After having graduated over 500 Seed Citizens from their mobile Seed School, Bill and Belle from Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance are taking Seed School online. And you’re invited… it all kicks off with a FREE online session on April 28, 2015.
You’ll learn:
- How to save your own seeds… even though we are conditioned to think we can’t.
- How to save seeds from 5 plants: tomatoes, peppers, peas, beans and lettuce.
- The interesting events that led up to the patenting and ownership of 78% our seeds by only 3 companies.
- Two simple things you can do to help take back control of our seeds… and why it’s so important.
Click here to register for this free session of Seed School.
Not available? Register anyway so you can get the replay.
April 28 has come and gone? Visit this page to see that they’re currently offering.
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Tip of the Week: What you can do TODAY to save time this week.
In today’s podcast I shared a great tip from Lindsey — to brown a bunch of beef ahead of time. Then portion into meal size amounts and freeze (or refrigerate). Because when you’re browning a little, it’s just as easy to brown a lot!
Go here for more on that tip plus 12 more.
Listener Question
Today’s question comes from Nicole:
I am really enjoying the podcast, thank you for taking the time to share! I also have been implementing a morning routine (not a natural thing for me) and am seeing great results. It still isn’t easy to get up early (I’m hoping that will come) but I can accomplish much more in my day by starting earlier and can better serve my family. (Episode #107)
My question is about milk… I have 5 boys (ages 1-10) and they love milk! However our sources for raw milk are hard to access and very expensive. And I am hours away from the farms and haven’t been able to visit them which makes me uncomfortable. I am really struggling with the cost/benefit equation. Even our options for grass-fed, pasteurized non-homogenized is $12 a gallon! What would you do in my situation? Someday we would love a dairy cow but are waiting for the right timing and property. Until then, I don’t know what to feed my children – I don’t like feeling guilty about store bought milk, however our budget can’t handle what they can (and probably should) consume!
Thanks for your time,
My answer is in today’s podcast.
About Bill McDorman and Belle Star of Rocky Mountain Seeds
Bill McDorman is a seed saver, writer, and educator based in Cornville, Arizona. He is co-founder of The Down Home Project, Garden City Seeds, Seeds Trust, High Altitude Gardens, The Sawtooth Botanical Gardens, Seed School and The Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance. He is author of the book Basic Seed Saving.
Belle Starr has a background in media, public relations, community organizing and nonprofit management. She was co-producer of the seminal sustainability festival SolFest in Northern California for 7 years, and in the early 90s she produced and hosted the nationally syndicated environmental radio feature, the Environmental Action Report. Belle is the co-founder of Seed School.
Links Mentioned
- Free Seed Saving Class on April 28 (Webinar)
- Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance – Website, Facebook, Twitter
- KYF #89 – Seed Saving Connects Communities
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Anything to Add?
I would love to hear from you! Do you have questions for me or Bill or Belle, or comments about anything shared in this episode?
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Thank you for answering my question Wardee! I really appreciate it and feel like you gave me some great ideas. I will definitely get back into making yogurt and I think smoothies will be a great resource for using it (as one of my kids won’t eat yogurt). I am also praying for a solution and love that you suggested it! Why had I not thought to bring my request before the Lord? Really enjoy your podcast!