With these last pictures I post in 2010 — also the pictures that *almost* didn’t get posted at all this year — I issue you a challenge. (Call it a friendly suggestion for a New Year’s resolution, or if you don’t “do” those, call it what you like.) In 2011, I challenge you to …
In 2011, get to know your food, period — or — get to know it better than you already do. There are plenty of ways for each of us to embrace God’s design for food just a little bit more in 2011. For His glory, of course. We can help you do it, whether through the free information and recipes posted regularly here on the blog, or through the in-depth videos, audios, PDFs and support at GNOWFGLINS eCourse.
The story behind these pictures. My daughter B. got to know these friendly neighbor eggs very well one day last fall. She’s fun that way, and she did this project totally under the radar. She gave each egg a personality with a simple black pen and boiled them up, taking a few pictures for remembrance. Soon after, I saw the funny faces starting up at me from the pot, and their funny faces surprised me yet again when I connected the camera to the computer. I was one happy and entertained Mama. 🙂 The pictures still tickle me.
So… will you take the challenge? How will you get to know your food in 2011? More specific suggestions will follow on Monday, in the new year. Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!
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B., what fun! I like the faces. My father-in-law marks his eggs with an “x” after he boils them so he knows what he is grabbing from the fridge. I like the faces idea better! Perhaps “yard eggs” that are laid outside of the coop could be labeled as monsters so you know they are suspect of being old. 🙂
Pam Groom of MI
Pam — Monsters is a good idea! 🙂
Your daughter and her black pen are awesome. Like the commenter above, my grandma taught me to mark my hard boiled eggs. But B. has inspired me to make faces next time. I’ll link to here and blog about it when I do. I’ve tried to show my FIL that life is easier when you mark your eggs, but “old dog, new tricks” rules his life.
Julia — Have fun with those faces! Happy New Year!
How much fun is that Wardee?! B. is way too cute!! To me the greatest thing about 2010 has been seeing my 4 year old come into his own. To see him thinking, asking questions and conversing with me has been out of this world amazing. What a miracle of life! Wishing you a blessed and Happy New Year! Huge hugs Wardee!!!
Diana — That is a miracle! Cherish those moments, they go toooooo fast!