We saw the Phantom of the Opera movie over the summer. And my mom gave us the CD, which the kids play constantly. They know every word. They will break out into song at any odd moments. And the kids will serenade each other with Phantom words.
There’s an awful part at the end, where the Phantom tries to trap Christine into staying with him by threatening to kill Raoul, her true love, if she does not. He sings:
Start a new life with me – Buy his freedom with your love!
Refuse me, and you send your lover to his death!
This is the choice – This is the point of no return!
So, do you end your days with me,
or do you send him to his grave?
Make your choice!
What a horrible choice! Either she suffers or her true love dies.
The choice for how to eat is not so terrible; clearly one choice has advantages. Here are your choices.
Eat poorly and you will: feel awful, look sickly, and lack stamina for serving God and others.
Eat healthfully and you will: feel good, look good, and do good.
So, friends, make your choice. Which do you choose?
At GNOWFGLINS, we choose to eat healthfully to honor our Creator. The benefits are clearly better on the side of eating well, but ultimately our health and abilities are given by God.
We only recommend products and services we wholeheartedly endorse. This post may contain special links through which we earn a small commission if you make a purchase (though your price is the same).
Brovo Brovo…..so well said Wardee. And I love that your kids sing and saranade each other, sounds like there is a lot of love in your home. I made the choice fourty years…yikes has it been that long……ago and I have added and taken away things along the way but I feel wonderful. I am off all flour, sugar, soy, corn, coffee and I am supposed to be off all dairy but I haven’t been able to give that up yet, so I don’t eat as much of it, and that seems to work. I know the Lord has directed me along this path so I am of better service to Him. I love your site…..
Aaaah! I’m not safe even here! One of my daughters got a copy of Phantom for her birthday and it has been played almost daily since. Her birthday was in May. (Help me.) They are even learning to play it on the piano and sing along now. (Please send help.) My joker of a son writes parody lyrics in his spare time. (Where are the rubber rooms when you need them?)
But at least the choice you offer is simple for me. When I started this new way of eating, I thought, “okay, I’ll try this in hopes that maybe someday I’ll not have a medical bill or two.” But since then, I’ve stopped using a cane to walk and have come off *all* my “maintenance” meds. God is so good!
Now shopping a good deal on earplugs…
.-= Peggy´s last blog post… *Shakes head in disbelief* =-.