip Tops — use coupon code TCS to get 15% OFF any time!
- Mini Measuring Spoons
- Unbleached Parchment Paper
- Food-Safe Unbleached, Uncoated Butcher Paper
- Beeswax Wraps
- Mockmill Grain Mill — use code TCSMILL to get 15% OFF when also purchasing 48 pounds of a single grain/flour or a pail
- Mockmill Flakelover Grain Flaker/Roller — use code TCSMILL to get 15% OFF when also purchasing 48 pounds of a single grain/flour or a pail
- #AskWardee 097: Home Grain Milling 101
- Vitamix
- Blendtec
- Vitamix Stainless Steel Blending Container
- Braun stick blender
- Cuisinart stick blender (less expensive than Braun)
- Bosch mixer
- VitaClay — use code WARDEE10 to save
- InstantPot
- Mealthy Air Fryer Lid for Instant Pot
- Excalibur 9-Tray Dehydrator
- Nama J2 Juicer or the Tribest Shine juicer is less expensive
- SodaStream Aqua Fizz
- 100% paper sandwich bags (no coating)
- Wood Grilling Wraps
- Farmhouse Teas
- Starwest Botanicals
Lesson 3: Staples
- How much lead is in salt? article at
- Jacobsen’s Salt Co.
- Diamond Crystal Salt
- Potassium chloride
- Cream of tartar
- Perfect Supplements Grass-Fed, Glyphosate-Free Gelatin — use code TCS15 to get 15% OFF
- Whole and powder psyllium
- Almond Cheese recipe
- Sulphur and Aldehyde Info
- Copper Info +Copper Food List
- Oxalate Info +Food List
- Air-Tight, Light-Proof Glass Spice Jars
- Vitamix
- Vitamix Stainless Steel Blending Container
- Maple-Balsamic Dressing
- Macadamia nut pieces
- Oat groats
- 2-Quart Batter Bowl
- Nama J2 Juicer or the Tribest Shine juicer (have to filter pulp separately, according to this video)
- Nut milk bag
- All-Clad 1-1/2 quart saucepan
Lesson 4: Breakfasts
- 9″ x 13″ pan
- Oil mister
- Refined Coconut Oil
- 2-Quart Batter Bowl
- Coconut sugar
- Whole psyllium husk
- Dairy-Free Yogurt Starter (search for Vegan Yogurt Starter Culture; use code TCS to get 15% OFF)
- My favorite yogurt culture, Danisco ABY-2C (not dairy-free)
- Perfect Supplements grass-fed, glyphosate-free gelatin (use code TCS15 to get 15% OFF)
- Perfect Supplements grass-fed, glyphosate-free collagen (use code TCS15 to get 15% OFF)
- How to make butter (Cultured Dairy eCourse Lesson 17)
- How to make non-dairy milks (Low Vitamin A eCourse Lesson 3: Staples)
- Vitamix
- Vitamix Stainless Steel Blending Container
- Stick Blender (or here)
- Bob’s Red Mill organic rolled oats
- Whole, raw, sproutable, gluten-free organic oats
- Home grain flaker (use code TCSMILL for 15% off Mockmill grain mill or Flakelover grain flaker when you purchase 48 pounds of a single grain or flour —OR— use code TCS5 to get 5% OFF your order. Coupons cannot be stacked.)
- Food chopper
- Danish dough whisk
- Excalibur 9-tray dehydrator
- Stainless Steel baking sheets
Lesson 5: Side & Main Dishes
- Instant Pot cooking time chart
- High copper food list
- Navy beans
- Whole barley
- Brown rice pasta
- Moist “Sausage” Burger Patties in Batch Cooking Lesson 7 (Meats)
- Zip Top, sandwich style — use code TCS to get 15% OFF
- Unbleached parchment paper
- VitaClay – use code WARDEE10 to save
- 1 tier 6″ bamboo steamer basket
- 2 tier 6″ bamboo steamer basket
- Stainless Steel Tea Strainer
- Vegetable peeler
- Instant Pot air fryer
- Instant Pot air fryer lid
- 2-Quart batter bowl
Lesson 6: Snacks & Desserts
- Megan Stevens’ Keto Shortbread Pie Crust
- Macadamia nut pieces
- Coconut sugar
- Coconut oil (preferably gently refined)
- Coconut butter (or here)
- Roasted carob powder
- Megan Stevens’ recipe for homemade chocolate chips
- Chocolate bar molds
- Coarse finishing sea salt
- Food processor
- Megan Stevens’ White Pumpkin Pie recipe
- Straight-sided freezer jars
- ZipTops — use code TCS to get 15% OFF
- White or brown organic Lundberg basmati rice
- Hardwood-derived activated charcoal
- Coconut cream
- Golden raisins, preferably organic and unsulphured
- Perfect Supplements collagen — code TCS15 to get 15% OFF
- Psyllium
- Sun Fiber
- Stick blender (or here)
- Vitamix
- Vitamix Stainless Steel Blending Container
- Pomona’s Pectin
- Berry strainer
- Unsweetened, shredded coconut
- VitaClay — use code WARDEE10 to save
- Nama J2 Juicer (best option) or the Tribest Shine juicer (have to filter pulp separately, according to this video)
- Nut milk bag
- Food processor
- Instant Banana Ice Cream Formula
- Instant Strawberry Ice Cream
- Trim Healthy Mama books
- Cast iron tortilla press
- Bamboo tortilla press
- Unbleached parchment paper
- Food-safe, unbleached, uncoated butcher paper
- Oil mister
- Ergonomic rolling pin
- Pizza cutter
- Stainless steel 1/2 sheet baking pans
- Stainless steel muffin tins
- Stoneware
- Graham cracker recipe
- Cheezy gluten-free cracker recipe
- Namaste organic, gluten-free flour blend
- Danish dough whisk
- 9″ x 13″ glass baking dish
- Whole psyllium husk
- Instant barley coffee
- Pampered Chef scoop
Lesson 7: Breads
- Megan Stevens’ Gluten-Free Vegan Oat Bread recipe
- VitaClay — use code WARDEE10 to save
- 4-cup round Pyrex bowl
- White corn organic masa flour
- Whole psyllium husk
- Oil mister
- 8″ cast iron tortilla press
- Bamboo tortilla press
- Unbleached parchment paper
- Tortilla warmer
- Eat Beautiful’s Tamale recipe with meat sauce VAD
- Namaste organic, gluten-free flour blend
- Danish dough whisk
- Baker’s Roller from Pampered Chef
Lesson 8: Beverages
- VitaClay — use code WARDEE10 to save
- Roasted carob powder
- Coconut sugar
- Instant barley coffee
- Dandy Blend
- Nama J2 Juicer (best option) or the Tribest Shine juicer (have to filter pulp separately, according to this video)
- Vitamix
- Nut milk bag
- SodaStream Aqua Fizz
- Bulk Supplements
- Nutricost
- Pure Original Ingredients
- Love Your Liver program
- Glucose Revolution by Jessie Inchauspe
- Organic dried mint tea
- Extra large stainless steel tea infuser
- Refined sea salt
- Potassium chloride
- Magnesium chloride
Lesson 9: Personal Care & Beyond
- Dr. Smith’s article on topical magnesium
- Dr. Smith’s magnesium lotion
- Dr. Smith’s magnesium lotion (VIP pricing)
- Using OliveM 1000 Emulsifier article
- Lotion calculator
- Kitchen scale
- Stainless steel stick blender (or here)
- Lotion Crafter
- Crafting Cosmetics
- Refined jojoba oil
- Germall Plus
- Optiphen
- Magnesium chloride flakes
- National Magnesium Association
- Magnesium Lotion Shop (the unscented Original)
- Beesilk Junior from MadeOn Skin Care Products
- Beeswax granules
- Shea butter
- Lightly refined coconut oil
- Refined avocado oil
- Bentonite clay
- Kaolin clay
- Hardwood-derived activated charcoal
- Peppermint essential oil
- Clove essential oil
- Soap dish
- 50-ounce silicone soap molds
- Bulk Apothecary
- Alcohol-free witch hazel toner
- How to use zinc for acne
- Aloe Vera Gel — Jason 98% Pure
- Hyaluronic acid powder
- Glass cosmetic push pump bottle
- Unbleached, natural loofah
- Raw silk noil fabric
- Pumice foot scrubber
- Dry brush
- Seint makeup
- Poofy Organics mascara
- Miribel Naturals (use code WARDEE to get 10% off)
- Curl Keeper
- Hairprint chelating shampoo
- Camille Rose Curl Maker Gel
- Innersense Organic “I Create Finish” Hair Spray
- Lavanila
- Primal Organic
- Dazzle Dry
- Polish Pops
- Piggy Paint acetone-free polish remover
- Lem’s Shoes
- Stimulating Insoles
- Toe Socks (or here)
- Shamma Sandals
- Crupon Sandals
- Luna Sandals
- Somatic exercise program
- Pain-Relief Secret by Sarah Warren
- Somatics: Reawakening The Mind’s Control Of Movement, Flexibility, And Health by Thomas Hanna
- EMF Solutions
- Low EMF Router
- Office Hours, where I discussed EMF Solutions
- The Capsule Machine instructions
- Capsule Machine (for 00 capsules)
- Magnesium Glycinate
- Bulk Supplements
- Nutricost
- Pure Original Ingredients
- Press-n-seal plastic wrap
- Baker’s Roller from Pampered Chef
- ACE-type bandage
- Hardwood derived activated charcoal – bulk
- Organic whole psyllium husk
- Nascent iodine
- Low EMF earbuds
- EMF Blocking products (Defender Shield)
- *BEST* EMF Harmonizers (EMF Solutions) (Sara Viau for a free consult – use code WARDEE for 5% OFF plus free shipping).
- My Pillow
- Moving your WI-FI router
Lesson 10: Menu Planning & Efficiency
- ZipTops — use code TCS to get 15% OFF
- Air-tight, light-proof glass spice jars
- Pampered Chef 1-cup prep bowls with lids