This is the first episode of the new year! I’m talking about personal and family goals for 2013, sharing my top 4 recommendations for YOU in 2013 (they go for me, too), and finally I take listener questions.
That’s what’s ahead in the 17th episode of Know Your Food with Wardee. Below you’ll see a summary of the major points I made and links I referenced. Of course, the podcast contains much more meat! (So give a listen, will you?)
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My Personal and Family Goals for 2013
- My husband is home now full-time and has taken over the homeschooling. This is wonderful change for our family; the kids are thriving with the dedicated teaching. We look forward to seeing greater strides and more wonders in 2013!
- Continue our family’s search for property.
- My life word for 2013: CONFIDENCE. (Hear why in the episode.) What is your word for 2013? Share in the comments!
My Top 4 Healthy Recommendations for 2013
Here’s what I recommended for you in 2013 — this is advice I’m taking or keeping up myself, too!
1. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Seriously, if you try to do too much, you won’t succeed. Make your goals realistic and doable!
2. Eat WELL.
Up your game in the quality of everything you eat. Focus on ADDING to your diet (which will therefore crowd out the junk). A great resource for choosing what to add is the Dietary Guidelines from the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Question for YOU: What do you want to ADD to your diet this year — good cheese, raw dairy, more broth, fermented foods… ?? Share in the comments below.
3. Sleep better (or get more sleep).
4. MOVE more.
I started T-Tapping last May and have been loving it!
To learn more about T-Tapp, here’s What Is T-Tapp? and the Try Before You Buy page. I recommend the Basic Plus workout. Here’s the book.
Question for YOU: What do you like to do? What can you fit in, for just 15 minutes, a day, to MOVE more? Share below!
Listener Questions
I answered four listener questions in this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee. And here they are, in the order they’re answered (in case you want to skip around). The podcast contains my answers, plus if I mentioned any additional resources, they are linked here along with the question.
Erin: No one in my family is allergic to anything and we don’t have any health issues we are trying to overcome. More and more I’m seeing grain free recipes using alternative flours that are either very expensive to buy or somewhat difficult to make. Often it seems to be because of allergies or for healing. For a healthy family, what do you believe is a healthy approach to grains and especially wheat. For my situation, to manage budget and time I wonder if I should embrace the relatively cheap and easy whole wheat store bought flour or if there are compelling reasons not to eat wheat.
Susan asks: Greetings from Lima, Ohio. I wanted to know how demerara sugar compares to sucanat in regards to being unrefined and acceptable in a real food diet. I bought some sucanat to try, and while I’m ok with the taste, my husband is not fond of it and would prefer using the demerara.
I read a summary description of demerara as it compares to Sucanat; the summary comes from my Fundamentals II online class.
Faith: I am totally new to this, and became a member. I have started the Fundamentals course. It all seems overwhelming, but your course takes baby steps, which is appreciated. Lots to change in my kitchen — and I’ve always cooked “healthy”! I know 6 months from now this will be much easier. We are looking at making radical changes in our eating this year. Any suggestions for a frame of reference? (For example, when I started gardening this time last year, several sources said “Don’t plant too big of a garden your first year. Start off with 200-250 square feet max.” I found this to be a helpful guide in my learning curve. In transitioning our eating, do you have any “max” suggestions?)
Here’s information about membership and the class pace (weekly).
Nicole: I would love to find a raw dairy source close to me!!! I looked on Weston A. Price but didn’t find much. Do you have any readers in the St. Paul/Woodbury Minnesota area that know of one????
Can you help Nicole? Please comment below or send me an email at contact at gnowfglins dot com.
And with that I wished everyone a Happy New Year!
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What’s Coming Up…
I’ll be back next week with more Know Your Food with Wardee. Actually, I hope to have a fun guest. We’ll see. 🙂
For past or current episodes, check out the Know Your Food with Wardee podcast archives.
It’s Your Turn
In the comments please share your answers to one or any of the questions I asked above:
- What’s your life word for 2013?
- What do you want to ADD to your diet?
- What could you do (that you like to do) to add 15 minutes of movement to each day to move more?
- Can you help Nicole with a raw milk source in St. Paul / Woodbury Minnesota area?
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First off: Who won the Crock’on books? Did I miss it? I’m dying to know if I got one, lol.
1 .As far as a “life” word (I guess that’s like a theme word?: Give. I want to cultivate a more giving, Christ-like heart.
2. Broth and cultured foods on a daily basis. If I get there by the end of the year I’ll be stoked.
3. Walk everyday after work. There are hiking/walking trails a block away from the elementary school I’m interning at.
4. Minnesota Alliance for Raw Milk:
Brenda, I just announced the winners today! So sorry for the delay. 🙁
My word this year is PEACE. We are going to have a busy schedule and I tend to get overwhelmed. So I want to have peace as we go through this busy season of our life. We are adding really good things to our schedule but it takes me away from my comfort zone of my house more than I like.
I’m gong to have to say CAT, it’s what I’m going to ADD to my LIFE (rather than diet!). So cleaning up after the cat will give me an extra 15 minutes work-out! Its a long time since I had a pet in my life and I’m looking forward to being able to give one a good home, with lots of love and attention. My diet has improved over the last year and your guidelines, recipes and links are all great ‘news’ for me, many adaptions have taken place over the last month. Wishing you and all your readers a great 2013
I like to hear your stories, Wardeh! My word this year is ‘Obedience’. It is also the word of the year at our church.
I am excited to eat more broth and seafood this year. 🙂
I am going to get outside in the winter most days and walk in the snow with my new Steger Mukluks!
I am in Minneapolis, MN and have just started the search for raw cow milk. I only found one source near me and I am waiting for a response to the message I left them. I am also interested if there are other sources. We are willing to drive an hour out every month.
Thank you so much for this episode and your willingness to share your experiences. Your talking about confidence and positive thinking with regard to what I eat really resonated with me.
Thanks so much for being so real and sharing your heart with all of us Wardeh! You are truly a blessing. It’s so awesome to hear that your husband is home full-time and homeschooling your children. Praise God! May the Lord lead you to the land He has for you and your family . . . we too have been searching for some time and are hopeful that this year will be the one that God leads us to begin our dream of living in an off-grid, Christian, agrarian
community. We think we’ve narrowed down our search to 3 states (Idaho, Missouri, or Wisconsin), but we too are open to go where He leads. I think my word for 2013 is going to be thanksgiving (currently reading One Thousand Gifts), so I’ve been inspired. We all need to eat more sauerkraut this year and my husband and I plan to continue more regularly with (make a habit of) Functional Fitness and Burst Fit training. Happy New Year to you as well! Blessings to you and your family.
I’ve decided that my word for 2013 is Grateful. . .I have learned the hard way over the last few years that being fretful about things out of my control only create additional stress, but making a daily habit of filling my heart with gratitude for all of my blessings, big and small, crowds out room for negative thoughts and feelings. I love how this same concept holds true with your suggestion to continue to add more nutritional food choices into our diets, crowding out some of the foods that we should ultimately eliminate. Your website has provided me with a LOT of help in learning how to prepare healthier food options for myself and my husband.
Your life word — Confidence — reminded me of something I read in the last couple of days in a devotional book. Hope you won’t mind if I share it here.
An apple tree will produce apples because of what it is. When it is young, it will have no apples; but it will confidently say “I am an apple tree.” When it is winter and there are no apples, it still says confidently, “I am an apple tree.” Is it lying at those times? No. It would be lying to say anything different. Many Christians have a hard time saying who God says they are when no fruit is manifesting in that particular area. Could they be too young in that truth to be fruitful? Could they be in a season where that dimension of their Christian life is being pruned back for future growth? Either way, it does not mean they are lying when they confidently say: “I am anointed, prosperous, delivered, healed, righteous, and strong.” Because the Word says we ARE these things, we would be untruthful to say anything different.
I know with confidence that God has great plans for you in 2013!
My Word this year is Grace. God has been showing me that I need to show more Grace as I have already received so much.
I want to ADD a water filter to the faucet so that I can ADD more water to my diet. I am really good at making sure my kids drink lots of H2O but I am not good at modeling it! So, that is my first food goal of the year.
I am also going to start walking again. Over the summer I would walk all over our small town, usually pushing a double stroller. I would walk my 4 boys to the playground and they would play so hard that they could hardly walk,so many times I pushed the stroller loaded down with all four across the town back home. Let’s just say we ALL took a good nap those days!
We’re hoping to add more *local* foods. Our real struggle is we live at a higher altitude (7,000 ft.) and there isn’t as much agriculture. It’s hot and dry in the summer and cold and dry in the winter. We inhaled our garden foods last summer and none went to waste… but there was none to put up either. (Our eldest son is in a growth spurt the last six months and is quite the empty bucket to be filled.)
We walk the dog every day for 20-60 minutes, even in below freezing temps! But I’d like to do more *strength training*, especially for my core muscles. What with homeschooling and eating a traditional diet somehow the days zoom by and that doesn’t get finished. At a little over 40 years old now it seems time (urgently so!) to pay a bit better attention to my health as well.
Great podcast, Wardeh. Enjoyed it very much and gave me some things to think about. We’re also on the hunt for the right property… someplace with moisture (and grass! and trees!) would be nice but job limitations may mean we stay high and dry instead.
My goal is to be more Faithful, I have a great heart for intercession, but seem to falter when I feel I personally need it most. Being human, I guess that’s how we are programmed, but I want to improve. I also have several health problems that more ‘movement’ would help, so want to keep moving more whether it’s actually exercise or just household and barn stuff.
How lovely to listen to you, Wardeh! This is the first episode that I’ve listened to and I quite enjoyed it. Especially hearing someone from my very own little part of Ohio… Lima. (It’s pronounced with a long “I” like lima bean.) I’m looking forward to going back and catching up on your old episodes and then to the future and new episodes.
Everyone — I LOVE your words for 2013. I claim every one of them for myself, too. 😉
Thank you for sharing your answers to the questions. I love your responses and learning more about you. God bless you in 2013!
Wardeh, this podcast hit so close to home for me. I too am struggling with my confidence.
My word for the year is Be. Be confident… Be healthy… Be courageous…
I am looking to add a wheat substitute this year as wheat is exacerbating my Fibromyalgia symptoms.
Would love to get together and have tea and chat. God bless!
My theme for this year is Following and Balance. I am an opposite to you, in that I am so confident about life in general that I forget to wait on God’s leading. Also, my family worked harder than we ever have in 2012, so we need to balance our hard work with rest.
My advice for Faith is that you need to know yourself. Some people are steady. They take steady. They take incremental approaches toward growth. Others are passionate. They jump in with both feet. Both get to the same place, but they do it in differing ways. I have a short video that explains this better, using the example of a coconut.