Why in the world are people drinking (and loving) Kombucha? What does it do — besides taste great? And what’s up with this thing called Continuous Brew? To answer those questions and more, you’ve got to meet Dave Lindenbaum, the man behind the #1 Kombucha site on the web, Get Kombucha.
A lifelong acid reflux sufferer, one day Dave tried Kombucha on a whim, never having heard of it before, and his acid reflux literally went away immediately. He tossed his medications and started drinking Kombucha instead. Then to save the food budget, he started making his own… eventually developing and sharing the benefits of Kombucha, live mother cultures (scobies), his delicious custom tea blend, and his continuous brew system with the world. (Dave’s system is not available but I also recommend Kombucha Kamp.)
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Video Podcast
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Video Review: Continuous Brew System from Get Kombucha
For more info about the continuous brew system, click here. (Dave’s system is no longer available but Kombucha Kamp has a great system too!)
About Dave Lindenbaum from Get Kombucha
Dave Lindenbaum is crazy about Kombucha — after all, it healed his life-long acid reflux overnight. He’s also a regular dude that likes making people feel really, really, good –- whether through providing outstanding kombucha products or returning your phone calls with a song… Dave is the owner of Get Kombucha.
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Hi can you tell me if you sell the tea to make kombucha as it gets expensive from the health shop ?? Regards karen
Karen – No, we don’t sell the tea. However, in the podcast above, I interviewed Dave – he sells everything you need to make it at home, including the tea blend. You WILL save money over buying it.
Here are links:
50% off tea blend (first 500 orders only): http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/gk
continuous brew system kit: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/getkombucha
Is kombucha good for people with candida or s i b o or leaky gut syndrome ?
Ken – I am not sure as I don’t know the particulars of the diet protocol you follow. If you are able to have honey (or small amounts), you could brew your Kombucha with honey and drink it when it’s on the very tart side. But again, I am not sure and you would want to verify with the particular diet you’re following. Kombucha does have small amounts of sweetener left, even when brewed to the tart side.
Hi, Wardeh! I really liked the kombucha video. I somehow missed the memo that kombucha can be second-brewed and am now eager to give that a try.
I learned from a friend how to make a second-brew tibicos using organic juice. It works wonderfully and there are so many varieties!
Q:Can I use organic juice instead of dried fruit for kombucha’s second brew? I tried dried fruit w/tibicos before using the juice and much prefer the juice method, which leads me to believe I’ll probably prefer it for kombucha. What are your thoughts?
Cindy – You will love the 2nd ferment! Yes, you can use juice instead of fresh or dried fruit for the 2nd ferment. Enjoy!
Hi Wardeh! I tried continuous brew last year, and loved it for the first few weeks until the spigot clogged up, and now we just use the container to do it batch by batch, the old way. I’m thinking that the continuous method isn’t a viable option, in my experience, due to this clogging nature of kombucha. I have a big glass beverage dispenser, and tried cleaning it out thoroughly, but that defeated the purpose, and “stuff” was always clogging the spigot. If you have an answer to this dilemma, I would love to try it again!
Hi Wardee, Great podcast! I just started to use nettle tea to make kombucha. I was wondering if you have ever used herbs (like nettle “tea”) or anything other than traditional teas to make kombucha. Also, I have several scobys in my brewing jar… is there a limit to how many is too many? Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions!
Hi, I was wondering how Long you can have Kombucha sitting around not using it, e.g. when you do the continuous brewing – what happens when you are away for a two-week-long vacation?
For my second fermentation, I have poured about four ounces of the kombucha into a glass and put an herbal tea bag, like chamomile and lavender, hibiscus, or rose tea in it for about 10 minutes at room temp to flavor it and then poured it into a bottle and added plain kombucha. Sometimes I have added some berries if I use a raspberry tea bag. I was looking for an easy, fast way to recreate Dr. Brew’s Love blend–chamomile, lavender, jasmine, rose. I’ve ordered dried lavender and rose though and will try that. The tea bags do give the slight hint of flavor I wanted. Have you ever heard of doing that?
Hi, Elizabeth,
We have heard of flavoring with other teas, Wardee has some other great ideas on flavoring here:
Enjoy! ~Peggy, TCS Customer Success Team