A few months ago, I experienced my very first urinary tract infection.
I’m recently married, and honestly, I hardly even knew what a UTI was at the time. I picked my husband up from work in the evening and rushed straight into the bathroom as soon as we got home, complaining that “I’ve had to pee all day long”.
Then the pain and the blood arrived.
I spent most of the night curled up in bed, trying to fall asleep and STAY asleep without dreaming of all the horrible things that (I imagined) could be happening to my body.
By 1:00 in the morning, after I’d visited the bathroom yet again, I researched my symptoms and indulged in a few good tears when I realized that it must be a UTI. Because everything is depressing in the middle of the night when it’s dark and lonely and your body is overrun by little beasts within.
What Is A UTI?
A UTI is a urinary tract infection. It occurs when bacteria colonize in the urethra, the bladder, the ureters, or the kidneys (source).
It can be caused by poor hygiene, having sex, or other underlying gut problems. Symptoms depend on the location of the infection, but usually include burning pain during urination, a constant need to urinate, cloudy or bloody urine, and possibly fever and back/side pain. (Source.)
Natural UTI Remedies: The Tea
It soon dawned on me that — if at all possible — I wanted to try to cure my UTI by myself. Naturally, without antibiotics, and without any visits to urgent care.
So, being the good Traditional Cooking School child that I am, I soon found this recipe for a curative tea made from burdock root, dandelion root, hops, nettle leaf, and plantain.
The next day, I scrounged up enough herbs to make a batch of tea by pulling nettle leaf out of my cupboard and buying the only dandelion root tea our grocery store carries.
The rest of the herbs I ordered online.
The tea wasn’t nearly as effective, but it soothed, and at least temporarily, flushed my urinary tract out. It also kept the pain manageable for a few days until the burdock root, hops, and plantain arrived.
So why is this particular collection of herbs so effective against UTIs?
- Burdock root acts as a diuretic, is antibacterial, and helps protect against cellular damage (source).
- Dandelion root acts as a diuretic and reduces inflammation (source).
- Hops acts as a diuretic and relieves pain (source).
- Nettle leaf acts as a diuretic (source).
- Plantain acts as a diuretic and reduces inflammation (source).
The Other Natural UTI Remedies
In the meantime, I combed the internet for other natural remedies.
I learned of the antibacterial properties of coconut oil (source) and oregano (source). Also, the benefits lemon water has for the immune system thanks to its antioxidants (source).
I combined the Immune Strength and Purify essential oil blends with a carrier oil (you guessed it, coconut oil). Then I rubbed that on my inner thighs, stomach, and neck in the morning after I showered, and at night before bed.
I also brushed my teeth with Thieves toothpaste and ate lots of probiotic yogurt. And, to make sure I didn’t reverse any of my progress by feeding the infection-causing bacteria, I mostly eliminated carbohydrates and sugars from my diet. To be honest, I wasn’t very strict with that last step, and I could tell if I slacked off.
One Week Later
After about a week, by eating coconut oil, drinking lemon water and tea, and rubbing down with essential oils, the pain was gone.
However, in the mornings, I woke up feeling extremely tickly and itchy. This feeling lasted for a few hours and then subsided. I endured a few days of this. Then I decided that the infection, without the constant barrage of tea and other fluids it got during the daytime, had to be regaining its foothold during the night.
To fix this, I set my alarm twice every night at intervals of 3 to 4 hours, so I could get up, drink water, and use the bathroom.
This helped so much. No more tickly itchiness in the mornings.
Two Weeks Later
The combination of all of these remedies almost completely eliminated the infection. However, if I slacked on anything, especially the tea or the coconut oil, the tickliness would come back.
Then, my mom gave me this throat spray with a whole host of beneficial herbs including oregano oil, goldenseal, echinacea, and grapeseed extract.
Goodbye infection; hello happy, healthy body.
I took the spray up to 3 times a day. Within a couple days I was able to sleep through the night without tickliness the next morning. I also stopped brewing the tea every day, though I still kept drinking lots of water and other herbal teas.
UTIs Versus Yeast Infections Versus Bacterial Vaginosis: What’s The Difference?
As I already mentioned, my infection got very tickly and itchy toward the end. Could this have been a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (affecting the vagina) and not a urinary tract infection — at least at that point in time?
A yeast infection is most commonly caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. Normally, good bacteria in our bodies keep fungus at healthy, low levels. When the good bacteria is compromised or nonexistent, yeast infections can occur in the genital tract or other places such as the mouth (called thrush). (Source.)
Symptoms of yeast infections can include redness and pain in the vagina and labia, clumpy white discharge, itchiness, and pain during urination (source).
Bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial infection of the vagina. It can cause symptoms such as itching, discharge, and a fishy odor (source). It occurs when good bacteria in the vagina are unable to keep the bad bacteria in check.
UTIs, on the other hand, are usually caused by an infection of E. coli bacteria. As I stated before, symptoms include pain during urination, a constant need to urinate, cloudy or bloody urine, and possibly fever and back/side pain.
So, What Did I Have?
My symptoms match best with a UTI in the beginning, and either a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis in the end. Since I never went to the doctor to run tests, I’m not sure what was responsible for what.
Thankfully, as is the case with many natural remedies, they are multi-purpose!
Coconut oil and oregano oil are anti-fungal as well as anti-bacterial (source and source). The probiotics in yogurt bolster good bacteria to help restore healthy levels of fungus and/or bad bacteria. This essential oil-soaked sea sponge recipe and this anti-fungal roll-on help kill fungal overgrowth as well.
Obviously, these remedies worked for me, whatever combination of infections I had! The interesting thing is how many different remedies I tried, in conjunction, to finally eradicate the bacteria and, possibly, yeast.
Please note that UTIs, if left untreated or treated unsuccessfully, can lead to kidney damage and sepsis, among other complications (source). Use caution if attempting to heal naturally, and be willing to go to the doctor if necessary.
Have you ever had a UTI, yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis? Did you heal them naturally? Share your experience in the comments!
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You are responsible for your own health and for the use of any remedies, treatments, or medications you use at home.
We only recommend products and services we wholeheartedly endorse. This post may contain special links through which we earn a small commission if you make a purchase (though your price is the same).
Thank you so much for sharing your story and your success!
Aw, you’re welcome! Thank YOU!
Thank you very much Haniya. I was searching for this very topic when your e-mail came through. I will go back through the article and write down ingredients. I’ve been in agony for the past couple of days. What do you think of using colloidal silver? I wish you all the best in your new marriage and life!!!
Hello, Amy! I’m so sorry about your UTI — they really are the worst.
I have never used colloidal silver, although I have heard of it (here and here). Personally, I’d want to research any potential side effects of silver in the body before taking it internally.
I’d love to know if any of these remedies work for you.
Hope you find some relief soon!
Hi Haniya: I am sorry it has taken me so long to comment. I had not seen your reply to my comment until I checked this article again recently. I really struggled with getting a urinary tract infection under control for a couple of months. I tried antibiotics but the infection came back. Sadly I took a second course and they didn’t work. They did seriously worsen chronic GI problems; so I wanted to avoid taking more antibiotics and recommend this to others I need to get more serious about my fermented foods now to overcome the GI issues I have finally cured the infection by using 1 tsp of d-mannose every few hours for a week along with the max recommended amount of colloidal silver. I spoke to Dr. Rebecca Carley MD, an alternative medical expert. She said colloidal silver is perfectly safe to take; even every day. I met Dr. Carley years ago on Long Island at a patient support group when I was struggling with a neck problem. She really stood up for me. She helps people overcome vaccine injuries. She works with people all over the world. I highly recommend her to your subscribers. She could use our support as she is one of the brave alternative docs who lost her license and more secondary to her courageous activism. People can find her work via a search. Haniya, I love your Mom’s site. You have a beautiful family and business. Congrats on your marriage. All the best to you!
Wow, Haniya. How blessed I am to see and read your first blog and to hear of your healing of this pesky problem. Who knew that after our trip to OK so many years ago, this is where God would lead you. Amazing job, amazing research, amazing result, and truly one amazing granddaughter! I love you and bless you. Gramma
Thanks, Grandma! I love you, too!
Great post! I suffered terribly from UTI’s in my early 20’s. Seemed like every 3 months I was back at the doctor for an antibiotic. Wish I’d had this info back then.
Thanks, Danielle! I know, I’m so thankful for the wealth of info around. It made dealing with a UTI much easier than it could have been!
Dear Haniya,
You have been a very busy young lady amidst struggling with the discomforts of UTI. Your research has been impeccable and so thoroughly covered, not to mention how well you put the report together for all of us to make it easy to comprehend! I learned so much reading this. I’m assuming you purchased some of the remedy ingredients from Mountain Rose Herbs Co in Eugene?
Thank you so much for all the background information, and the varying symptoms of the three possible situations, and the smart conclusions you arrived at. It is a very scary feeling to have ill symptoms and to have to take matters in your own hands, but what it shows is a courageous spirit and a supportive family. Your mom couldn’t be prouder, and of course your two grandmas as well! Love, Tata
Hello Tata! Yes, Mountain Rose Herbs is my go-to for all things herb-related.
So convenient that it’s only in Eugene.
Thank you so much. <3 Love you!
My sister in law also struggles with recurrent and persistent UTI’s. She had great relief with rubbing oregano essential oil diluted with a carrier oil on her abdomen and back.
I would also say flood your body with vitamin C, As in upwards of 5-12,000 mg throughout the day.
Ah, yes, I can’t recommend oregano oil enough after this! Thanks for the tip!
Hey great post but am really confused how rubbing oregano oil could do anything for an internal infection. Other sites say to ingest it bc it becomes highly concentrated in the urine
Just had my first UTI also and cured it myself!
Drank lots of tea like you but added homeopathy too: Sarsaparilla 30c 3 or 4 times a day. Two days it was gone! Amazing!
Hi Jennifer! That’s incredible! Thanks for sharing. I will definitely look into homeopathy if I ever have another UTI (here’s to hoping that never happens!).
Hi Haniya,
I really appreciated your post! I struggle with UTI’s. I usually get one or two a year. Like you, I had my first one shortly after I was married. I really appreciate the information you provided. I have looked for natural remedies but haven’t heard about the herbal tea. I plan to order the herbs you listed to have on hand just in case! Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
Thank you so much, Hope! I’m glad you found the information useful, and I hope it comes in handy!
Great post!! Thank you for sharing your experiences and conclusions!
Aw, thank YOU, Megan! Couldn’t have done it without you! <3 <3 <3
Very nice job, Peanut!!! Very proud of you!
Thanks, Auntie!
Ladies! The BEST natural cure for a UTI is D-mannose. It’s a simple sugar from the cranberry. You can get it in capsule form or powder from any health food store. It binds with the ecoli and flushes it out of your bladder. I discovered it with my last UTI and it wiped it out in 3 days! This stuff is amazing! Google it and check it out for yourself.
Oh! And it does not affect blood sugar.
Thanks for the tip, Nicole! I’m so glad you were able to heal your UTI quickly!
I also use D-mannose powder. Quickest remedy I have found and inexpensive!
Great post Haniya! I look forward to reading more from you!
I was also thrilled to finally figure out how to cure my UTI- I chose homeopathy and it worked in just a day or two. The second time it worked in hours. And I haven’t had a recurrence now in years.
Thanks so much, Lee! Wow, that’s awesome. I didn’t think of using homeopathy, but I will check it out if there’s ever a next time.
Haniya, this is a great post! Thank you for the very helpful information. You have researched the natural treatments for this painful ailment for us. Thank you!
Your post is very well written, easy to follow and interesting to read. You are definitely following in your mother’s footsteps! I look forward to reading many more of your posts!
I have also enjoyed your contributions to the Einkorn ecourse!
Take care!
Thank you so much, Tia! You made my day!
You are welcome, Haniya! I refer to Traditional Cooking School very frequently. That is my “go to” reference for anything related to healthy traditional cooking and food. I always enjoy your mom’s posts, recipes, videos, podcasts … everything and now am enjoying yours! I can feel the love and caring your mom and you have for all of your readers. Reading and watching/ listening to what you share is always educational and uplifting. You two just make me feel good! Thanks so much! I will be a member for many years to come.
I didn’t read all the posts, so don’t know if this is already in here but has anyone of those who have UTI’s who are sexually active said here that urinating after having sex will help prevent a UTI that might come from that source? If not, it should be said. May not be 100% but I stopped having UTI’s after I started doing this years ago.
I have a much simpler solution to UTI’s — D-MANNOSE POWDER!! It is inexpensive, healthy (basically the fruit sugar that is found in cranberries and other fruits), and very effective. I had my first UTI 2 years ago and had to go to the ER due to the severity. Then I got another one a month later and 2 more in the next 6 months!! I was NOT happy having to take all those antibiotics (especially every time I had sex – to prevent the UTI). So after doing some research found that D-Mannose is very effective and safe. As a preventive, I mix 1 tsp. (2 grams) in a small glass of water (or my morning tea) EVERY DAY. If I start feeling possible symptoms, I take 1 tsp. every 2-3 hours till symptoms are gone and then continue for 2-3 days after, and to prevent UTI’s from sex, take 1 Tablespoon about 1 hour before sex and 1 Tablespoon immediately after. I would suggest that you buy organic non-GMO D-Mannose as most of it is made from corn glucose. God bless you!
Great advice Gay! I am glad I did not skip reading your comment when it showed up in my cluttered e-mail inbox. I will copy down your instructions.
Thank you!
Great post! I enjoy so much learning about alternative treatments!
When I was young I was able to flush out UTI’s with drinking a gallon of cranberry juice plus lots of water over a couple of days but now that just makes me feel ill with all of the sugar. Last year I went to someone who specializes in Chinese herbs and was cured in less than a week. He recommended a tea called Woolly tea from American Chinese Natural Herbs Inc., 1 bag of tea/day -I think I reused 1 bag for tea 3 x /day and a supplement called Zhi bai ba wei wan
I was so happy to not have needed antibiotics!
Today is my last day of uti. I too used D-mannose + oregano oil
Yay for your last day! That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing.
I had been told when I was young that to prevent UTI I should go pee afterwards to flush any bacteria out that may have entered. Myself, I tend to get them from my work. I work in a hospital and sometime don’t get a chance to relieve myself and find after 8 hours I still haven’t gone. If I don’t take the time for myself I will get one.
Sadly for me these alternative methods don’t typically work if I get an infection. I have a herniated urethra and typically practice celibacy to prevent infections. The hernia stems from a colonoscopy procedure. Strange but sadly very strange things happen to people victim of organized gang stalking/electronics harassment. I try to avoid doctors. Sometimes I get an infection nonetheless. I had mentioned colloidal silver and asked if anyone had an opinion about using it for UTIs. I took an extremely short course of antibiotics which worked temporarily. Now my infection is back. I appreciate any advice. Thank you!
I had a recurring UTI several years ago and used many of the things mentioned in the article. Although they helped, it would return within days. Oddly enough, the thing that finally helped kick it was probiotic pills (not even extra strength or ones marketed towards women’s health).
You might try going to a naturopathic doctor or Herbalist. Like I posted above I was very pleased with my results after going to a Chinese herbalist. I would find someone who is reputable that you can get recommendation for.
You might also find a reputable practitioner of EFT who might be able to help with some of the emotional wounds impacting your situation.
Will pray for your healing
Thank you very much Michele for your kind comment above and for your prayers. May God bless you!
Just a quick warning for anyone with recurring UTI’s. My mother died from septemia cause by improperly treated urinary tract infections. She did not know she was still carrying infection. I support 100% all the natural remedies, particularly oregano oil and others for killing germs, drinnking lots of water, and the other remedies. With recurring situations, please don’t take infection lightly and see a qualified practicioner to make sure all the infection has been eliminated.
Thank you for the warning, Diane! I agree that UTIs are serious, especially when they are recurring. I’m so sorry about your mother.
I did a at home uti test on a strip. The leukocytes part turned purple which said possible uti. I think I freak out more than I need to. I tried flushing it out with 3 parts water and 1 part cranberry. I am going to try this next. My body cannot digest cranberry juice. The last time I get that reading, I went to a quick care and they said nothing was wrong. I drink lots of water anyhow so the only way to tell if something is off is pain or burning.
If you feel that you have a UTI but no bacteria is turning up in your tests it’s possible that you have Interstitial Cytitis, a deterioration of the bladder lining. It is very common. Go to the interstitial cystitis association (ICA) website to find a urologist that can help you. In the meantime stay away from cranberry juice or anything acidic as that will make it worse. Drink lots of water!
Cranberry tablets are my cure for UTIs. Massive doses if I feel any burning. Now I take a tablet every day with my other supplements as a preventative to keep me from getting another UTI.
Love your article, I’m going to give it a try seeing I have been unable to get over my UTI. Some background: two years ago I got a UTI hadn’t had one in years. Went to the Drs.they gave me antibiotics, go back in two weeks still have blood in my urine put eon a stronger antibiotic, same thing happens again now round three of a stronger antibiotic, which made me very ill. So now they do an Ultrasound and a cat scan nothing shows up. Still high white blood cells in urine when tested. Sent me to a urologist who says he sees nothing but can do an exploratory camera you know where. Decide to not go threw with it. Feeling better suddenly lol. Fast forward to another year same thing same Dr. . This year when it came back after having a really bad case of the flu I decided to deal with it myself wasn’t bad at first but it would be there then after a few days disappear then come back. Seemed like every two weeks I was dealing with it. Till again a couple weeks ago it came back with a vengeance the blood and all. I’m now back on antibiotics for 14 days I’m better but very worried it will come back again. I’m taking a probiotic too. I drink lots of water it’s all I drink. Have started drinking lemon water. Being clean isn’t a problem but I’m going to see a holistic dr to see if they can’t figure it out. I’ve been left with high medical bills because of all this my insurance stinks????. I’ve always believed in holistic medicine but when this hit I wasn’t sure what it was and went off course and sought antibiotics I think it threw off my body and made things worse. I’ll give this a try and let you know how it works. Thank you for posting this????????
My symptoms keep coming back if I forget to take the D-Mannose. I am going to try 1 tsp 3x/day as a maintenance dose and see if I can prevent the symptoms from returning. I too feel the antibiotics threw my whole system off and I read there are black box warnings on ciproflaxin. So I need to get back heavily into the fermented foods. I love them but my life is very hard so it is hard to stay up with all of these things. Anyway, I recommend the d-mannose. I am also using colloidal silver. I will try a maintenance dose of the colloidal silver 2x/day. I will report back in a few weeks or a month to let you know if this kept the symptoms away. Good luck to you!
I just posted this above for someone else but want to make sure you see this. I had the same issues as you.
If you feel that you have a UTI but no bacteria is turning up in your tests it’s possible that you have Interstitial Cytitis, a deterioration of the bladder lining. It is very common. Go to the interstitial cystitis association (ICA) website to find a urologist that can help you. In the meantime stay away from cranberry juice or anything acidic as that will make it worse. Drink lots of water!
I have UTI’s very often and just recently overcame a terrible one by taking a supplement called D-Mannose. It works quickly by literally grabbing the bacteria and flushing it out while drinking plenty of fluids. I did find applying coconut oil to be soothing but nothing has worked faster than D-Mannose. If I a UTI coming on, I just start taking it and it works every time.
I am very susceptible to urinary tract infections. I used to be on daily antibiotics as a preventative, but after a couple years those really started to do a number on my whole body.
Now I am off antibiotics, and instead I take 2 of the Lady Soma Cranberry Concentrate every morning with my tea. These keep me feeling good and keep the UTIs away! Good stuff!!
Also, fyi …. on the very infrequent occasion where I feel like a UTI is coming on, I immediately use this product that knocks it out pronto.
I have had UTIs before, my first one was as a teen that resulted in a painful kidney infection because I did not get it treated in time. I have treated with antobiotics before which has worked but I prefer to try natural remedies which is less expensive and less taxing on the body IMO. My normal remedy is to take 4 droppersful of collodial silver every 2 hrs until the pain subsides and continue for two days after. I also take goldenseal extract 2-3 times a day. However, i recently was traveling and didnt get the necessary items before the UTI felt worse. I finally started takjng my usual which helped the pain but it was still coming back, esp in the morning. I began taking a high dosage of D-Mannose to no avail as well. Some UTIs are not caused by E Coli and D-Mannose will not make these kinds of UTIs go away. I was about to go to urgent care when I decided to try one last item that I had picked up from the health food store, alcohol-free Black Elderberry extract (less than $15 at the health food store). I took a dropperful in a cup of water and took a nap. I woke up from my nap and felt absolutely no pain!! It tastes completely inoffensive and I even believe i could get my picky two year old to drink it if necessary. I willcontinue to take the elderberry with collodial silver. Another herb that i ran across but did not try was dandelion leaf extract. Thank you for sharing your experience, i hope this may help someone in pain out there!
What a great post! Thanks so much for sharing!
Can you please let me know which type of oregano oil you’ve used to treat your condition? I have a really hard time finding quality oregano oil that is safe for consumption. Thanks in advance!
Drinking a lot of water and the use of D-Mannose will definitely help recover from UTI. Detailed and to the point information about natural remedies. Thank you for posting this article.
Hi!! First I am so grateful I found this post!! Over the years I have battled with UTI’s. Years ago I got one and was not pro active enough and got a kidney infection. I had a fever of over 103 and was freezing even with blankets on. I was grateful for the antibiotic that saved my life but realize that it’s not a good solution going forward. As the years passed little ones would come up and within a day I knocked it out with garlic and corainder essential oil. Now one has come and it has a strong hold. It has been over a week. I was getting better as I was doing garlic, Goldenseal and herbal teas. I ate only veggies, no carbs, not to feed the bacteria but as it had been a couple days and no pain I started eating carbs. The next day it became a flare up again. It gets better then painful and I really do not want to go to the hospital unless I need to. I am taking a 50 billion pto-biotic and like 10 different herbs as well as a concetrated cranberry.
I was so grateful to find that you yourself had it over a week because most people think I might be crazy because I am trying to clear it up and it’s taking this long.
I also believe hidden emotions are also part of the reason I got a UTI. Us woman take on alot and I realized the day it activated I was really pissed off. Woman get it more then men and I can’t help but feel we are all connected and absorb so much.
Thank you for sharing your strength with us all and being able to find it on line. With much gratitude,
Thank you guys for sharing all of this it’s so appreciated. i frequently get urine infections and i really don’t want to take antibiotics anymore. D mannose sadly never worked for me. i’ve just ordered some oil of oregano and sarsaparilla leaf i also have collidal silver which i’ve seen mentioned so gonna hammer them all at this.