If I were starting Trim Healthy Mama with traditional foods all over again…
…here is what I would tell myself!
Although hindsight is clearer that foresight, and I don’t regret what I learned, these 5 things would have made the journey a little easier (and less painful).
(Between 2014 and 2015, I lost more than 30 pounds applying Trim Healthy Mama food combination principles to my traditional food diet. The full story is here and a baker’s dozen of tips on how I did it are here.)
Oh, and if you’d like to get my 1-week THM menu plan using 100% Traditional Foods, click here!
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Video from Periscope
I recorded this podcast live on Periscope last week and here’s the video from that! It’s just like the audio file above, except you can see it, too. 🙂
Want to join the fun of the live recording? Follow me on Facebook or @TradCookSchool on Periscope. I hop on to record most Thursdays!
If I Were Starting Trim Healthy Mama With Traditional Foods Over Again…
…I would do these 5 things:
1. I would plan ahead knowing that the first week or so, I would be really hungry.
This happens nearly every time you majorly change your diet, and Trim Healthy Mama was no exception.
2. I wouldn’t look at the scale so much.
It takes time, depending on healing. The first week, the scale dropped 8 pounds. Then it moved slowly. Then it stopped moving. And then it dropped a bunch. For me, it was like stop and go traffic. What should have mattered more to me was that my clothes were fitting better and I was feeling better overall.
3. I would NOT try the gluccomannon products.
One of those products is straight gluccomannan powder that you add to make things creamy and thick. The more you blend, the more thick your concoction gets. Without calories. Adding fiber. I didn’t care for the texture, and found that I really didn’t use it — it just sat there in the cupboard. In fact, it’s still sitting there 2 years later.
Also, the miracle noodles. I would not eat them again. These are a noodle made from gluccomannan, a soluble fiber from the Japanese root called Konnyaku Imo. The noodles are mostly fiber and calorie free. They are actually quite tasty as noodles, I thought. I had them 4 or 5 times.
However, I started having these experiences where I would wake up in the night with an overwhelming urge to vomit, cramping in my abdomen, plus I would be sweating and what was weirdest was that I would need to swallow over and over and over again (nothing there to swallow, though). I finally put together that the miracle noodles were causing this, so I stopped eating them. Instead, I have veggies for noodles and I’m much happier — cabbage, zucchini, or spaghetti squash.
4. All I need for dessert is dark chocolate.
I can have a great E or S meal, followed up by 2 squares of very dark chocolate.
I would actually like to stop buying dark chocolate and go back to making coconut bark (THM calls it Skinny Chocolate) sweetened with stevia.
A note about xylitol or erythritol as THM sweeteners. A case can be made that these can be helpful in a healing journey. Like what if someone is allergic to stevia (the sweet herb) and needs a little sweet to keep them happy on the healing journey? Use these sugar alcohols sparingly without guilt.
If you’re going to use xylitol or erythritol, make sure it’s non-gmo (because otherwise, it’s most likely derived from corn). Also, I personally would choose erythritol over xylitol because 1) I get bad cramping from xylitol and 2) erythritol is fermented and more easily handled by the body (source).
5. I would use the Sweet Leaf brand of stevia from the start.
It took me a couple months to figure out that the Sweet Leaf brand of stevia has no after-taste and works as the only sweetener (which is not a sweetener) I need. I use stevia in smoothies, desserts, beverages…
Get A FREE 1-Week Trim Healthy Mama Menu Plan
If you’re looking for more examples of how I eat Trim Healthy Mama with Traditional Foods, click here to get my FREE Traditional Food + Trim Healthy Mama {purist} 1-Week Menu Plan.
Other than cooking (sorry, you have to do that yourself), I did all the planning for you — meals, snacks, desserts, prep steps, and shopping list for 7 days! Get it here.
Links Mentioned
- FREE 1-week THM + Traditional Food Menu Plan (Purist)
- A Baker’s Dozen of Tips For … Trim Healthy Mama With Traditional Foods
- My Story: How I Lost More Than 30 Pounds In One Year
- New THM Plan Book
- New THM Cookbook
- Sweet Leaf Stevia
- More on Erythritol from Body Ecology
Looking for more Trim Healthy Mamma Tips?
- 5 Tips To Help You Stay On Trim Healthy Mama… Even During The Holidays! #AskWardee 102
- Trim Healthy Holidays: 8 Tips To Stay On The THM Plan (despite mashed potatoes & pie!)
- How I Lost More Than 30 Pounds In 1 Year
- My Top 3 “Go-To” Traditional Foods For Trim Healthy Mama {purist} #AskWardee 064
- A Baker’s Dozen Of Tips For Trim Healthy Mama With Traditional Foods
- 19 Foods You Need To Start Trim Healthy Mama {The Traditional Food Way}
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Interesting !
Thanks for posting all this !
I am surprised to hear what you are saying about the konjac powder to thicken. (I think they call it gluccie ?)
I actually have been using it for years in gluten free cooking. I kind of use it in place of other things like xantham gum.
That being said, I’ve never had the noodles. To me they look unnecessary when I could have Zoodles or spagheti squash, Cali Rice or spinach in place of noodles . . . . .There are lots of options.
Thanks for posting this on the whole-foods approach to THM. I have been perusing the THM facebook page lately. I’ve been really surprised at people struggling SO MUCH with no clue on nutrition or how to cook. On one comment there, I gave directions to a lady struggling to zest a lemon. She didn’t know how to do it ! It’s good information at times but I feel really out of place there !
One of the things that attracted to me THM was that I realized I ALREADY had almost all the ingredients sitting in my pantry! I only ordered some oat fiber (because I wanted to mostly) and I decided to try some of the protein powder. I already made the sourdough, as they recommend, low carb wraps and yogurt. It is just a learning process on how to USE these foods for optimal weight loss. I have enjoyed learning some new recipes, especially I think the teas and drinks. I am down 8 pounds since Jan. 1 but I think the next few pounds will be slower ! Congrats on your weight loss !
I was really surprised at how many people didn’t know basic cooking skills as well. While everything in the THM book is not real food/traditional food it is clear that even the most “unhealthy” options in THM are a huge step in a positive direction for many women seeking a healthier lifestyle. I’ve been doing THM for about 2 1/2 years and have found that it fits so perfectly with traditional foods that I find that “on plan” for me is simply separating the fuels. I often forget that crossovers are actually part of the plan, LOL. I definitely notice a huge difference in how I feel. It’s helped me to lose weight while nursing and also gain an appropriate amount while pregnant (compare 60 lbs to 25!).
Wardee, I’m excited to see this post! I think it will really open up its concept to many women who otherwise would pass it by!
Well. . . I would not say that THM leaves out whole or traditional foods. Like you said, there are some recipes that are not. But at the same time, the cookbook gives directions for making sourdough bread, soaking grains, making and fermenting mayonnaise and etc . . . .
Like many “diets” it is what you make it !
There is a Traditional Foods THM facebook page but it seems the topic of discussion over there is making Kombucha, but it doesn’t seem a very active group . . ..
Thank you Wardee, these are great tips. Do you use the liquid or powdered Stevia? Or do you switch depending on what you are making? Is there a taste difference or anything else to consider when choosing liquid or powdered?
Leslie — I use both, but I prefer the liquid because it’s the least processed. So I use mostly that and occasionally the powder in baking.
How do you thicken your gravies? Is it just arrowroot powder and can you still then can use as an S meal?
Kim — I thicken gravy with arrowroot powder, but I don’t usually eat it, at least not in an S meal. Because arrowroot is starch and usually there’s some fat in the gravy or in the rest of the meal. So I would just do ‘au jus’ with meat broth, and even cook that down so it thickens as it concentrates.
Great podcast Wardeh!
Thank you so much.
Very informative, and appreciate your wisdom and insight.
Thanks for the podcast! Very helpful!
I would agree with you. My suggestion is make what you already enjoy eating and just alter the recipe a bit to make it on plan and on an adventurous day maybe try something new.
Great tip, Beth! Thanks!
Anyone who watched you through the transition has had to have gleaned as much or more value and inspiration as someone who is just coming aboard now. Well done!
Thank you, that’s very kind!
Have you tried the THM brand of 100% pure organic stevia? I really like that one as it’s less processed than the Sweet Leaf brand and has a very good taste.
I have a bag of the THM stevia sitting in my cabinet, and I think it tastes as good as Sweet Leaf without the bitterness. I just don’t like the baggie because the doonk spoon gets stevia powder all over the handle, and I feel like I’m breathing in and tasting stevia powder every time I open the bag!
I transferred mine to a mason jar with a snap top plastic lid, Lindsey! I agree it is a good product !
Love all your podcast but was especially excited to listen to this one! I have been “playing around” with THM for a couple of months – but to be honest it is just not really clicking. I get the basics – just not quite getting how to put it into real life. I also love traditional cooking so I am hoping I can combine these two to get these last 25 pounds off!
Any chance you would consider doing a THM traditional cooking menu for members one week? I think it would help me (and hopefully others) “get” the THM concepts with a traditional cooking twist.
Hi Lisa,
Wardee isn’t authorized to create or provide any THM products or services, but she put together a sample menu plan using traditional foods right here.
Traditional Cooking School
Thank you for all the information and congratulations on your weight loss. My husband and I are on THM, but the one problem I’m having is coming up with “s” meals without all the diary products. My husband is allergic to goat and cow diary. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
S-meals without dairy — beef, salads with olive oil, avocados, eggs, nuts, coconut milk (like for a Thai curry) …
Yes, please do a traditional THM cooking menu!
Could you also include some desserts!
Hi Amanda,
Wardee isn’t authorized to create or provide any THM products or services, but she put together a sample menu plan using traditional foods right here. Enjoy!
Traditional Cooking School
Thanks for the podcast. btw, what is the pattern, manufacturer of the cup? It is beautiful!
Linda ~ It’s from Fred Meyer. 🙂
Awesome podcast! Btw I’d also love to know where you got the cup. It’s beautiful!
Robin ~ The cup is nothing special; it’s from Fred Meyer. 🙂
I’m so excited to hear you talking about THM! I’m not 100% traditional foods, but I tend to lean that way. I have been doing THM off and on for a couple years. I feel great and loose weight (almost) easily when I follow it completely, but have gotten derailed a couple times due to old habits creeping back in when “life” happens. Love the idea of just eating dark chocolate. I tend to drink a cup of tea at night to ward off the late night snacking. I think a couple squares of chocolate would go a long way during that time of day too. Coconut oil bark/skinny chocolate just always tastes unappealing when it’s plain. (Though I like it in other recipes.) Also, I love the gluccie powder but just use a pinch here and there for thickening. I never got into the noodles or making puddings out of it.
Wardee, I am interested to hear your opinion on this:
When I first looked at THM, I was under the impression it used a LOT of non-traditional foods.
At first glance, I was afraid to use Stevia and protein powder, collagen powder, gellatin and even nutritional yeast seemed very strange to me !
Would you consider stevia, konjac starch, and protein powder a traditional food ?
I am thinking not, but I have tried to be open minded and consider the fact that many of us here are eclectic in our diets . .. . .
I had the same reaction to the Konjac noodles!!! That’s so weird! I’m also sensitive to stevia and the two alcohol sugars, erythritol and xylitol. I got really sick from stevia. Headaches and super jittery, flu like symptoms. I have tried THM over and over for years. I was one of the people who preordered the book and dove right in and hosted classes to teach others…but I got so sick from stevia sweetened foods after awhile that I had to change back to real, whole foods. I use real raw honey now to sweeten desserts.
On another note, what do you think of Whole30?
I got confused when you said you used stevia. I thought you mostly stuck to coconut sugar, raw honey, and maple syrup. What percentage of the time would you say you used/use stevia? My nutritionist warned me against it, saying it could have negative affects on my hormones.
HI Abi,
Thanks for your question. I’ve checked with Wardee and here are her thoughts:
“Those are the sweeteners our family uses and which I would use if I wasn’t keeping my sugars lower. Stevia is a sweet tasting herb that is not sugar. I have researched stevia for myself and don’t find any reason not to use it. You should feel free to research this issue for yourself and choose what seems best for you.”
Traditional Cooking School
This was such a timely post. I’ve been reluctant to start THM but frustration with excess weight pushed me to start. The scale is my bane…the same three pounds have come, gone and returned in the first two weeks (it would have been great to have lost 8 lbs at the start!) but I had already made other changes before starting. I need to give myself grace….and maybe start really planning meals.
Hi Wardee
I would like to say that there should be a large WARNING sign on XYLITOL- xylitol DEATHLY dangerous for dogs. Will kill your dogs if eaten. I have read to many THM ladies loose their dogs . we will not use it or buy it.
Thank you!!
Hi Terry,
Thank you for the warning about this!
Millie Traditional Cooking School Support
So on using traditional foods, and trying to stay lower in carbs/sugar how would you incorporate raw honey in baking?
Hi Roxana,
Honey isn’t considered an on-plan sweetener for Trim Healthy Mama. Wardee does use honey in baking and she eats those desserts on special occasions as treats (crossover meals). Or a tiny amount of honey in an E settings (like an E smoothie).
There are some purist mamas who can’t/don’t use stevia use very tiny amounts of honey in smoothies, etc.
Traditional Cooking School Support
What kind of dark chocolate would be on plan without turning the meal into a crossover? Thanks
Hi Melissa,
This one is 88% dark and fair trade
Otherwise, homemade skinny chocolate sweetened with stevia from the THM cookbook. 🙂
~ Millie, TCS Customer Success Team
Hi there, I agree with most of what you say, But I do think they do use traditional foods, but knowing people they went with what most people would go with and was easy!! Traditional foods are not necessarily easy!! LOL That being said I wanted to let you know that not only is xylitol highly toxic for dogs, but also cats! It is fairly easy to keep it out of the reach of dogs, not so much from cats as they are a bit more agile in climbing etc. so you might want to add that to your next podcast! Thank you so much, I enjoyed the podcast!!
Can you please suggest a Collagen I can use other than the one that THM sells. It’s a bit out of my price range. I’m not sure what to look for or how to purchase collagen. I typically use Vitacost which is a great resource. Can you direct me in what to look for with Collagen?
Hi Julie,
Here are our affiliate links for the two we like:
~Danielle, TCS Customer Success Team