My husband and I — because we are worship leaders at our church — have our own simple definition of the word “ministry”: meeting needs.
As the body of Christ, we are to function as Christ Himself would, loving others, serving others, showing compassion, praying for others, and meeting needs. For someone with a passion for food (like me!), this is where gifting and ministry collide.
The Essence of Community
Have you ever had a good friend bring a meal to your family after you had a baby or while you were ill? Did a group of people from your church visit you after the death of a loved one? How did that make you feel?
It’s like a burden is lifted, like getting through another day is possible. It’s a feeling of thankfulness, peace, and love.
I’ll be honest with you and say that I’ve never had those experiences. I’ve had two babies, my family has moved multiple times, but we’ve never experienced the love and peace that come when a meal is delivered to the door in time of crisis. Don’t get me wrong — I don’t fault anyone for the oversight. I think it’s because, in many situations, we just haven’t been taught how to be the body of Christ to our community.
So many of us are super busy these days. Between work, school, extracurricular activities, sports, youth group, book club, and the list goes on, even Christians are losing a very important commodity: time to serve each other. I’m not saying that all of these activities are inherently wrong, but they pull us in so many opposing directions that we don’t even have time to serve our own families, let alone somebody else’s.
This post won’t give you the ability to solve the world’s busy-ness problem. But perhaps addressing the problem is the first step toward fixing it. Believers all over the world know they are over-committed and need to back to the basics of family, friends, and fellowship.
During those days, the entire community of believers was deeply united in heart and soul to such an extent that they stopped claiming private ownership of their possessions. Instead, they held everything in common. The apostles with great power gave their eyewitness reports of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Everyone was surrounded by an extraordinary grace. Not a single person in the community was in need because those who had been affluent sold their houses or lands and brought the proceeds to the emissaries of the Lord. They then distributed the funds to individuals according to their needs. (Acts 4:32-35)
I love this passage of Scripture because it captures the essence of what the Christian community should be: unselfish, united, graceful, generous. I propose that we can attain this standard through a common medium. What is this medium? Food.
Food Is Ministry
We’ve all got at least one thing in common — we all need to eat. When someone we know is experiencing a difficult time, whether it is illness, birth, death, or relocation, we can meet their needs with the one thing we all must have. Food!
Delivering a ready-to-eat meal on someone’s doorstep during a difficult time shows unselfishness, unity, grace, and generosity. You took time out of your busy schedule to lovingly prepare a meal, take it to their home, and share in their sufferings. Isn’t that what believers in Jesus are called to do anyway? In the words of Galatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Not everyone is called to make meals and deliver them to families in need. This is where God, in His wisdom, created each of us with different talents and passions. My husband and I have watched many people attempt to work outside of their abilities, and the result? They burn out, end up feeling like a failure, and are hesitant to try again.
So, how do you know if serving in the food ministry is what you’re called to do? First, you’ll feel a burden or strong conviction that serving others through food is what you need to be doing. Second, you’ll be passionate about it already. If you love trying new recipes, cooking for your own family, cooking in bulk and freezing, or concocting things in your kitchen, then you are passionate about food! You also tend to have a strong bent towards sharing your passion with others in a variety of ways: talking about food, inviting people into your home for a meal, sharing your recipes, blogging about food, or ministering to your church family through food.
There isn’t a soul on this planet with whom I won’t talk food! I absolutely love cooking for others, having people over for dinner, blogging about food, and sharing my recipes. But if you’re not the same, that’s okay, too.
Hindrances to This Ministry
In my experience, several things prevent people who are passionate about food from sharing their gifts with others in need. While busy-ness may the obvious hindrance, it isn’t the only reason. Let’s be totally transparent with ourselves and address why exactly we may neglect the body of Christ in this area.
Fear. No matter what we do to help someone, there’s always a nagging little fear lurking in the back of our minds that says our gift won’t be accepted. Questions like “They have dietary needs. What if I don’t make the right thing?” can paralyze us into doing nothing at all.
Inadequacy. Many people have a heartfelt desire to help out, but they feel that they don’t have gourmet cooking skills or that their food won’t be enjoyed by the recipients.
Guilt. This may seem a little out there, but stay with me. There are people in churches all over who have sat in the back as spectators for so long that they are crippled by their guilt. They end up so trapped by it that they never step out on a limb and get involved in the ministry of serving others.
Oblivion. There are truly people who are simply oblivious to the needs of others. They are so focused on their own tasks, lives, and jobs that they just don’t see the needs of others around them.
Forgetfulness. I have been guilty of this myself. I’ll know someone getting out of the hospital or recovering from an illness, but I get so caught up in my own schedule that I honestly forget about them.
Money. Let’s be honest here. Sometimes money is a bit tight as it is, feeding our own families, so it’s hard to even think about budgeting in a few meals for someone else. Our hearts are in the right place, but our bank accounts are running on fumes. Trust me, I understand.
Now that these lies are exposed, let’s talk the truth. First, I think the enemy wants to persuade us that anything we offer to someone in need will be rejected. Whether it’s food or a birthday gift, he creeps into our thoughts and presents a convincing case of our inadequacy. That’s a lie! Whatever your gift or passion, you’ll be most fulfilled when you use it to serve others. That’s just the way God created us. Every member of the body of Christ is absolutely vital because every member has a different function (1 Corinthians 12-14). Our gifts and passions were given to us for the good of all — they shouldn’t be kept to ourselves.
Second, don’t let yesterday’s guilt stop you from obeying God today. Just because you may have fallen short in the past doesn’t mean you can never serve the body of Christ again. God’s mercies are new every morning, and there’s nothing, not even your own guilt, that can separate you from His love.
Third, ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of the needs of others. Contact your church, join a Bible study, put reminders in your calendar or phone so that you remember the needs of others. Even if they only need prayer, you can help out. My husband and I can tell you that churches are so very willing to share the needs of the congregation with the church body itself. Too often, the burden of caring for the masses falls on the shoulders of the church staff. This is one way you can serve your staff and your local body!
Finally, if money is your hindrance, I think I can help. There are many families who cannot afford to feed the mouths at their own table, so even thinking about feeding someone else is ludicrous. I hate that there are situations like that, but I understand. If this is you, no one is asking you to go into debt or put your family’s needs in jeopardy. God knows your heart, and if all you can do is pray for a person or family, you are absolutely doing enough. I love the old saying, “Prayer is not the least, but the most you can do for a person.”
Practical Reasons YOU Should Start a Food Ministry
1. You’re already on a website called GNOWFGLINS, so chances are, you’re at least slightly familiar with healthy eating. Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge with others? What better way than a home-cooked, nutrient-dense meal?
2. If you’re familiar with special diets and food allergies, you are the perfect candidate to cook food for others. People without knowledge of dietary restrictions may not be super graceful when a restrictions is brought their way, but you, on the other hand, may welcome the challenge of broadening your allergy-free cooking skills by serving others. After all, someone who delivers a batch of peanut butter cookies sure had their heart in the right place, but it stinks when the recipients can’t eat those yummy cookies because of a severe peanut allergy. Allergies are more common than ever, so ministering to people through food involves taking their special diet or allergies into consideration and accommodating them to the best of your ability.
3. Have you been blessed in the past when someone brought food to your door? It’s a wonderful time to repay the favor — start or join a food ministry!
4. Say you want to be more involved in your church body, but you don’t know where to start. Singing in the praise team, teaching a Sunday school class, or greeting folks at the door isn’t your thing, but maybe cooking is. You can meet needs from the comfort of your own kitchen!
Putting It All Together
We’ve talked about overcoming the hindrances of ministering through food, why we need to serve each other, and that God wants us to use our gifts and abilities to bless others.
In Part 2 (next month) we’re going to discuss how to make this all happen. Over the past year, I have begun a successful meal ministry in our church body, and I am going to share how I did it. Maybe I can inspire you along the way to revive a forgotten meal ministry in your church, or to join an existing one. It’s actually easier than you think!
Have you ever experienced the joy of a home-cooked meal, delivered right to your door, when you needed it most? How did that make you feel? Are you interested in using your passion for food to meet the needs of your brothers and sisters in Christ? Let’s encourage one another!
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This is such a great post, and yes, I have been on the receiving end of many welcome meals and various times in my life. I love to cook, and I’m quiet by nature so giving a gift from my kitchen is one way that I do like to reach out to people. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Even the simplest things are appreciated–a salad, a gift card to a restaurant, paper goods….for those who are more challenged with cooking. Thank you for getting us thinking about the needs of others!
Our family was sooooo blessed by having full dinners brought to us after the birth of our first child…and then for 6 weeks before and after the birth of our second child. 🙂 I was placed on bedrest due to pre-ecclampsia with our second daughter, for three weeks, so women in our church brought meals every night. My husband can cook, but he was working 12-hour shifts that alternated between full nights and full days, and coming home to care for me and our almost 2-year-old and the house/laundry/dishes was almost too much for him with his work schedule. It was such a blessing to be cared for in this way by my church family. 🙂 They even came in and vacuumed, dusted, and cleaned bathrooms a couple of times. 🙂 Wow!
After giving birth to our second daughter, I had classic ecclampsia and was on bedrest for another three weeks. Gals from my church continued to bring meals. I was so amazed!
Ever since then, I’ve brought meals to many people among my friends, church family, and relatives. Not only are they blessed and encouraged by the meals, I am, too! And since we eat gluten-free and low-carb, and are used to preparing foods for those with allergies now, I often volunteer to bring food to families in that situation. Thank you for writing about this.
One thing we’ve done before bringing food to others is to ask them if they have any food allergies, and also whether they want an entire meal including side dishes and dessert – or just a main dish. Often, people will tell me that they would prefer just a main dish. I also ask them what their favorite foods are, because the hardest time I have with bringing food to people is deciding on what to bring them. Ha! 🙂
I also make sure to bring their food in a disposable container, so they won’t feel the need to return it to me. While this usually means it is brought in plastic containers from the dollar store, and I don’t prefer to store foods in containers like this for my own use, it works for this kind of situation.
What a wonderful, powerful testimony to share about your church taking care of you! I am so glad you and your family are surrounded by such amazing people who love you and do whatever they can to meet your needs.
I will cover more on cooking for people with allergies, asking them likes and dislikes, disposable containers, and more, in Part 2. This post was just to get people thinking about something like this if they feel lead by the Lord to begin or join a meal ministry in their own Body of Christ. I, too, always deliver meals in a disposable container. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!
Thank you for sharing!
Is there a link to part 2? I would to hear how you started the ministry in your church as I am starting it at mine.
I can’t tell you how much of an encouragement it is to me to hear about your Christian testimony and not afraid to speak it public. I myself was in the youth ministry for 9 years at our church and now I have a website where I’m writing online, interactive Bible centered devotionals.
Anyway, thanks for being an encouragement.
Cooking is not my favorite thing so I stopped making and delivering food gifts years ago because of the added stress to my whole family. I struggle with consistently cooking for my own family without resorting to going out multiple times per week. However, I have found that most people we know enjoy pizza. I can hop online and order a gift card for them to use as desired. No, it isn’t as nice as a special home cooked meal, but it does let the person know we care.
Great post, Lindsey. I just wanted to encourage those like me.
I completely agree with you, Christie. In Part 2, I share some of the ways you can minister to others even if you don’t want to cook a full meal. I’ve even encouraged those on my team to have pizza delivered to someone’s home when they can’t or don’t have time to make a meal. It absolutely shows you care!
We know people all over having been moved so much. The great thing about being able to jump online and order a pizza is even if I don’t live close I can still bless a friend. I love bringing food to people and do it often, but it brings a special joy to be able to call, text or email a friend in a different state and set up a meal for them.
Can’t believe I NEVER thought about ordering online for those I love who don’t live close to me! Thank you!! 🙂
We’ve definitely been blessed with meals after children – and one of the items became part of our family’s favorites that we still make about once a month over 10yrs later!
I’m looking forward to part 2!
This is my favorite ministry my church offers. I love to get the notification that there is a family in need of meals for whatever reason. I am one of the first to get myself on the schedule!
And I love your comments about those who are called to food ministry. It is so true. It is a passion of mine, and my husband doesn’t understand it. He isn’t against it, he just doesn’t get the same drive I do when someone needs a meal. It overwhelms him when I talk about the meal I have planned for the family in need. He often assumes it overwhelms me too, but I have helped him to see that it energizes me.
Is there a recipe with that delicious picture!!!!? It made me SO hungry! I absolutely have to make exactly that.
Jeannie — I’m sorry but there isn’t. That is a stock photo.
But… we have lots of tasty lentil soup recipes in the recipe section:
This would be a great addition to our Sunday Social Blog Hop – would love for you to add it. Linky goes live on my site at midnight Sat/Sun.
To be more like Jesus Christ and to obey his command to “Go . . . make disciples of people of all nations . . . teaching them to observe all the things [he] taught” to the best of my ability. ” This is my obligation & my goal as a true Christian footstep-follower & disciple of Jesus Christ.
Actually, Jesus asks us to bring SPIRITUAL FOOD to people, which is much more important than physical food, but it can lead to everlasting life! Read John 17:3.
We recently lost my mother-in-law and my husband’s family is quite large. We were swamped with food from the church and community. The one thing that surprised me was some brought paper plates, cups , napkins, and maybe even T.P. (I can’t remember). But at the time I thought, “What a great idea. Brilliant!” We didn’t have to worry about doing dishes at a hectic time. So there are things you can do if you can’t cook (for whatever reason).
This is one of my favorite ministries – However, I would love to see a post on meals that you put together to deliver to others! I seem to be stuck in a rut – vegetable beef soup is the only thing I have taken people for the past few months.
This makes me cringe. Because our family eats so differently and healthy we find church to be a burden as they pass around the Krispy Kreme donuts for the 3-4th time my kids and I just continue to politely say no thank you and don’t attend the covered dish potlucks or cook outs it is hard to make friends honestly. Church food is the most GMO, antibiotic, pesticide sprayed for there is. I guess in the spirit of being cheap there is no room for anything organic. If I had a pizza delivered to my house it would be donated to the delivery guy or it would hit the trash can. I wouldn’t even feed my farm animals that garbage.
I agree with you wholeheartedly, Gayle!!!!!
You could make something healthy that you would eat, bring it to the potluck, and eat only that. No need to slam your church family’s eating choices or shun fellowship with them.