“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.”
–Proverbs 17:22
What is a merry heart? Certainly it is a heart that’s happy. Happy because things are going well and life is grand? Could be. Sometimes is.
But most of us do not live that kind of life. We have struggles and challenges. God is clear that during our lives, we will experience our fair share of labors, cares, and tribulations. And still He tells us that a merry heart does us good. Which means it must be possible!
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
–John 16:33
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
–Matthew 11:28
How is this possible? We must decide to be happy — and act on it — rather than let our emotions be determined by the things that happen to us. God gives the exact strategy for how to act, in good times and in bad.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks.”
–1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. … If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”
–Galations 5:22, 25
Rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks deepens our relationship with our Savior, and it transforms our whole outlook about our life and our world. Extending grace, forgiveness and mercy (among the other fruits) is good for others and ourselves. Perhaps moreso for ourselves; it is freeing not to carry around burdens of guilt, cynicism or bitterness.
I know it is tough to rejoice when things are hard. But joy — true joy — is not found in our circumstances or ourselves.
“Be glad in the LORD and rejoice,
you righteous; And shout for joy,
all you upright in heart!”
–Psalm 32:11
And — not to be underestimated — by cultivating a cheerful, forgiving, joyful countenance, we are more likely to experience positive improvements in our health. By sharing our merry heart with others, we are helping to improve their health and healing. One tender look, word, or touch can ease a million burdens and stresses.
A merry heart is good like medicine. God bless you with His joy! And be sure to pass your joy around. 🙂
What gives you a merry heart? Have you seen or experienced a physical or spiritual transformation through cultivating a merry heart?
P.S. You’ve gotta love this! Dietary Guideline #20 by the Weston A. Price Foundation is: “Think positive thoughts and practice forgiveness.”
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Hope this isn’t a repeat answer!! just pushed something before I was done opps if so
A merry heart, good reminders Wardee… when I think and ponder on that God wants to communicate with me in prayer and the Bible… you know how you would feel if someone really important wanted your thoughts… God wants our thoughts, questions and to talk to us! amazing love have a good day all, Erin
Thank you for this, Wardee. I really needed this. Today has been something else on my Facebook news feed. I have a lot of internet friends that have chronic illness and we have known each other for over a decade. Today it was like the enemy took over Facebook with all the vulgarity. I finally said, “Enough” and unsubscribed from a couple and I will unsubscribe from more when it happens again.
I need and desire to surround myself with godly people. I was a help to those chronic illness people a long time ago and wanted to be a godly influence on them, but I think it is grieving my spirit.
God bless you
Thank you God for giving Jan wisdom and we ask you to comfort those chronically ill people as we put them in your hands. God bless you Jan
Thanks, Erin. Putting it that way makes me feel better. :o)
I am not well, either and it was through an online friend that I got the correct diagnosis after over a decade of being ill. I wanted to be available to do the same for others. Maybe at a later time.
Jan that is sweet and Biblical to want to give back. I just said a quick prayer that God will stir your heart to join Him, when it is the right person and time to share and give back. I pray to for your own strength and health.
Very timely! Thank You! 🙂
Very true. Thank you for the encouraging words. Thank you also for standing up for the Lord. I especially like Psalm 32:11. I guess it has never popped out at me before like the others.
🙂 Love this and needed to hear it today. I have been soooo cranky. Tomorrow’s a new day….
Sometimes people cultivate anger and anxiety and don’t realize that they are even doing it! This is a great reminder to instead cultivate a sense of joy. Thanks, Wardee!
To be thankful for the easy blessings is not hard….to be thankful for the stretching and shaping of our character is not easy. I find that I like to complain when things are tough more than I like to focus on the maturity He is knitting into me. Thank you for this simple encouraging reminder that it is possible.
Thank you, everyone for sharing. It helps me tremendously to share the Lord with you through ups and downs. God bless you all! I hope you’re having a joyful week. 🙂