Last week, I shared how to start your day great — and we left off with hitting the day hard. Of course, part of that is a nourishing breakfast. And that’s what I’m talking about in today’s episode.
First, I share 4 things you shouldn’t do with breakfast. And then I give you a whole bunch of ideas for nourishing, healthy, energizing breakfasts. I mentioned a lot of links; they’re all listed below.
Plus, the tip of the week comes from Katrina and a listener question from Naomi.
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Tip of the Week:
Today’s Tip of the Week comes from Katrina:
“Again, not sure if this tip would work as a tip as I could talk about it for probably an hour! I have a system of putting audio bible chapters and hymns and other info I want my girls to learn on ipods for them and they listen to it every morning. Bonus is that then I get about 1/2 hour of quite time for me too! I am not a morning person that can rise before them but I want morning quiet time. We have the hymns and readings coordinated to the family worship time we do in the evening. I am amazed at how my girls (2, 4, 6, 8) can recite whole chapters and how well they are retaining it. I have so much to do with all the homeschooling, traditional cooking, cleaning, farm life, etc. that it is HUGE to have them learn and not have to teach it to them.” –Katrina.
Listener Question
Today’s question comes from Naomi M.:
Soo…I have been trying some stuff from your eBooklets that I purchased from you. Doing well with most stuff but I do have a long way to go in being successful. So I was wondering if I might get some help from you in making mayonaise. I am totally, horrible at it. I have started with just one egg yolk and done OK…never seems to get very sturdy, always kinda thin and runny. Then my latest fiasco was putting it in the food processor. Well….it was going along OK, and then (Boom) it just immediately liquified. I’m discouraged. Any help? –Naomi M.
My answer is in today’s podcast.
Links Mentioned:
- The Mood Cure by Julia Ross
- Why You Need to Change When You Drink Coffee
- Vital Whey Non-Denatured Protein Powder
- Superfood Smoothie Mix
- Baked Oatmeal
- Soaked Granola Bar
- Grain-Free Soaked Maple Nut Granola
- Homemade Enzyme-Rich Larabars
- Not Boring Eggs!
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Anything to Add?
I would love to hear from you! Do you have questions for me, or comments about anything shared in this episode? What surprising uses for the crockpot would you add?
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Thank you, Wardeh, I was convicted and encouraged at the same time! Between this podcast and the last one I have some needed changes to make.
Amy – I’m glad to hear it. We all need encouragement, even me. Be sure to let me know how things go. 🙂