I gave birth to our son, our third child, at home in 1999. He cried quite a bit, so we wondered if he might be in some kind of pain. He had several issues from birth, which made things all the more confusing. One of them was itchy eczema from head to toe (that’s another story for another day). But that seemed unrelated to a noticeable neck weakness. He couldn’t hold his head up straight, nor could he turn it side to side.
This is the story of how one chiropractic visit changed his life. And ours…
Tip of the Week: Roasting Alternatives
“Marshmallows and s’mores may be the quintessential bonfire treat, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that they are the only things you can put on a stick and roast over the fire. With food-allergies and a wide variety of diets to accommodate, my family set out to experiment with alternatives to the usual campfire fare. Here are our favorite tasty (and healthy!) alternatives, plus ways to spice-it-up, dip-it-up, and turn it into a special treat.” –Andrea
Cheese: Hard cheeses are fun to roast — just don’t hold it over the flame too long or it will melt right off the stick! Stack your roasting stick with garlic bread and then a piece of cheese, or a slice of summer sausage topped with cheese. Roast until the cheese is melty and the bread or meat is toasty. For a gooey s’more-esque experience, sandwich your hot melty cheese between two crackers. Yum!
Click here for more Roasting Alternatives!
Our Experience with Newborn
Chiropractic Care
I share the whole story in the podcast. It was originally shared here.
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Fantastic Chiropractic story! I shared via my FB page and texted same said story to my Uncle who has been a practicing Chiropracter down in Bakersfield, for 30 plus years (Going through a few years there, when Chiropractic medicine had to survive the “Quack” stage of acceptence,…) He specializes today, in the Blair technique.
I am a FIRM believer in taking your newborns to the chiropractor. My eldest (now 16) had colic from about 2 weeks until about 9 months. He was miserable!! My husband and I were exhausted! At 9 months my mother-in-law suggested to take him to our chiropractor and see if he could do anything. Daniel screamed the whole 45 minute drive to get there. Prior to adjusting him my chiropractor asked about his delivery, if it was traumatic and extensive. It was, to say the least…(pitocin, back labor, pushing, suction vacuum, emergency c-section, head got stuck, they had to push him out). No wonder he was miserable..
Anyway, he was very gentle and soothing, and Daniel fell asleep. He slept for 18 hours straight! He had never slept for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time before. The colic dissipated soon after that.
I have had 2 more kids since then, and have taken them about a week after they were born to the chiropractor. They had crazy deliveries, not as bad as Daniel’s, but no colic. So, for my peace of mind, it was one of the best suggestions I ever took.
I wish more people would share positive experiences that they’ve had with chiropractors like this! Especially ones where a child’s life was basically completely changed for the better. Chiros seem to get a bad rap nowadays, but stories like these show that not all of them are bad…