Use homemade pre-soaked oats (where you soak rolled oats and then dehydrate) — or the fabulous Touch’O Honey pre-soaked oats from JoshEWEa’s Garden — to offer a breakfast of yummy choices for everyone! Breakfasts around here are usually self-serve, so this granola bar fits the bill.
With a gallon jar full of pre-soaked oats, and toppings such as crispy nuts, shredded coconut, assorted fresh and/or dried fruit, raw honey, and raw milk, each family member doctors up a bowl to suit. Then each digs in with a smile!
Plus, a homemade (and easy) granola bar offers an excellent alternative to today’s highly processed, nutritionally devoid, and extruded breakfast cereals.
I have a confession. When I went to Wise Traditions 2011 and sampled the pre-soaked oats from JoshEWEa’s Garden, I realized how hard-as-a-rock my homemade pre-soaked oats were — and even my soaked granola. Since then, I’ve worked on how to soak and dehydrate oats without releasing all the starch that gums them up like glue. I think they’re pretty good now, and I shared my “secret” (if you can really call it that) in this month’s thank you video. 🙂
Another tasty use for pre-soaked oats is with yogurt or kefir. Each morning at Wise Traditions 2011, the breakfast provided by the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) included maple-vanilla yogurt, Touch’O Honey pre-soaked oats from JoshEWEa’s Garden, and fresh blueberries. They offered other things, too, but I always chose the yogurt topped with granola each morning. It was so good!
The following recipe is more a formula than anything else. Enjoy!

Soaked Granola Bar
- 1 cup pre-soaked oats per person *
- bananas sliced
- dried fruit
- soaked dehydrated nuts chopped
- unsweetened shredded coconut
- other fresh fruit as desired, cut into bite-size pieces
- raw honey or Grade B maple syrup
- sprinkle ground cinnamon and/or pinch of nutmeg
- raw whole milk
Put 1 cup of pre-soaked oats in each bowl.
Let each person top oats as desired.
Recipe Notes
Yeah, that's it -- pretty easy. And don't forget tasty!
*Homemade or Touch'O Honey pre-soaked oats from JoshEWEa's Garden)
Have you tried JoshEWEa’s Garden pre-soaked oats or other soaked cereals? Do you make your own? What do you like to put on your granola?
Not only did I try JoshEWEa’s Garden Touch’O Honey pre-soaked oats at Wise Traditions, but Michaeleen (the owner) sent my family a box of assorted pre-soaked cereals and nuts to try out. They didn’t last long, and our house was humming with oohs and aahs as long as they lasted, only to be replaced by sighs once all the packages were empty. So I can happily say I have no reservations about recommending JoshEWEa’s Garden foods to you! 🙂
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I like honey, nuts and dried cherries.
Oh wow. My kids will love this 🙂
This sounds wonderful. I am going to have to try making it and see if my family will eat it. I know I will.
Thanks for posting this tasty recipe Wardee!
I do have a question though, and I’d love to hear your perspective on it. I have read various other views on soaked oats and soaked granola. Some feel that oats are not nourishing if not fully cooked – like a porridge type thing. And that they are hard to digest. How do you feel about this? (I love your soaked granola – I also soak and dehydrate oats for other recipes.)
Also, do you feel that rolled oats need to be freshly rolled to still be nutritious? I have read that they, like flour, lose most of their nutrition soon after being processed, so they need to be fresh? I’d like to get my family used to using steel cut oats for this reason. But I am wondering if this would really be necessary. I’d love to hear what you think!
Rhonda — Yes, some do feel that oats are best cooked and certainly I wouldn’t argue with a person who digests oats better cooked. For that person, uncooked pre-soaked oats should be occasional rather than regular. Personally, I feel that a healthy gut is very important if eating pre-soaked but not cooked oats. Healthy gut flora will help with digestion.
Yes, definitely freshly rolled oats are the most nutritious if you can do that. I wouldn’t say that rolled oats are non-nutritious, though, especially if you get them from a place with good turnover. I guess it is up to you. Maybe steel cut most of the time and rolled oats some of the time. Or — how about a grain flaker? I’d love one myself!
Hi! Are these like old fashioned oats, or could you use oat groats?
Becca — You can’t use oat groats, at least not if you’re not planning to cook them after soaking/drying. They would be too hard with just soaking.
Ok, thanks!
I don’t remember the site… And we’re not grain-free (just wanted to experiment) Maybe nourishing days? but a grain-free almond and chia granola was had in our home a couple weeks ago! Incredible with coconut and chia clusters…. My kids devoured it and I loved being able to not have to dehydrate the nuts ‘before’ making the granola. Can’t wait for my truly raw almonds to come in next week!
Yours look scrmptious as well!
This sounds and looks great but would put me personally on a sugar roller coaster.
I ordered some Touch ‘O Honey pre-soaked oats from JoshEWEa’s Garden, Simply delicious!!! I used dried cranberries, fresh bananas, pecans, sunflower seeds, maple syrup and kefir! Goodness, what a blessing!
Lilliemarie — Ooh, I’m so happy to hear this. Yumm!
Do you need to purchase the how to presoak oats separately? I am a member (recent) but couldn’t play it.