Do you ever feel that words just don’t convey your deepest emotions, thoughts, and experiences?
I often feel this.
When our daughter got married earlier this month — and specifically when she and her new husband spoke their vows to each other — my tears poured.
Afterward, I had no words to explain what had overcome me.
Joy. Solemnity. Beauty. Maturity. Love. Giving. Commitment.
Yes, all of those.
But really, the depth of what they exchanged was inexpressible.
Even more — Jesus.
He is our gift. God gave him to us to save us from our Sins. From eternal death.
God’s word says of the gift of Jesus, “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” –2 Corinthians 9:15
Do you have words sufficient to express how great a gift Jesus is?
I don’t!
Jesus, our Savior — the greatest gift one could ever receive.
He chokes me up.
In the hymn, How Great Thou Art, these words:
“And when I think of God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;”
Can you take it in?
I can’t.
I have never been able to sing that verse. Never been able to get through it without faltering.
“I scarce can take it in.”
Today, in the place of fancy words, for they would not do the gift of Jesus justice, may I simply wish you and your family a Christmas where your hearts receive and are fixed on the greatest — unspeakable — gift of Jesus.
Merry Christmas from my family to yours! We love and cherish you.
P.S. If you’ve been with us in years’ past, you know that our family numbers 5. Yet now we are 6 because we gained a son-in-love just last week!
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Thank you for the wonderful witness about Jesus!
Thank you , thank you , for sharing without shame, the precious name of Jesus.
May all the world know that He is the way, the truth and the life
He is the light in this world of darkness
He calls every star by its name¸
He is Lord of the entire universe
Merry Christmas to each and everyone
Amen and Amen!!
That was beautiful, Wardeh. Thank you for setting our eyes on the true meaning of this season and all of life.
Bless you and your family for your bold witness for our dear Savior. He is the light of this world. It is encouraging to know there are many of in His family. Maranatha!
Happy Xmas & congratulations for new born Baby. Thanks for the contributions that always given to us, health wise.
I thank the Lord that He has put likeminded people in my path. He is always lighting my way like that…. guiding me on my path. It is so nice to know that others look at life and nature the way God intended it, and can see the pure beauty in His workmanship. God is so good! And it is always good to remember not only Jesus birth at this time of year but why He came.
Thank you Wardee, I’m a newbie to your site but a fellow believer.
Blessings to you all!
Congratulations! Somehow I missed hearing anything about wedding plans. Did you share any of the preparations on your website?
Beautiful and refreshing! Thank you for sharing from your heart this truth so profound.