Every Monday, I pull out a meaningful quote from one of the great books or articles I’m reading and share it with you. I invite you to look for inspirational words in what you read and share them each week in the comments.
This week’s quote (just like last week’s) comes from “Enzyme Nutrition” by Dr. Edward Howell.
But this one will be pretty short. I think it is amazing. And interestingly, the first time I read this was when it was quoted in Nourishing Traditions on page 490.
Raw honey is noteworthy for having considerable plant amylase. The amylase does not comes from the bee but is a true plant enzyme, concentrated from the pollen of flowers … If you wish to predigest a starchy food, such as bread, spread some raw honey on it. The moment the honey and bread come into contact, the honey enzyme starts predigestion; and as you chew more digestion takes place. If the bread with its honey-enzyme coating is allowed to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before you eat it, there will be less work for salivary amylase.
Isn’t that incredible? Another of God’s wonders.
What do you think? Please share in the comments – and if you’re quick on the draw, I’d love for you to share a snippet of something you read this week that inspired (even angered!) you this week. Be sure to state the title and author, and/or give a link if appropriate.
Note: The book link in this post is an affiliate link to Amazon.com. If you choose to buy the book via my link, I’ll earn a commission. But I don’t care about that too much. The point of this post is for us to share inspirational words, not for me to make money. That’s my sincere disclaimer. Thanks for reading.
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That is incredibly…incredible. God never ceases to amaze me. I love honey on my morning oatmeat. I soak it over night with oat bran and lemon juice, then cook it in the morning for about five minutes and add honey. It is so delicious. Sometimes I don’t add enough lemon, the lemon and honey are delicious together. I think I will let it sit for a while next time. Thank you for the quote.
Wardee—Thank you for this reminder! It makes me feel less guilty for letting my kids drown out the hint of sour taste in their soaked oatmeal with honey! 🙂 And great news! Kellen has been able to eat the butter that I make from the raw milk we get without reactions or with very, very minor ones. (He had one small hive appear on his lip two out of the five times he ate butter last week, and I can only attribute it to the possibility that I didn’t quite press out every drop of the buttermilk when I made the butter. Three out of five times, he was totally fine! I still want to culture some cream and make butter for the extra benefit, too. Trying to give up the Earth Balance!)
.-= Sonya Hemmings´s last blog post… I Love a Man in Uniform. . . =-.