This page will be updated frequently with the recommended merchants, tools, food/ingredients, books, and other links mentioned for the (new) Fundamentals eBook and eCourse. (Keep scrolling to see all links and recommendations.)
Recommended Merchants
- — Amazon has an entire grocery section of natural and organic ingredients, including many of the items needed for this eCourse. It’s also a great place to get appliances.
- Cultures for Health — use coupon code TCS for 15% off cultures and 10% off supplies. May be used multiple times.
- Homesteader Supply — for cultures, cheesecloth, and lots of home cooking tools and equipment.
- Perfect Supplements — use coupon code TCS15 for 15% off anything! May be used multiple times. Carries wonderful grass-fed gelatin and collagen, plus many other superfood supplements!
- Wildly Organic — Great resource for natural and organic food, including a robust selection of coconut milk products.
- Einkorn — use coupon code tcsmembers for FREE SHIPPING on 15 or 22.5 pound einkorn berry orders (free shipping is automatic on 48# order)
Getting Started — Links & Resources
- Private Website
- go to for more info
- Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS
- Wardee’s book: Fermenting
- Katie’s blog: Kitchen Stewardship
- Weston A. Price Foundation
- Nourishing Traditions book
Lesson 1: Intro to Traditional Foods — Links & Resources
- Dietary Guidelines from the Weston A. Price Foundation
- Local Harvest
- Grass-Fed Basics
- Local Food 101 series
- Vital Choice
- Real Milk
- Rosita extra virgin cod liver oil (no longer recommended due to concerns with Vitamin A toxicity; see Healthy Diets Lesson 8 for more information)
- Sunlamp (for Vitamin D in Northern climates or winter time)
- Whole House Water Filtration System
- Exploring water filtration options
- Redmond Real Salt
- Celtic Sea Salt
- Himalayan Sea Salt
- Jacobsen Salt Co.
- Is All Sugar Unhealthy? +6 Reasons To Ditch Refined Sugar
- Using & Cleaning Stainless Steel Cookware (Is It Really Non-Toxic?)
- How To Season Cast Iron The Best Way
- Wardee’s family’s supplemements
- Best/good/better choices of cod liver oil (no longer recommended due to concerns with Vitamin A toxicity; see Healthy Diets Lesson 8 for more information)
- Dietary Dangers from the Weston A. Price Foundation
Lesson 2: Tools & Equipment — Links & Resources
- Craigslist
- Cultures for Health
- Homesteader Supply
- Norpro stainless steel narrow mouth funnel
- Norpro stainless steel wide-mouth funnel
- Mixing bowls
- Vegetable knife
- Serrated knife
- Victorinox paring knives (serrated and smooth)
- Wooden cutting board
- Water filtration systems from Radiant Life — use coupon code WARDEE to get $25 or $100 off at checkout
- Which Whole House Water Filtration System We Chose & Why #AskWardee 134
- Pint-size mason jars (wide-mouth)
- Quart-size mason jars (wide-mouth)
- Half-gallon mason jars
- Gallon jars
- BPA-free plastic lids (wide-mouth)
- Lacto-fermenting jar weights
- Sprout screen
- Sprout lid
- DIY sprouting screens
- Plastic Strainer
- Stainless steel mesh strainer
- Rolling pin
- Ergonomic rolling pin
- 90-count cheesecloth or here
- All Clad Stainless Steel Pots and Pans (made in the U.S.A., high quality, and durable)
- Cast iron skillets
- Best Way to Season Cast Iron #AskWardee 062
- Lead-Safe Mama
- Roasting pan 12″x14″ stainless steel
- Grease screen
- Vitamix (High-Powered Blender)
- Blendtec (High-Powered Blender)
- Cuisinart 8-cup food processor
- Instant Pot 6 quart DUO
- Instant Pot 6 quart DUO EVO Plus
- Getting Started with Pressure Cooking
- Excalibur 9-Tray Dehydrator
- Sylvia at Christian Homekeeper
- Types of grain mills and what they can do
- Nutrimill impact grain mill
- Mockmill stone grain mill — Use code TCSMILL for 15% off Mockmill grain mill or Flakelover grain flaker when you purchase 48 pounds of a single grain or flour —OR— use code TCS5 to get 5% OFF your order.
- Bosch mixer
- Non-electric egg beater
- Danish dough whisk
- Mortar and pestle
- Butter mold
- Cheese press reviews
- DIY cheese press
- Cheese presses at Homesteader Supply
- Mini measuring spoons
- Fermentation jars and lids
- Pickle Pro airlock fermenting lids from Homesteader’s Supply
- Muslin bags
- Grolsch-Style Bottles or here
- Stainless steel muffin tin
- Stainless Steel Sturdy 1/2 Sheet Baking Trays
- Paper muffin tin liners
- Silicone muffin tin liners
- Cast iron muffin tin
- Stoneware muffin tin
- Cookie scoops
- Pastry cutter
- Corelle Winter Frost white dinnerware set (38-piece, service for 12)
- Corelle Winter Frost white 28-ounce super soup/cereal bowl, set of 6
- Norwex multipurpose microfiber Enviro cleaning cloths
- Magic erasers
- Scraper
- Care for Wood & Bamboo Cutting Boards #AskWardee 068
- Non-Toxic Ways To Clean House #AskWardee 135
Lesson 3: Shopping & Pantry — Links & Resources
- Local Harvest
- Real Milk
- Co-op Directory
- Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen lists
- Vital Choice
- Perfect Supplements — use coupon code TCS15 for 15% off anything! May be used multiple times. Carries wonderful grass-fed gelatin and collagen, plus many other superfood supplements!
- 4 Steps to Easy Meal Planning
- Kombucha recipe
- Continuous Brew Kombucha recipe
- Gut-healthy fermented drinks
- English muffin recipe
- Instant Pot Raw Milk Yogurt recipe
- 31 Deliciously Nourishing Granola Recipes
- How Haniya composts her family’s food scraps
- Home Canning With Confidence class
- Everything Beans eCookbook
- Delicious chipotle-lime quinoa taco “meat”
- Mockmill Use code TCSMILL for 15% off Mockmill grain mill or Flakelover grain flaker when you purchase 48 pounds of a single grain or flour —OR— use code TCS5 to get 5% OFF your order. Coupons cannot be stacked.
- Claim your Mockmill bonus from me
- Gamma seals from USA Emergency Supply
- gamma seal lids from
- mylar bags
- oxygen absorbers
- Azure Standard
- Nourishing Traditions book
- Food Renegade article
- United Natural Foods
- Einkorn — use coupon code tcsmembers for FREE SHIPPING on 15 or 22.5 pound einkorn berry orders (free shipping is automatic on 48# order)
- Ancient Grains (for einkorn, spelt, emmer, etc.)
- Source for arsenic in rice
- Real Salt
- Celtic Sea Salt
- Himalayan Sea Salt
- Jacobsen Salt Co.
- Source for common table salt causes excess fluid build-up
- Source for unrefined, real salt helps regulate the body’s water content, etc.
- Water filtration options #AskWardee 134
- Bob’s Red Mill aluminum-free baking powder
- Rumford aluminum-free baking powder
- Environmental Working Group’s info on grapes
- Info on shredded coconut from Wildly Organic
- Tropical Traditions organic shredded coconut
- Sucanat or Rapadura
- Evaporated Cane Juice
- Maple Syrup
- Raw Honey
- Coconut Syrup
- Coconut Sugar
- Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses
- Organic grape juice
- Water kefir grains
- Dairy kefir grains
- Best, healthiest coconut milks, including how to make your own #AskWardee 081
- Native Forest’s Simple Organic Coconut Milk
- Natural Value’s Organic Coconut Milk
- Coconut milk powder
- Double-Strength Vegetable Rennet
- Mesophilic Cheese Culture
- Dehydrated sourdough starter
- Carl’s Friends
- Cod liver oil historical production (no longer recommended due to concerns with Vitamin A toxicity; see Healthy Diets Lesson 8 for more information)
- Dosage and brand recommendations of cod liver oil (no longer recommended due to concerns with Vitamin A toxicity; see Healthy Diets Lesson 8 for more information)
- Rosita extra virgin cod liver oil (no longer recommended due to concerns with Vitamin A toxicity; see Healthy Diets Lesson 8 for more information)
- Green Pasture’s butter oil (no longer recommended due to concerns with Vitamin A toxicity; see Healthy Diets Lesson 8 for more information)
- gut-healing protocol GAPS
- Bio-Kult dosage
- GAPS book
- Desiccated liver capsules from Perfect Supplements (no longer recommended due to concerns with Vitamin A toxicity; see Healthy Diets Lesson 8 for more information)
- Raw apple cider vinegar recipe
- Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
- Puffed rice has little nutrition left after processing
- How To Organize Your Pantry {with glass jars!}
- How To Organize Recipes On Your iPad
- Our Favorite Healthy Convenience Foods
- Community Food Co-Ops (What They Are & How to Find One)
Lesson 4: Healthy Fats — Links & Resources
- All Clad Stainless Steel Pots and Pans (made in the U.S.A., high quality, and durable)
- Eat Fat, Lose Fat book
- My review and summary of Eat Fat, Lose Fat
- Real Food Nutrition and Health homeschool nutrition text
- healthy homemade popcorn that tastes like the movie theater
- blog post on rendering your own fat
- Best Creamy Polenta
- Sausage & Sweet Potato Breakfast Hash
- Instant Pot Grain-Free Pumpkin Cheesecake
- Keto Dinner Rolls
- Cultured Butter
- How To Render Pastured Pork Lard In The Instant Pot
- How To Render Goat Fat
- Home Rendered Grass-Fed Beef Tallow
- Avocado Oil: The New Fat In The Real Food Kitchen
- 4 Ingredient THM Chocolate Coconut Candy (Fat Bombs!)
Lesson 5: Wild & Pastured Meats — Links & Resources
- Nourishing Traditions book
- Eat Wild
- Local Harvest
- White Oak Pastures — soy-free, corn-free pastured meats; also mostly un-aged so therefore low histamine — use code WARDEE to get 15% OFF your first purchase
- Salad Bar Beef by Joel Salatin
- Comeback Farms by Greg Judy
- Polyface Farms
- Alderspring Ranch
- Read more here on why Alderspring Ranch prefers dry aging to wet aging
- Middle Eastern Shepherd’s Pie With Lamb (Kibbit Batata)
- Nitrates/nitrites myth
- Much commercially cured pork products are processed with nitrites, but not in a traditional way
- Pastured Poultry: The Polyface Farm Model
- Institute for Responsible Technology
- GMO Inside
- Green Pastures Farm
- this free YouTube video
- Greg Judy’s books
- Grassfed Gourmet book
- Tender Grassfed Steak, Inside and Out
- The Art of Syrian Cookery by Helen Corey
- Saltpeter was never effective against salmonella or E. coli
- Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home
- Eat Beautiful
- Crispy beef tongue, with an Instant Pot option
- The Difference Between Grain-Fed & Grass-Fed Meat
- What To Buy If You Can’t Afford Organic Meat #AskWardee 066
- Healthy Meat Processing — The Best Way To Slaughter & Butcher Meat
- Do You Need To Eat Meat To Be Healthy?
- 7 Benefits Of Liver + How To Eat It Without Gagging! (we no longer recommend consuming liver)
- Homemade Dessicated Liver Capsules from Lesson 15 of our Dehydrating eCourse (we no longer recommend consuming liver)
- Homemade Jerky from Lesson 16 of our Dehydrating eCourse (also on the blog)
Lesson 6: Healing Broth & Stock — Links & Resources
- Nourishing Traditions book
- Oxidized fat source
- Battery raised chickens produce broths and stocks that are less likely to gel
- High-quality gelatin — use coupon code TCS15 for 15% off anything!
- Slow cooker
- How to prepare chicken feet for broth, link 1
- How to prepare chicken feet for broth, link 2
- How to prepare chicken feet for broth, link 3
- How to prepare chicken feet for broth, link 4
- List of non-oily and oily fish
- Instant Pot 6 quart DUO
- Instant Pot 6 quart DUO EVO Plus
- Learn how to avoid rancid bone broth
- The longer the bones and meat cook, the more the proteases break the bonds connecting the proteins, and the more amino acids get detached.
- You can also add your bitter broth to a blended soup.
- Gelatin is full of protein.
- Homemade Bouillon Cubes
- Broth Is Beautiful (includes three basic stock recipes)
- Can I Eat Gelatin Instead Of Broth And Still Get The Benefits? #AskWardee 014
- The Secret Of Fish Stock
- Traditional Cooking School’s Soups & Stews archive
- Secrets From a Bone Broth Kitchen: Soups and Stews for Your Wellness Diet by Megan Stevens
- Interview with Megan about her new book, Secrets From a Bone Broth Kitchen
- Anatomy Of A Blended Soup
- Instant Pot GAPS Diet Beef Pho
- Lemon Chicken Soup With Spring Veggies & Foraged Herbs
- Tom Kha Gai: A Nourishing Thai Broth-Based Soup
Lesson 7: Seasonal Produce — Links & Resources
- Nourishing Traditions book
- Fermentation does not reduce goitrogens source
- Fermented French fries
- Standards for organic certifications
- Read the USDA’s Allowed-Prohibited Substances here
- Oregon Tilth
- Local Harvest
- Eat Well Guide
- USDA’s Local Food Research & Development Services
- Regenerative agriculture
- Biodynamic farming
- EWG’s Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen List
- Low-oxalate greens powder (get 15% OFF with coupon code DRCOWANSGARDEN)
- Fermented kale powder (get 15% OFF with coupon code TCS15)
- Spinach nutrition source
- Oxalic acid in spinach interferes with calcium absorption source
- Fermented greens (get 15% OFF with coupon code TCS15)
- Greens naturally low in oxalates (get 15% OFF with coupon code DRCOWANSGARDEN)
- Liquid stevia
- Homemade Instant Pot raw milk yogurt
- Non-denatured protein powder from Vital Whey
- MCT oil
- More info on MCT oil
- Black seed oil
- Raw apple cider vinegar
- Lemon juice
- Beet powder (get 15% OFF with coupon code DRCOWANSGARDEN)
- collagen (get 15% OFF with coupon code TCS15)
- Turmeric powder
- Maca powder
- Psyllium seed husk
- Chia seeds
- Other superfood powders (get 15% OFF with coupon code DRCOWANSGARDEN)
- Dr. Cowan’s Garden (get 15% OFF with coupon code DRCOWANSGARDEN)
- Fermented kale powder (get 15% OFF with coupon code TCS15)
- How (& Why) to Eat More Vegetables book
- Heavy-duty blender like the Vitamix
- Superfood Smoothie Mix
- Epicurious recipe
- The Christian Homekeeper
- Heart of Cooking
- Anne Burrell’s recipe
- 5 Spices, 50 Dishes by Ruta Kahate
- Ms. enPlace’s recipe
- Restocking the Pantry book
- Here’s how to roast your own bell peppers
- Kitchen Stewardship
- More info on chanterelles
- How To Make *Healthy* Green Smoothies With Superfoods (High Protein, Low Sugar, Low Oxalate, Healthy Fats) #AskWardee 132
- 60+ Root Vegetable Recipes… From Oven-Roasted To Instant Pot!
- 61 Healthy & Easy Zucchini Recipes …From Breakfast To Dessert!
- 61 Healthy Gluten-Free Carrot Recipes
- 41 Exciting Ways To Use Spring Produce
- Traditional Cooking School’s Beans, Grains & Vegetables archive
- Vegetable Families
Lesson 8: Homemade Dips, Dressings, and Sauces — Links & Resources
- Dried horseradish powder
- Dried leek powder
- Dried sea vegetable powder
- Cultured Dairy and Basic Cheese eCourse
- Probiotic Cucumber Ranch Dressing THM notes
- Prepper Pro
- Dairy-free, veggie starter culture
- Vitamix (High-Powered Blender)
- Blendtec
- Immersion blender
- Instant Pot 6 quart DUO
- refined sea salt
- potassium chloride salt
- cream of tartar
- Anchor Hocking 2-Quart Batter Bowl
- 7000-gram scale
- 50 Fermented Salsas, Dips, and Spreads
- 43 Fermented & Probiotic-Filled Condiments
- Avoid Additives with 45 Homemade Dressings, Sauces, and Seasonings
- 28 Fermented and Probiotic Salad Dressings
- Traditional Cooking School’s Sauces archive
- Traditional Cooking School’s Condiments, Dips, and Spreads archive
Lesson 9: Soaking Nuts & Seeds — Links & Resources
- Anti-nutrients impact the absorption of other nutrients
- Enzyme Nutrition
- Nourishing Traditions book
- More information on choosing the best water filtration system
- This plan from Mother Earth News for a solar dehydrator
- Allergy Free Cooking eCourse
- Learn more about why almonds aren’t the best choice here
- Gluten-free nut crust
- More info about seed cycling for women of all ages
- The Great Granola Round-Up: 31 Deliciously Nourishing Recipes!
- Soaked Nut Butter Formula from Lesson 8 doc
- Raw Pumpkin Seed Butter from Lesson 8 doc
- Creamy Sunflower Seed Dressing from Lesson 8 doc
- Unsweetened shredded coconut
- Coconut oil
- Food processor
- Vitamix
Lesson 10: Soaking & Sprouting Beans & Legumes — Links & Resources
- Harder beans contain complex sugars that can completely confound digestion
- Pressure Perfect by Lorna Sass
- Online pressure cooking chart
- 6.5 quart Ninja Foodi
- On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee
- This article is an excellent resource for deciding the best soaking conditions for individual legumes
- Sprouted Baking by Janie Quinn
- The Sprouting Book by Ann Wigmore
- Nourishing Traditions
- Lacto-Fermented Hummus from Lesson 8
- White Bean Hummus from Lesson 8
- Creamy Sprouted Hummus from Lesson 8
- All Clad stainless steel soup pot
- Stainless steel skillet
- Vitamix
- Organic green lentils
- Organic brown rice
- Hardwood derived activated charcoal
- Hardwood derived activated charcoal – bulk
Lesson 11: Soaking Whole Grains — Links & Resources
- Oxygen absorbers
- Jar sealer attachment for a Food Saver vacuum sealer
- Whole Grain Baking by Sue Gregg
- Rebuild from Depression blog
- Simple Fermentation Method
- White vs brown rice source
- Paraflexx liners
- Dehydrator trays
- Excalibur dehydrator
- Flat skimmer stainless steel spoon
- Pickling lime
- Anchor Hocking 2-Quart Batter Bowl
- Hardwood-Derived Activated Charcoal
- VitaClay Multi-Cooker
- Lundberg Organic Sushi Rice
- Sourdough A to Z eCourse
- Kombucha For Soaking Grains & Beans #AskWardee 007
- I Get A Stomach Ache From Quinoa. Will Rinsing & Soaking Help? #AskWardee 029
- The Great Granola Round-Up: 31 Deliciously Nourishing Recipes!
- 33 Nourishing Oatmeal {and N’Oatmeal} Recipes
- Corn Bread, Cornmeal Spoon Bread and Polenta recipes in Nourishing Traditions (pages 486 through 487)
- Mediterranean Stuffed Grape Leaves from Lesson 7
- Smoky Chicken and Butternut Soup from Lesson 7
- Rice-Veggie Pilaf from Lesson 7
- Mujadareh (Lentil and Brown Rice Stew) from Lesson 10
- Fasooli (White Beans and Rice) from Lesson 10
- Creamy Sprouted Hummus from Lesson 8
Lesson 12: Soaked Baked Goods — Links & Resources
- Startpage
- Gluten Sensitivity & Sourdough: Is Sourdough Gluten-Free?
- Kamut Flour source
- Barley Flour source
- Almond Flour source
- Amaranth Flour source
- Buckwheat Flour source
- Chickpea/Garbanzo Bean Flour source
- Coconut Flour source
- Corn Flour source
- Masa Harina source
- Millet Flour source 1
- Millet Flour source 2
- Oat Flour source
- Potato Flour source 1
- Potato Flour source 2
- Quinoa Flour source 1
- Quinoa Flour source 2
- Brown Rice Flour source
- White Rice Flour source
- Sweet Rice Flour? / “Glutinous Rice Flour” source
- Sorghum Flour source
- Teff Flour source 1
- Teff Flour source 2
- Arrowroot Powder source
- Cornstarch source
- Tapioca Starch source
- Potato Starch source
- Gelatin source 1
- Gelatin source 2
- Agar Agar source
- Xanthan Gum source
- Guar Gum source
- Psyllium Seed Husk source
- Advanced Bread and Pastry by Michael Suas
- On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee
- Paleo Principles by Sarah Ballantyne
- Guide to Gluten-Free Flour Substitutes
- King Arthur Flour’s Guide to Gluten-Free Baking
- The New Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen
- Whole Grain Baking by Sue Gregg
- Vitamix (High-Powered Blender)
- Blendtec (High-Powered Blender)
- Waffle iron
- Coconut butter recipe
- Buckwheat Soba Noodles
- Sourdough Egg Noodles
- Kimi @ The Nourishing Gourmet spreads her pasta out on her table to dry all day in this post
- Buckwheat Flour 101: Choosing, Milling Flour, Sprouting, Recipes & More! #AskWardee 141
- Home Grain Milling 101 archives
- Choosing the Right Acidic Medium for Soaking from Lesson 11
Lesson 13: Sprouted Whole Grains & Sprouted Flour Baking — Links & Resources
- Whole Grain Baking by Sue Gregg
- Sprouted Baking by Janie Quinn
- The Sprouting Book by Ann Wigmore
- Excalibur 9-Tray Dehydrator
- Mockmill Use code TCSMILL for 15% off Mockmill grain mill or Flakelover grain flaker when you purchase 48 pounds of a single grain or flour —OR— use code TCS5 to get 5% OFF your order. Coupons cannot be stacked.
- Vitamix high-powered blender
- Paraflexx liners
- Dehydrator trays
- Grain Mill (Nutrimill)
- Gamma seal lids
- Mylar bags
- Oxygen absorbers
- Jar sealer attachment for a Food Saver vacuum sealer
- Homemade Trim Healthy Mama cottage cheese
- Eat Beautiful
- Home Grain Milling 101 archives
- Buckwheat Flour 101: Choosing, Milling Flour, Sprouting, Recipes & More! #AskWardee 141
- Do Sprouting, Culturing, Or Sourdough Reduce Carbs? #AskWardee 095
- Sprouted Manna Bread (not raw, requires food processor and oven, no dehydrator or grain mill)
- Sprouted Grain Essene Bread (not raw, requires food processor and oven, no dehydrator or grain mill)
- Sprouted Raw Essene Bread (requires food processor and oven or dehydrator, no grain mill)
- Sprouting Einkorn from Lesson 4 of our Einkorn Baking eCourse
- Bacon-Cheddar Buttermilk Biscuits from Lesson 6 of our Einkorn Baking eCourse
Lesson 14: Sourdough — Links & Resources
- Nourishing Traditions book
- Wild Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz, 2nd edition
- Dehydrated sourdough starter — use coupon TCS to save 15%
- Cultures for Health
- Carl’s Friends
- #AskWardee on daily maintenance feedings
- Mockmill Use code TCSMILL for 15% off Mockmill grain mill or Flakelover grain flaker when you purchase 48 pounds of a single grain or flour —OR— use code TCS5 to get 5% OFF your order. Coupons cannot be stacked.
- Here is our recommended resource for high-altitude baking
- Gluten-free sourdough dinner rolls
- Paraflexx liners
- Trattoria Grappolo: Simple Recipes for Traditional Italian Cuisine by Leonardo Curti and James O. Fraioli
- Gluten-free sourdough pizza recipe
- Make your own washing soda at home
- Gluten Sensitivity & Sourdough: Is Sourdough Gluten-Free?
- Does Sourdough Remove Phytic Acid From Grains? #AskWardee 016
- Is Store-Bought Sourdough TRUE Sourdough? #AskWardee 057
- What’s Your Daily Sourdough Routine? #AskWardee 018
- Feeding Your Sourdough Starter… More Than Just Flour! #AskWardee 150
- When Is A Sourdough Starter Ready For Baking? #AskWardee 145
- Sourdough Troubleshooting: How To Know When Your Starter Is Strong Enough For Bread-Baking
- Where To Buy Whole Wheat Berries, Grains, and Flour #AskWardee 148
- How To Keep Ferments Warm #AskWardee 144
- Can I Use Reverse Osmosis Water For Fermenting, Culturing, & Sourdough? #AskWardee 138
- Is Aged Flour *Really* Better For Sourdough? #AskWardee 122
- Really??? Discard Half My Starter At Each Feeding? #AskWardee 113
- Do Sprouting, Culturing, Or Sourdough Reduce Carbs? #AskWardee 095
- How To Make A Gluten-Free Sourdough Starter
- How To Make An Einkorn Sourdough Starter (Video Demo!)
- How To Transition A Sourdough Starter To Einkorn #AskWardee 069
- The Best & Healthiest Flours For Sourdough #AskWardee 065
- How To Freeze Your Sourdough Starter {Best Way} #AskWardee 059
- 2 Sourdough Routines With Einkorn — Daily & Weekly Care #AskWardee 052
- Is Sourdough Bread Low Glycemic? #AskWardee 035
- Is Using Commercial Yeast In Sourdough Bread Healthy? #AskWardee 031
- Sourdough Frequently Asked Questions (KYF167)
- What Is A Linen Couche Proofing Cloth? + How To Use & Care For One! #AskWardee 023
- Can I Feed My Sourdough Starter Different Flours? #AskWardee 021
- Can You Use Cold Flour Or Water In Your Sourdough Starter Or Recipes? #AskWardee 020
- What’s Your Daily Sourdough Routine? #AskWardee 018
- Does Sourdough Remove Phytic Acid From Grains? #AskWardee 016
- Is Local Bacteria Making My Sourdough Starter Go Off? #AskWardee 012
- Gluten-Free Sourdough Starter Basics #AskWardee 009
- 7 Sourdough Mistakes You Might Be Making (KYF155)
- 17 Yummy Desserts Using Sourdough
- 12 Yummy Snacks Using Sourdough
- Traditional Cooking School’s Sourdough archives
- Sourdough A to Z eCourse — we teach you how to master sourdough (including gluten-free!) with countless recipes: crepes, muffins, cookies, gingerbread, biscuits, crackers, pizza and more!
- Einkorn Baking eCourse — see Lesson 5 for how to make and use an einkorn sourdough starter, plus many sourdough recipes adapted for einkorn throughout
- Allergy-Free Cooking eCourse — for information on gluten-free sourdough
- Bob’s Red Mill organic rolled oats
- Whole, raw, sproutable, gluten-free organic oats
- Home grain flaker (use code TCSMILL for 15% off Mockmill grain mill or Flakelover grain flaker when you purchase 48 pounds of a single grain or flour —OR— use code TCS5 to get 5% OFF your order. Coupons cannot be stacked.)
- Food chopper
- Danish dough whisk
- Excalibur 9-tray dehydrator
- Stainless Steel baking sheets
Lesson 15: Skillet Dishes — Links & Resources
- How To Season a Cast Iron Skillet The *BEST WAY* & How/When To Re-Season It #AskWardee 062
- The Flavor Bible by Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg
- Soaking Beans and Legumes method from Lesson 10
- Soaking Whole Grains method from Lesson 11
Lesson 16: Natural Sweeteners, Fruits, and Desserts — Links & Resources
- liver uses up that glycogen for fuel, instead of transferring fat out of your fat cells
- Nourishing Traditions book
- Make your own stevia extract
- Sweet Drops
- Organic Stevia Leaf Extract powder
- Trim Healthy Mama 100% pure stevia powder
- For more information on stevia, check out this #AskWardee
- Guide to Alternative Sweeteners by Lindsey Dietz
- Trim Healthy Mama’s non-GMO erythritol powder
- More sugar alcohol information at this #AskWardee
- More information on agave
- Another delicious honey candy recipe to try
- Avivah’s Oceans of Joy recipe
- Check out these apple pie shortbread bars
- Many other cheesecake recipes
- On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee
- Cuisinart ice cream maker
- Dandy Blend
- Gingerbread Cookie Chunk Ice Cream
- Dairy-Free Almond Joy Coconut Ice Cream
- Quick Dairy-Free Ice Cream (just 5 minutes & no machine!)
- Dairy-Free Chocolate Mint Ice Cream With Essential Oils
- Herb, Flower & Citrus Essential Oil Ice Cream
- Chai Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
- Honey Pear Sorbet
- Chocolate Cheesecake
- Candy thermometer
- The stages of candymaking
- The Cold Water Candy Test
- Is All Sugar Unhealthy? + 6 Reasons To Ditch Refined Sugar
- 7 Tips For Overcoming Sugar Addiction
- Overcoming Sugar Addiction (KYF162)
- 72 Nutrient-Dense Recipes For Chocolate Lovers
- 25+ Incredible Homemade Marshmallow Recipes (+sugar-free options!)
- 17 Stevia-Sweetened Desserts (that actually taste GOOD!)
- 51 Cold Summer Desserts
- 53 No-Junk Candy Recipes
- 4 Ways to Make Yummy AND Healthy Cookies #AskWardee 006
- 49 Nourishing No-Bake Cookies and Bars
- All Clad Stainless Steel Cookware
- Digital Candy Thermometer
- Stainless Steel Sheet Pan
- Coconut sugar
- Finishing sea salt
- Parchment paper
- Roasted carob powder
- Pecan butter
- Silicone molds
- Vitamix
- Traditional Cooking School’s Desserts & Cookies archives (for many allergy-friendly desserts)
- Traditional Cooking School’s Celebrations archives (for holiday and special occasion desserts)
- Peppermint Pattie Coconut Bark from Lesson 4
- Allergy-Friendly Pumpkin Pie from Lesson 9
- Grain-Free Sugar Cookies with Pumpkin Glaze from Lesson 9
- Soaked Apple Cider Donuts from Lesson 12
- Soaked Pumpkin Muffins with Cream Cheese Filling from Lesson 12
- Spiced Pumpkin-Chocolate Chip Bundt Bread from Lesson 12
- Soaked Chocolate Chip Breakfast Cookies from Lesson 12
- Sprouted Maple Sugar Cookies from Lesson 13
- Sprouted Chocolate Chip Raisin Cookies from Lesson 13
- Sprouted Fruit & Nut Christmas Cookies from Lesson 13
- Sprouted Chocolate Chip Cookies from Lesson 13
- Sprouted Lemon Cake from Lesson 13
- Sprouted Strawberry Shortcake from Lesson 13
- Honey-Sweetened Berry Pie With Sprouted Einkorn Pie Crust from Lesson 13
- Chocolate Sourdough Cake from Lesson 14
- Chocolate Raspberry Tea Cake from Lesson 14
- Honey-Lemon Rhubarb Pie with Sourdough Crust from Lesson 14
- Sourdough Fruit Cobbler from Lesson 14
- Sourdough Pumpkin Bread from Lesson 14
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies from Lesson 14
- Treasure In The Middle Cookies from Lesson 14
- Peanut Butter Date Cookies from Lesson 14
- Rye Sourdough Brownies from Lesson 14
- Impossible Sourdough Brownies from Lesson 14
- Sourdough Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls from Lesson 14
- Sourdough Einkorn Cinnamon Rolls from Lesson 14
Lesson 17: Raw & Cultured Dairy — Links & Resources
- “Pasteurized milk is associated with allergies…” source
- “Homogenization is linked to heart disease” source
- Keith Woodford’s Devil in the Milk
- Calcium chloride
- Real Food: What To Eat And Why by Nina Planck
- Real Milk Finder
- Dr. Cowan’s Garden
- Wise Tradition’s article by Dr. Thomas Cowan
- Campaign for Real Milk
- Redmond Real Salt
- Himalayan Sea Salt
- Provider Farms
- Turkey baster
- Kefir nutrition source, according to Donna Gates
- Definition of GMO source
- Sodium benzoate source
- Potassium sorbate source
- Magnesium stearate source
- non-GMO, organic tablet rennet from Homesteader’s Supply
- non-GMO, organic tablet rennet from Cultures for Health
- Double-strength liquid vegetable rennet
- Mesophilic culture
- 90-count Cheesecloth here or here
- Fertilizing plants with whey
- Conventional dairy is hugely different from raw, pastured dairy from heritage breeds cows
- Kefir (and thus kefir cheese) is known for having very diverse colonies of bacteria and yeasts that are actually able to colonize the digestive tract
- You’ll find more information on different cultures and their purpose here
- Here is a very helpful explanation of the common cheese problems and why they happen
- This article suggests redressing more often and/or to soak the cheesecloth in whey before using
- Additional insert pot for Instant Pot
- Glass insert pot lid for Instant Pot
- Silicone insert pot lid for Instant Pot
- LyoPro Y+ yogurt culture
- Mini-measuring spoons
- Sustainably-sourced, grass-fed, non-GMO, glyphosate-free, affordable gelatin from Perfect Supplements — use coupon code TCS15 to get 15% OFF
- Differences between yogurt and kefir
- Silicone or other flexible mini-muffin tins
- 6 Reasons You Should Eat Cultured Dairy
- Is Dairy (& Milk) Really Good For You? #AskWardee 077
- What’s The Best Cultured Dairy For Probiotics? #AskWardee 044
- My Kefir Grains Got Too Warm On The Stovetop… Are They Dead? #AskWardee 090
- How Long Does Kefir Last? #AskWardee 060
- Help! How Do I Find My Kefir Grains? #AskWardee 051
- Kefir Grains Or Kefir Powder — Which Is Better? #AskWardee 040
- My Kefir Looks _______! Are My Kefir Grains Okay? #AskWardee 015
- How Do I Know If My Kefir Grains Aren’t Good Anymore? #AskWardee 004
- What To Do With Over-Fermented Kefir? #AskWardee 111
- How To Dehydrate Kefir Grains
- Q&A: Hard Cheese Without Rennet?
- When To Add A Starter Culture To Cheese
- Whey — What It Is & How To Get It
- How To Make Homemade Buttermilk + 5 Buttermilk Substitutes
- Trim Healthy Mama Fuel Pull Cottage Cheese
- Traditional Cooking School’s Cultured Dairy archives
- Kefir cheese balls recipe from Lesson 7 of Cultured Dairy eCourse
- Cottage cheese recipe from Lesson 9 of Cultured Dairy eCourse
- Fresh cheddar cheese recipe from Lesson 13 of Cultured Dairy eCourse
- Cultured and flavored cream cheese recipe from Lesson 17 of Cultured Dairy eCourse
- Coconut kefir recipe from Lesson 6 of Allergy-Free Cooking eCourse
- Compound Butter recipe from Lesson 4
- Homemade Ranch Dressing from Lesson 8
- Probiotic Devonshire Cream from Lesson 13
- Homemade Yogurt Cheese from Lesson 16
Lesson 18: Naturally Pickled Foods — Links & Resources
- Nourishing Traditions book
- Pickle Pro Airlock Fermenting Lid
- Here’s an article for a DIY airlock
- Redmond Real Salt
- Himalayan Sea Salt
- For more help preventing mold in or on your ferments, check out this #AskWardee
- Fermenting Starter Culture from Homesteader’s Supply
- Optional: quadruple the recipe and make it in a 1-gallon stoneware crock.
- Kraut pounder/Prepper Pro
- Fermenting weights
- Fermentation lids
- 1 gallon stoneware fermenting crock
- Lid for fermenting crock
- Weights for fermenting crock
- Drinking Water Filter from Radiant Life
- I discuss using reverse osmosis water for fermenting in this #AskWardee
- Tattler’s BPA-free canning jar lids
- I discuss what to do if your house is a good deal cooler than that in this #AskWardee
- Seedling warming mat
- As I discuss in this #AskWardee, here are signs your ferment is on the right track:
- In this article, I discuss the typical signs of a finished ferment:
- Avoid Cross-Contamination: How Far Apart To Space Your Ferments #AskWardee 089
- Re-Using Old Brine For New Ferments #AskWardee 008
- Troubleshooting Your Ferments (KYF 172)
- 7 Fermenting Mistakes You Might Be Making (KYF 156)
- Do Lacto-Ferments Contain Alcohol? #AskWardee 127
- Can You Flavor Ferments With Essential Oils? #AskWardee 109
- Do Fermented Cruciferous Vegetables Like Sauerkraut Hurt The Thyroid? #AskWardee 063
- Does Canning Kill Probiotics In Fermented Foods? #AskWardee 042
- Can I Eat Fermented Foods If I Have Candida? #AskWardee 033
- Can I Use Alternative Sweeteners In Ferments? #AskWardee 143
- 25 Fermented Fruit & Chutney Recipes
- 37 Ferments For Spring
- 50 Fermented Salsas, Dips, and Spreads
- 43 Fermented & Probiotic-Filled Condiments
- 28 Fermented and Probiotic Salad Dressings
- Traditional Cooking School’s Fermenting & Culturing archives
- Lacto-Fermentation eCourse — we teach you how to master fermentation with countless recipes!
- Spinach Kraut from Lesson 7
- Rhubarb Salsa from Lesson 7
- Roasted Bell Pepper Hummus from Lesson 7
- Garlic-Dill Pickled Okra from Lesson 7
- Fermented Tex-Mex Salsa from Lesson 7
- Probiotic Lemon-Garlic Vinaigrette from Lesson 8
- Raw Fermented Hot Pepper Sauce from Lesson 8
- Fermented Nut-Free Pesto from Lesson 8
- Mayonnaise (Lacto-Fermented) from Lesson 8
- Ketchup (Lacto-Fermented) from Lesson 8
- Lacto-Fermented Whole Grain Mustard from Lesson 8
- Lacto-Fermented Honey Dill Mustard from Lesson 8
- Fermented Guacamole from Lesson 8
- Hummus (Lacto-Fermented) from Lesson 8
- Fermented Raspberry Preserves from Lesson 8
- Lacto-Fermented Cranberry Sauce from Lesson 8
- Probiotic Plum Sauce from Lesson 8
- Fermented Grain Cooking from Lesson 11
- Fermented and Dehydrated Dosa Crackers from Lesson 11
- Probiotic Devonshire Cream from Lesson 13
- Probiotic Blueberry Sauce from Lesson 16
Lesson 19: Nourishing Beverages — Links & Resources
- The World Atlas of Coffee by James Hoffmann
- “flowers, fruit, honey, chocolate, caramel, or toasted bread”
- On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee
- Caffeine is only one out of 2,000 other known substances found in coffee
- Gastrin and hydrochloric acid source 1
- Gastrin and hydrochloric acid source 2
- Gastrin and hydrochloric acid source 3
- Those suffering from bowel diseases often can’t tolerate coffee
- It takes about 45 minutes for the body to absorb 99% of caffeine into the bloodstream
- Caffeine half life source 1
- Caffeine half life source 2
- Caffeine half life source 3
- Caffeine also acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system source 1
- Caffeine also acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system source 2
- Caffeine easily crosses the blood-brain barrier
- Neurons and neurotransmitters
- Caffeine prevents sleepiness
- Withdrawal symptoms of caffeine
- Sensitivity to caffeine source 1
- Sensitivity to caffeine source 2
- Other factors affecting sensitivity include…
- The Mayo Clinic recommends up to 400 mg caffeine/day for adults
- This study suggests there’s an average of 204 mg caffeine in a 12-ounce serving of coffee
- Tea, energy drinks, soda, and chocolate all have caffeine, too
- Caffeine increases levels of stress hormones produced by the adrenal glands
- Learn more about HPA axis dysfunction here
- Caffeine affects both the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones
- High caffeine usage “may blunt pituitary TSH response” and thus the thyroid’s ability to function
- Some caffeine left in decaf coffee
- Swiss Water Process
- This fascinating video
- Decaffeination source 1
- Decaffeination source 2
- The answer is moderation — and plenty of nutritious, real foods to balance out the occasional cup
- Portable coffee mill
- Stainless steel French press
- Matcha
- Maca powder
- Morning Motivator powder
- More water information here
- MCT oil from Perfect Supplements
- MCT oil from Trim Healthy Mama
- Weston A. Price Foundation’s Lacto-Fermentation
- You can use dairy kefir grains to make water kefir through a conversion process
- Learn how to make Kombucha here
- Mineral drops
- Seedling warming mat
- Make your own muslin bag
- Muslin bag
- Cranberry juice stove-top variation
- Hario Skurton ceramic hand-crank grinder
- Electric Cuisinart burr coffee grinder
- Paper filter
- Organic cotton filter
- Glass Chemex
- Perfect Supplements grass-fed, glyphosate-free collagen (get 15% OFF with coupon code TCS15)
- Coconut milk powder
- 50+ Probiotic & Fermented Drinks… Beyond Kombucha & Kefir!
- Is Jun Right For You? All Your Questions Answered!
- 40 Healthy Fruit-Herb Drinks
- 33 Warming & Nourishing Fall Sippers {so you can skip the coffee shop!}
- Why Pu’er Tea is the New Black
- DIY Herbal Coffee Substitutes (KYF 125)
- 10 Herbs for Herbal Iced Tea… All Summer Long!
- The Dos and Don’ts Of A Healthy Smoothie
- 31 Healthy Smoothie Recipes (a whole month’s worth!)
- Superfood Smoothie Mix
- 15 Natural Energy-Boosting Drinks — No Caffeine Allowed!
- The Benefits Of Coconut Water + How To Ferment It
- DIY Mason Jar To-Go Cup
- Traditional Cooking School’s Drinks & Smoothies archives
- Kombucha from Lesson 11 of our Lacto-Fermentation eCourse
- Kvass from Lesson 11 of our Lacto-Fermentation eCourse
- Homemade Ginger Soda from Lesson 12 of our Lacto-Fermentation eCourse
- How to Make *Healthy* Green Smoothies with Superfoods from Lesson 7
- Steamed Spinach Smoothie “Pucks” from Lesson 7
- Beet & Berry Smoothie Bowl from Lesson 7
- Raw Nut Milk (Almond or Hazelnut) from Lesson 9
- Chocolate Kefir Smoothie from Lesson 17
- Summer Fruit Kefir Smoothie from Lesson 17