What Is Homeopathy?
It isn’t herbal supplements, it isn’t vitamins, it isn’t magic.
Homeopathy is possibly the world’s fastest growing form of health care. In fact, as a form of medicine, it has been in use for over 200 years.
Physician Samuel Hahnemann first used it when he became frustrated with the medical practices of his day (the late 1700s). He realized that things like bloodletting often did more harm than good, and gave up his medical practice to research and correct errors in medicine. He began reading and conducting studies on the principles of the Law of Similars.
At its simplest, homeopathy stimulates the body’s innate healing ability. Dr. Hahnemann, a linguist who spoke more than 6 languages, coined the term by combining the Latin words homoion (“similar”) and pathein (“disease or suffering”).
“Let like be cured with like,” pronounced Hahnemann, “the highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way.”
His original work, The Organon of the Medical Art, is still in print today.
How Does It Work?
Think about how you feel after drinking way too much coffee. Symptoms could include a “wired” feeling and jittery nerves. Maybe your heart races or your hands shake, and you can’t fall asleep. Using the principles of the Law of Similars, we get the homeopathic remedy coffea cruda.
It’s made from unroasted coffee beans and diluted many, many, many times — and is used to alleviate the very symptoms you get from too much coffee. No matter what caused the symptoms in the first place!
The more diluted a remedy becomes, the more potent it is.
Why Should I Choose Homeopathy?
Homeopathy complements the innate healing wisdom of the body. It provides gentle yet effective treatment with little or no side effects, especially when compared to conventional pharmaceuticals.
200+ years of research and application supports it — including clinical studies and randomized controlled trials. Yet is less expensive than conventional medicine and won’t interfere with conventional treatment.
The remedies are usually pleasant-tasting, quick-dissolve pellets or simple tinctures taken orally. They are not addictive or habit-forming.
Homeopathy is a highly individualized form of medicine that treats each person as a whole by getting to the root of the problem rather than a one-size-fits-all band-aid for your symptoms.
Who Should Use It?
Homeopathy is a good fit for anyone seeking to take charge of their own health. It offers self-sufficiency in healthcare for both people and animals.
Are you an independent-minded person who researches and seeks out nourishing foods, who values personal freedoms, and who invests in your, or your family’s, education? Guess what, you’re a likely candidate for homeopathy!
The key is learning how to use it. Basic strategies to use in acute situations are easy for beginners. Once you are comfortable with a few easy remedies, keep learning through books, podcasts, DVDs, and online courses. These will give you greater flexibility and wider options for self-care.
When Can I Use It?
Homeopathy is easily used for acute issues in both people and animals. Some of the day-to-day ailments that respond to homeopathic treatment include:
- parasites
- anxiety
- eye and skin issues
- sore throats and colds
- sunburn
- frostbite
- poison ivy
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- bee stings and insect bites
- strained tendons/ligaments/muscles
- broken bones
- bruises and abrasions
- blisters and burns
- ear infection
- fever
- flu
- food poisoning
- heat exhaustion
- nosebleed
Joette Calabrese, Hylands, Boiron, and other suppliers all provide homeopathic first aid kits.
If seeking to heal a chronic condition, find an experienced practitioner to guide you in the best selection of remedies. A skillfully chosen remedy can heal seasonal allergies and hay fever, sinus conditions, arthritis and many other issues.
Someone trained in homeopathy can not only determine the remedy best suited to you — but also help you choose nutrient-dense foods to complement your recovery.
What Should I Use?
Over-the-counter brands such as Hylands, Boiron and Similasan can be purchased at most health food stores, many drugstores, and online through Amazon and Frontier. Other brands such as Energetix can be purchased through a health practitioner.
Some of the most common remedies to have on hand include:
- arnica montana for trauma, head injuries, pain and swelling from bruises and dental work
- apis mellifica for bee stings, hives, swelling, and itching
- aconitum napellus for pain, swelling and shock of sprained ankles
- croton tiglium and rhus tox work for poison ivy and other itchy, inflamed outbreaks
- ipecac for relentless vomiting
- influenzinum for family-wide flu prevention (see also this complete list of flu remedies)
- oscillococcinum for initial flu symptoms
- ruta graveolens for ligaments, braces pain, and back and shoulder pain
How Do I Take Care of My Remedies?
Each remedy, when properly stored, can last indefinitely without losing potency.
Don’t expose them to high heat (don’t leave them in your car during the summer or store them next to a radiator or fireplace).
Don’t expose them to EMFs (don’t store them near a microwave, computer, cell phone or phone charger).
Don’t expose them to very strong odors or chemicals (don’t store them near your essential oils, or near cleaning products, gasoline, or paint).
While using them avoid eating or using mint, peppermint, camphor, eucalyptus, or tea tree as these may neutralize the homeopathic remedy.
For further study see Joette Calabrese’s website for online courses, podcasts, and informative blogs. She is also an extremely experienced practitioner who is available for consultation. Here is an off-branch to Joette’s site as well.
What is your experience with homeopathy? Please share in the comments!
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Just be careful if you have a dairy allergy since they have lactose in them- at least the Boiron brand does.
My daughter has a dairy allergy and homeopathy does not affect her at all. However, if it does cause a flare up for some reason, you can always put the dose into an ounce or two of water with a few drops of vodka, keep it covered, and then give a teaspoon as a dose.
Oops, I should say my daughter had a dairy allergy. I treated it with Bovista 200 twice a day for a few months.
Can she eat dairy now? My daughters and I are very sensitive to dairy and gluten. I am thinking of taking Joette’s Good Gut Bad Gut class to help “cure” these sensitivities.
You can get Helios remedies on amazon that are lactose free and Homeopathy for Mommies also sells lactose free remedies and kits.
I’ve always been interested in homeopathy, but it wasn’t until recently that I’ve felt any confidence in using it. I’m learning so much from Joette Calabrese’s website! I’ve taken her Good Gut, Bad Gut course, and my family and I have started taking remedies designed to heal our food intolerances, among other issues. We’ve also used remedies for morning sickness, the flu, croup, and bruises with good success. I definitely recommend Joette’s blog and courses, and the 100 remedy kit she sells is so handy to have on hand.
Homeopathy has given me hope for true health and the confidence to treat myself and my family.
Thank you for your testimonial Amie! I think your last statement – having confidence to treat yourself and your family – is really what it’s all about!
Isn’t Joette just lovely?! I have learned so much from her. Another very helpful website is also and there are many wonderful homeopathy websites in the UK that I have come across as very helpful also.
Thank you for this article. It is perfect to forward to a friend that I just gave a homeopathic remedy to for the first time.
What’s my experience with homeopathy? Where do I start? I have been able to treat my five children at home with all sorts of things over the past four years. (1) My daughter, then four, was exhibiting signs of a UTI, except no fever. After a little research, it is very common for four year olds to exhibit stress with what appears to be UTI symptoms. Two of the biggest causes of stress for four year olds? Starting school or a new baby. We were due to have a baby in a week. I gave her two doses of Nux vomica 30, and her symptoms completely abated. It happened again when we were due to have our next baby, one dose of Nux vomica 30 did the trick again. (2) When I sprained my ankle running to my daughter at the park, I was in so much pain. I took Ruta graveolens 30 and within 20 minutes the pain completely dissipated, as the pain returned I took another dose. All in all, I took four doses that day, and was able to completely walk on my foot the next day. (3) When my eight month old daughter flared up with red bumps all over her from dairy, I gave her one dose of Apis mellifica 200 and within minutes the redness subsided and the bumps disappeared.
I have more examples of how homeopathy has remarkably worked in our home. I have it all written down so I can reference it, and keep it as a medical journal for my children.
Hayley those are great examples of the effectiveness of homeopathy! I have also used ruta graveolens recently when I hurt my neck and shoulder. Just two doses and the pain was gone and I was able to sleep without discomfort. Ruta graveolens is also our new go-to when my daughter gets her braces tightened. It helps with the pain that always accompanies that procedure.
I also want to commend you for keeping a medical journal. That is something I need to do – my sister has been keeping one for awhile – it is so useful to look back and see what you did that worked and what you did that didn’t work. And also just to keep track of how often you are experiencing illness and what kind is most common.
I had heard about homeopathy about 6 years ago and it was out of my realm and because I knew nothing about it I bypassed it. Then I attended a nutrition school in 2011 called IIN and started hearing more students talking about homeopathy and I decided to take a further look. Joette’s website was my first stop and as I tend to do with all things that resonate with me I bought her little red kit of 100 different remedies and all of her CD’s. I listened over and over and took notes and began using the remedies. I can say that today I am 100% drug free in my home and I watch 2 of my 7 grand children and they get homeopathy for everything that comes up. In fact, my grand daughter brought home a book from Kindergarten last year about an older woman named Streganona who was the village healer who took her remedies to the people when they were sick, and she looked up at me and said that’s you Gramma! So now my nickname is Streganona and I’m happy to wear it! I still read all of Joette’s blogs and write down her recommendations and get fantastic results every time. As a Health Coach I also introduce all of my clients to homeopathy and show them how to get harmful drugs out of their homes and heal their families instead of masking the symptoms. As Joette always says there is a time and a place for conventional medicine but I’ve yet to need one for 4 years. I love to listen to her soothing voice on her podcasts and feel confident in what I am giving my family. The bottom line is that THEY WORK, and they are inexpensive! I’ve never believed that any food was placed here for us to eat that is bad for us, it’s what we’ve done to it that has caused our bodies not to recognize it and homeopathy can even clear up food sensitivities! We just need to get back to the basics. Thanks for this article!
Did you take any of Joette’s courses? I am thinking of taking one to get more training since I am so new to the whole world of homeopathy and wondered what you thought of her course(s). I am totally sold on the idea of it, though! I am so done with conventional allopathic “treatments” that just kill our microbiome, make our bodies toxic with drugs and suppress symptoms.
I got resolution of lymes symptoms & fibromyalgia symptoms with homeopathic treatments.
Penny can you share how you did that? Thanks!!
I’ve just started to use homeopathy in my home. I fell and hurt my knee and the doctor said if it wasn’t better in 2 weeks to come back and he would do surgery. I was just starting to read joette’s blog so I looked up what to use and I started using symphytum
Officinale for bone trauma. The doctor said the bone was chipped. Within one week my leg was better and no surgery. It was so bad I thought for sure I broke it and went to the emergency room. I had a MRI on it too. Whatever we take a remedy for it works. Wish I knew about this years ago. Joette’s blog is so helpful. ???? If anyone knows what works for neuropathy I’d love to know. Thats the next thing I want to cure.
Had total hip replacement right hip July 22 2016. Muscles in hip and thigh freeze up and pinch sciatic nerve. Can you recommend the correct formula to help with loosening tight muscles and inflammation. I’m so ready for this pain to end. Thank you so much.
Hi Carole,
We’re so sorry to read about the difficulties you are having! We’re not able or qualified to offer medical advice or suggest formulas/treatment. You may wish to consider a Nutrition & Wellness Consultation:
Traditional Cooking School Support
Carol you might see a lot of relief from some epson salt baths done frequently, possibly even every day using 2-3 cups of salts vs the cup they usually recommend. Also look into a magnesium citrate… it has helped me with pain greatly. I take several capsules daily. Some actual arnica salve made from real arnica flowers and oils (not digested) rubbed on the muscle area or some cayenne salve might help you greatly. Perhaps check out Etsy for some local hand crafters of it.
Hi Carole! If it is worse with motion, you may want to consider Rhus Tox – if it is better once you start moving, try Bryonia. I use a 6c every 15 minutes for an hour. If it hasn’t helped at that point, it is not the right remedy. Arnica is also great! I highly recommend this podcast – there are a lot of helpful remedies on it! (original link for 90+ free episodes –
We’ve had three distinct successes with homeopathy:
1. For years – from the time he was little until he was 10 – my son got a scary croupy cough whenever he had a respiratory illness. After a round of the croupy cough, as he was starting to improve, he developed a killer sore throat with pain in his ear upon swallowing. I gave him Phytolacca decandra, and after two doses, the sore throat and ear were resolved. Furthermore, he didn’t have the croupy cough with subsequent respiratory infections, and I have the sense that it was the fast-acting remedy for the throat and eat that improved the cough for the long-term.
2. When my daughter developed swollen glands, pain in the neck, and overall tiredness, she was diagnosed with strep. The PA gave us a prescription for antibiotics, but my daughter and I decided to try something else for 24 hours before filling it. Two doses of Belladonna 30 did the trick, and after resting for a day, she was back to school for the all important basketball game!
3. I had a cough that had kept me from sleeping at night for a week. It resolved, but a busy week kept me from sleeping sufficiently and it came back one night a week later. I took Rumex crispus the next day. I noticed improvement after the second dose, and by the fourth, I felt good again. I slept without any problems that second night!
I love this post!! Always great to see the great news about homeopathy spread to more people!! I had been using homeopathy for years and didn’t know it, our ND gave us the blue vials with herbs for various things. Then one day I stumbled across a homeopath on an online summit and the light bulb came on. The next time my son had an ear infection (they were recurring) I used belladonna and it was gone in 15 minutes. I was hooked! I started treating my other son’s allergies (the doctor told me he needed a Claritin a day for the rest of his life when he was 4 – NO WAY!) and wow did it work. My husband had chronic fatigue and lyme disease indicators and we decided to try homeopathy. Our first go around was with a homeopath who used Banerji Protocols which did not work for him, he proved all the remedies because he was taking them daily and they were high potency. I was studying more about classical homeopathy (less is more) and switched homeopaths to Sue Meyer. She found his constitutional remedy and wow – did that work so well and way quicker because it zeroed in on the deep cause of what was going on. We are big believers, he has no lyme symptoms now and doing so much better. We use homeopathy for everything. I’m in a study group now and learning about case taking, every day I am flabbergasted that I had not heard of this sooner. I have a facebook group of over 11,000 moms who want to learn about homeopathy and am passionate about telling moms about what is in those little blue tubes in the health food store!! I can’t recommend Sue Meyer’s podcast enough, there are over 90 free podcasts full of great information to get you started on this amazing journey.
Homeopathy is BY FAR my favorite healing modality!! I was introduced to it 27 years ago and it has benefited my family more that I could ever express. I’m so happy to see you promoting it here. So many people think it’s bogus, but I’ve had so much success through these many years! It’s all about finding the correct remedy and that can be the tricky part, but it’s so effective when you do. I even used it to help me get through chemo four years ago. My grown kids come to me for advise when their kids are ailing and the right remedy works every time. LOL! My fave story was when one of the grandkids had tonsillitis and was running a significant fever. She was pretty much non-functional. A couple of doses of Belladonna and she was walking around on the back of the couch! Anyway, thanks for all you do, especially for this information about homeopathy!