Welcome to our blog recipe database! Choose a recipe from one of the drop-down categories below. Enjoy!
Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS
Dish up the simple joy of healthy, down-home foods your family will LOVE… tonight.
Join 12,000+ families served since 2010!
Welcome to our blog recipe database! Choose a recipe from one of the drop-down categories below. Enjoy!
…are what we eat! God’s Natural, Organic, Whole Foods, Grown Locally, In Season.
We love working with other Christian families who love good food and want to eat according to God’s design…
Not only because we believe it’s the healthiest way, but because we want to give Him glory for creating good food as the best medicine!
Our Eat God’s Way cooking program is for Christian families who know they should eat healthy but are tired of complicated, time-consuming, weird-tasting, and unsustainable “healthy” diets…
…who want to look and feel better, save time and money, and have more energy for enjoying family life and serving Him fully!
Join 12,000+ families served since 2010! Learn more here…