What’s dairy farming like in Oregon? Looking for natural remedies and prevention steps for mastitis? Want to know how to find a good herdshare or needing resources to help you raise your own dairy cow?
Today’s podcast, episode #3 of Know Your Food with Wardee, answers all these questions — and more!
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What’s in Episode #3?
(Part 2 of 2) In this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee, I continue visiting with Joseph Bray from Wholesome Family Farm. Joe, with his wife and almost eight children, runs a raw dairy herdshare farm in Cottage Grove, Oregon*.
We talk about raw dairy farming in Oregon, natural handling of mastitis, and resources for those interested in finding or raising raw dairy. See part 1 here.
Be sure to visit Joe’s farm website and like their page on Facebook, too.
*Update: since recording this podcast, Joe shared some very good news. He found a larger property and is moving his herdshare off the 6-acre farm (plus additional leased land) in Cottage Grove to a 67-acre farm in Creswell, Oregon. 🙂 We’re really happy for him, his family, and their cows!
What’s Coming Up…
The raw dairy series continues, and next week I’ll be talking with Nance Sparks from HomesteaderSupply.com — she moved her homestead from Arizona to Wisconsin so I want to get all the scoop on that!
For past episodes, check out the Know Your Food with Wardee podcast archives.
It’s Your Turn
Got any questions for Joe about herd shares, raw milk, or anything else? Please ask away!
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Very enjoyable and informative. Having our own cow, I could relate to a lot he was saying. I’ll get dh to listen to this one too. 🙂
This is way off topic but I was wondering what you think of the reusuable canning lids and how they compare to the old fashioned seals. Thanks,
Theresa, even though you replied to my comment, I’m going to assume your question is addressed to Wardeh. You might want to send her an email or find a blog post relevant to pose you question so it gets the attention you want. 🙂
Theresa — I don’t know much. But here’s a blog post from Laurie at Common Sense Homesteading:
I hope this helps!
Marg — Thanks so much for listening to it! Joe is fascinating. Yesterday when I picked up our milk, we got to talking about A1/A2 and that got me thinking to invite him again so he can share more about THAT fascinating topic. He’s really good at what he does. 🙂
Hi Wardee,
When I hit the “Listen to it!” button I get a very short commercial like video. Is that because I am using my IPad and need to use my PC? I have been unable to hear all three podcasts about Joe, but followed you on your live podcast one time. How do I listen to the podcast? Please advise.
Carol G
Carol — Hmmm…
You’re the second person who is telling me they can’t listen on the iPad, which is strange because I can listen on my iPhone (at least on the BTR page). Normally they both work or they both don’t. 😉
Are you saying that when you click “play” on the player above it doesn’t play?
Try the link just below the player (where it says if you can’t see the player, click here). That will take you to the Blog Talk Radio page. Can you play it there?
Hi Wardee,
I was unable to see the player on both my IPad and IPhone, but was able to get the podcast when I clicked the button for not being able to see the player which took me to the talk radio blog. When I tried on my PC laptop I had no issues. It definitely has something to do with the IPad and IPhone and how the player is set up on your blog because I had no problem on the talk radio blog using the IPad and IPhone. I hope this info helps.
Carol — Yes, I agree. And I think we’re both in the same situation. I can’t use the player here either, but I can listen from BTR page (on my iPhone). I think the player I can embed here is not compatible, and I can’t do anything about that, unfortunately.
I’m trying to get my podcast on Stitcher, which has an iPhone/iPad app and seems to be great for listening to podcasts on mobile devices. I have no idea when I’ll hear back from them on being included. That might be an option for you for some day.
Another option is to subscribe by iTunes and listen that way.
Thanks for letting me know!
No problem! I can drag out my dinosaur-laptop to listen until then. My laptop was so streamline when I bought it a few years back, but once I had to travel with it, it felt like a boat anchor! LOL! It is now my “home” computer and I travel with my IPad. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge with us! As always I enjoy what you have to share!
Carol — Guess what? My podcast is on Stitcher! They were fast.
Here it is:
Or you can download the app, then search for Know Your Food with Wardee.
Yay! Now that is service!