Real Food Quote Monday was born last week, when I decided that every Monday, I’ll pull out a meaningful quote from one of the great books or articles I’m reading and share it with you. I invite you to look for inspirational words in what you read and share them each week in the comments.
My quote this week comes from Real Food: What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck – a great book!
The experts are right: our diet is killing us. But traditional beef, butter, and eggs are not to blame for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The so-called diseases of civilization are caused by the foods of civilization. More accurately, the diseases of industrialization are caused by the foods of industrialization.
That’s a pretty powerful sentence, and it comes at the end of a powerful first chapter, where Nina Planck points out that “even though we eat fewer calories, and more calories from plant foods than the Inuit and Evenki [for example], we’re fat and have “high” cholesterol.” These hunter-gatherers ate alot of saturated animal fat – how did they stay lean and healthy with low cholesterol? First, they did not eat industrial foods, such as sugar and hydrogenated vegetable oils which raise cholesterol and triglycerides. They did not consume oxidized cholesterol, what’s in powdered skim milk and powdered eggs (found in many processed foods), and they exercised aplenty, keeping them thin and raising their HDL levels.
I could practically quote the whole book, it is that good.
Please share what you think about this quote in the comments – and if you’re quick on the draw, I’d love for you to share a snippet of something you read this week that inspired (even angered!) you this week. Be sure to state the title and author, and/or give a link if appropriate. I am looking forward to reading your gems!
Note: The book link in this post is an affiliate link to If you choose to buy the book via my link, I’ll earn a commission. But I don’t care about that too much. The point of this post is for us to share inspirational words, not for me to make money. That’s my sincere disclaimer. Thanks for reading.
We only recommend products and services we wholeheartedly endorse. This post may contain special links through which we earn a small commission if you make a purchase (though your price is the same).
I have this book, but I am not sure I’ll finish it. I am getting sick of hearing about evolution and hunter-gatherers in my reading.
Kelli – Oh, yeah, that is bothersome. But if you can skim over that stuff, the rest is really good!
Wardee and Everyone,
Here is a link to a very interesting article I read today from The Times. It is rather lengthy, but we all need to know these things about the production of our food and what we can do about it—which is what Wardee is teaching us. It’s worth your time to read it.,8599,1917458,00.html
I love Nina Planck! She’s a good public speaker, too, if you ever get the chance to see her. The one thing that made me cringe when I saw her in Virginia is that she mentioned a certain very well known organic ranch as a good place to buy pork – and she lives in New York and so not only is that not remotely local, but she may also not know that that place has a LOT of pigs in a nearly CAFO type operation. I think organic is not necessarily as important as local is.
Nina was 5 months pregnant when she gave her speach and she was gorgeous.
She’s a farmers market manager, not a farmer. There are no recipes in the book. If you want recipes, I recomment the Grassfed Gourmet by Shannon Hayes.
Hi Wardee – what a great idea for Mondays! How true that quote it – great one to share.
Got a favor to ask? I am in the midst of setting up my own WordPress domain – being web hosted by my son. I’ve been trying out different plug ins for Share / Save – Bookmarking. First one was okay though the title for what to do was in Italian with no way to change that. Then I found another that has a drop down menu with around 60 social networking buttons to choose from which I think is completely NUTZ! I like what you have very much and can’t find where to do it. Would you be able to share with me which plug in you used and is it customizable as to which you want displayed???
Thanks much,
.-= Pamela´s last blog post… The Praying Mantis……….. =-.
Pamela – The plugin is “Sociable” and you can find it here: . Hope it works for you! I tried a couple and liked that one best.
Pamela – I didn’t answer about it being customizable. Yes, it is. 🙂
Thank you Wardee.
I’ll give it a try later today.
Heading out to the garden to dig beets and pickle them today..long day ahead.
Thanks again.
Hi again.
Back to tell you THANK YOU for sharing which social plug in you used. I’ve got it on and it works wonderful and looks a ton better than the other ones I tried. Hope to have my domain up and running soon…soon as in when my son who is back in school teaching at the Mission School he serves the Lord at, has the time to finish up the transfers / and final tweaks with me.
Thanks again.
.-= Pamela´s last blog post… The Praying Mantis……….. =-.
I love Nina Planck ! That quote really sums it up – I have read and re-read that book, it is that good 🙂
enjoying your site !
.-= elizabeth ´s last blog post… Menu Plan for Week of August 31 =-.