I delight in May! I change gears in the kitchen, and I welcome that. The warming weather makes me crave cooler foods. We take many weekend meals outside. We don’t have a table outside, but that doesn’t hinder us. We take a break from our work, wherever it is on the property. I’ll have filled up a couple of baking sheets with the makings of lunch and we’ll sit wherever we’re working — on fallen logs or stumps, anywhere we can be somewhat comfortable. Those are the best lunches!
This May finds us finishing up cleaning up the logging mess on our property. We’re getting pretty close to finishing up that task, which has taken us 2 years plus. That feels good. The main goal all along has been to make our property (previously thickly wooded) better suited for food production. We want to do as much as we can to feed ourselves. At this point, we’re not meeting that goal at all, save for spending countless hours planning and dreaming of the day when we will. But the day is coming, Lord willing, when we’ll be walking our talk.
Hopefully soon, I’ll be able to report that we have dairy goats. The next couple of weeks should see us with fencing in and a shelter built. After that… maybe by next year, we’ll have a full garden? In any case, I do plan to put out trays of microgreens, now that the risk of frost is almost gone.
Whatever your May is like, I pray that your kitchen work brings you and your family great joy! If I can ever be of help, please visit GNOWFGLINS™ and let me know what’s on your mind.
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