We don’t need to know much specifically or statistically to intellectually rebel against genetically modified foods. God created every seed and plant with a specific genetic makeup; these configurations are perfect. Perfect.
Yet, we still hear arguments in favor of the GM technology that alters the genetic composition of seeds and foods — and it is touted as advanced, revolutionary, incredible, even beneficial. In fact, Monsanto (the company behind Roundup and the Roundup Ready gene) has, in the past, used these slogans to refer to their technology: “It’s Safer than Mowing,” “Biodegradable,” and “Environmentally Friendly.” Oh, really?
We will each have to decide for ourselves on which side of the fence we’ll pitch our tent: God or technology that genetically modifies God’s design. My family will side with God.
Even though that logic is convincing enough for me, I still find it really, super-duper awesome to find proof for the superiority of God’s design. That’s what I found in my email inbox today, via my email newsletter subscription to Mercola.com.
Dr. Mercola cited recent studies pointing to the extreme health risks inherent in our consumption of GM (genetically modified) foods. First let’s define GM foods.
What Are GM Foods?
The most popular variety of GM foods start with a seed genetically modified to include a Roundup Ready gene. This allows farmers to “spray Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide directly onto the fields without harming the crops. Ordinarily, if you were to spray Roundup onto a plant, it would die. … The Roundup Ready gene is part of more than 75 percent of soybeans, 65 percent of cotton and 10 percent of corn grown in the United States.” — Dr. Mercola
What’s The Harm?
According the studies cited by Dr. Mercola, researchers found that Roundup formulations, diluted, cause cell death and inhibited cell respiration.
In a study testing GM soy, researchers found these allergy effects: irritable bowel syndrome, digestion problems, chronic fatigue, headaches, lethargy, and skin complaints including acne and eczema. Symptoms from exposure to the chemicals include: nausea, headaches, lethargy, skin rashes, and burning or itchy skin.
The Bottom Line
The most widely sold GM crops are the Roundup resistant varities. If we eat GM foods, we are very likely eating Roundup residues and will suffer the health effects.
Six Ways To Avoid GM Foods
1. Grow your own food.
2. Seek out local sources of naturally produced crops.
3. Buy in bulk from natural food warehouses or co-ops, or via special order through your health food store.
4. Make baked goods from scratch, using organic, non-GMO (not genetically modified organism) ingredients. Since so many commercial packaged foods contain corn and soy food products, it is virtually impossible to avoid GM foods without giving up the commercial packaged foods.
5. Seek out substitute packaged foods at a health food store. Look for “non-GMO” and “organic” on the container, and then read the ingredient list to make sure you recognize all the ingredients. If the label says “natural and artificial flavors” this could very well contain soy or corn (or wheat). A call to the manufacturer will reveal the exact details.
6. Just say no. Do without if you cannot find a natural and/or local substitute. Find something else to please your palate. It can be done; my family is proof positive of drawing maximum enjoyment from new foods through having to make revolutionary food changes!
What would you add to this list? Let’s help each other get away from GM foods!
You may want to take a look at Dr. Mercola’s entire article for a more in-depth look at the GM food studies… it is well worth the read.
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I totally agree – especially after watching a European documentary on Monsanto and the effects of GMO corn and soybeans on people and the areas where they’re grown. It sounded like sci-fi, but was very real and very scary.
FYI: organic by definition means non-GMO. I love buying foods that say “no-GMO” or have that no-GMO sign on them – I feel like I’m supporting a good cause. I buy organic as much as I can (and local, too) and stay away from soybean, corn and canola – they’re the top 3 out of 4 GMO foods out there (the 4th one is cotton – but of course we don’t eat that!). I hear potatoes are next…yuck.
Thanks, Magda! What is the European documentary of which you speak? I have watched “The Future of Food” (I think it is called), but I don’t think it was European.
You’re right in your FYI. 😀 I’m glad you pointed that out.
Thanks for the useful post – I hadn’t read those particular studies before. I think there are some things that are just so amazingly perfect in their natural state that science just doesn’t have a hope of improving on them anytime soon.
Thanks again for the information and I’ll be off exploring more of your blog!
Hi, Rachel! Good to see you here! Thanks for sharing your perspective. I agree!