This page will be updated frequently with the recommended merchants, tools, food/ingredients, books, and other links mentioned for the Thanksgiving Dinner eBook and eCourse. (Keep scrolling to see all links and recommendations.)
Recommended Merchants
- Cultures for Health — use coupon code TCS for 15% off cultures and 10% off supplies. May be used multiple times.
- Homesteader Supply — for cultures, cheesecloth, and lots of home cooking tools and equipment.
- Perfect Supplements — use coupon code TCS15 for 15% off anything! May be used multiple times. Carries wonderful grass-fed gelatin and collagen, plus many other superfood supplements like cod liver oil and dessicated liver!
- Wildly Organic — Great resource for natural and organic food, including a robust selection of coconut milk products.
- Einkorn — use coupon code tcsmembers for FREE SHIPPING on 15 or 22.5 pound einkorn berry orders (free shipping is automatic on 48# order)
- Ancient Grains — use coupon code TCSMEMBERS23 to get 10% off flour or grains. May be used multiple times.
- Ancient Grains — use coupon code TCSMILL to get 15% off Mockmill grain mill or Flakelover grain flaker/roller when you also purchase 48 pounds of a single flour or grain or a pail.
- Zip Top — use coupon code TCS15 for 15% off any time… reusable, resealable, non-toxic silicone zipper seal containers; made in the U.S.A.; freezer-safe and dishwasher-safe! In this course, I mostly feature the “dish” type (although the bags and cups are useful, too!).
- Infinity Jars — air-tight, light-proof storage of herbs and spices.
Getting Started — Links & Resources
- Private Website
- go to for more info
- Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS
- Wardee’s book: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fermenting Foods
- Wardee’s book: Fermenting
Lesson 1: Side Dishes — Links & Resources
- (or see above for 15% off when you purchase grains/flour at the same time)
- (spelt, emmer, einkorn) — use coupon code TCSMEMBERS23 to get 10% off flour or grains. May be used multiple times.
- oil mister like this
- like these from Pyrex (glass loaf pans)
- — use coupon code TCS15 for 15% off any time
- Soaked Bread Recipe from Lindsey at Passionate Homemaking
- Dough enhancer (if doing the alternate soaked bread recipe)
Lesson 2: Main Dishes & Their Fixins’ — Links & Resources
- Pastured chickens and turkeys (Boise, Idaho area) from Provider Farms:
- Pastured chickens and turkeys (Boise, Idaho area) from McIntyre Pastures:
- Pastured chickens and turkeys (online) from White Oak Pastures: — use code WARDEE to get 15% OFF your first order
- Pastured chickens and turkeys (online) from Miller’s Bio Farm:
- Turkey lifters
Lesson 3: Desserts — Links & Resources
coming soon!
Lesson 4: Beverages — Links & Resources
coming soon!
Lesson 5: The Plan — Links & Resources
coming soon!