What if I told you there’s a way to cook your food without any fuel costs, that it always turns out moist, and that it’s as easy as cooking with your crockpot?
It’s all true with the power of the sun and the All American Sun Oven.
Friends, this oven is the real deal! And so is Paul Munsen, the Sun Oven company President, who himself has been on a mission for 18 years to tell the world about the power and freedom of solar cooking.
We received a Sun Oven from Paul a few months ago. However, it arrived in the dreary Oregon winter. So I have not used it yet. Funny story, though… the FedEx man who delivered it told me he has been wanting one for awhile.
I simply can’t wait for the winter doldrums to give way to the bright spring sun… so I can set up our Sun Oven and get cookin’!
In today’s podcast, meet Paul and learn about the fantastic Sun Oven. And –> Paul has a special coupon for all of you. Go to KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/SunOven to see how to save $80 on the Sun Oven with Preparedness Package. It’s an amazing deal!
And… members of Traditional Cooking School, be sure to check out our members-only Sun Oven cooking videos shortly to be released (they could be up by the time you’re reading this).
Also in today’s episode… the tip of the week and a listener question from Doree. Enjoy!
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Tip of the Week: How to Cook Pastured Chicken
Since you and your neighbor aren’t “engineering” your chickens to be plump and juicy, you may notice that your pastured meat is sometimes dry or tough after cooking. Also, older birds, especially roosters, are less meaty and have less fat on them, so they dry out easily when cooked in the oven or on the grill. Heritage birds weigh less and have smaller breasts than store-bought chickens, so the white meat can get dry when roasting. No one wants to eat dry chicken, especially when you’ve spent years raising it or quite a lot of money to buy it!
Learn more about cooking pastured chicken.
Listener Question
Doree asks:
“Hi, Wardee, I have two boys that seem to have some behavioral issues. My 1 son gets headaches once a week as well. I have looked and researched a lot about Weston a price and nourishing tradition. I feel overwhelmed. My husband is unsupportive. He doesn’t believe they could be gluten intolerant. We eat a lot of bread and I just feel stressed with all the work traditional foods require. And doing it on my own without my husband.I like what I read on your page but I’m nervous that I’m going to buy another product and have it not work.I get really discouraged when I make food and nobody wants to eat it. I’m not a real fan of the kitchen. I’m overwhelmed with try paleo try Weston a price try gluten free it’s never seem to stick or work for me. I watched a couple of your YouTube videos. How do you work with this takes eight hours is takes 12 hours do you have a good plan for the how I start my day and go about doing it all without feeling completely stressed out? I’ve been praying a lot to know what to do. Thank you for your time. God bless!“
About Paul Munsen and the All-American Sun Oven
Paul Munsen is the president of Sun Oven. He seeks to help people save energy and prepare for emergencies. The Sun Oven is considered to be the ultimate solar appliance. Cook, dehydrate, purify water with the power of natural sunlight.
Click here to visit the Sun Oven website and for the special coupon for listeners.
Links Mentioned
- American Sun Oven – Special Coupon for Listeners
- American Sun Oven Info
- American Sun Over on Facebook
- American Sun Oven on Youtube
- Homemade Bread in the Sun Oven
- Member’s Area for the Sun Oven Cooking Videos
- Traditional Cooking School Membership — for the Cooking Outside eCourse
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We’d be pretty challenged here in New England this winter to find many days that have any sun at all. It’s already more difficult with the chemtrails/geoengineering causing much less sun to reach us. I love love love the idea of solar cooking but don’t think it’s practical for those of us in the solar-challenged northeast.
Ellen, I have had a great deal of success with a homemade solar oven in the North East and I am very NE. I know many others here who use them as well. I do not use it during the 3 months of gray here of course. But once March comes around I am able to use my sun oven a lot.I have a passive sun porch here that gets to 110 on a sunny day in the winter. I just ordered the Sun Oven and I cannot wait till it gets here. I am going to cook a large container of rice to freeze for make ahead meals. Doing the same with beans to.
Hi Wardeh,
I love your podcast. I listen to them every evening as I am way behind. I also listen while I am working in the kitchen. I just wanted to let you know that I just bought a Sun Oven today. Hope it brings a good blessing into your life….