It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
So why do so easily and so often get over-stressed, over-worked, over-committed, and over-sugared?
The parties and gatherings, the stress of having everything just-so, and the temptation of sugary treats everywhere. Though many of us long to simply celebrate Jesus’ birth with our loved ones and keep things simple…
…the Christmas season ends up busy, crazy, and we get run-down.
I’m committed to helping you avoid that this year through these 6 tips (that I follow myself) to help you stay healthy and sane this Christmas season. Be intentional about these and you are likely to reach the New Year still healthy and not stressed or run-down.
The 6 tips are contained in the audio podcast, the video version, and the print notes below. Be sure to share your tips in the comments!
Merry Christmas and God bless you!
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Video from Periscope
I recorded this podcast live on Periscope last week and here’s the video from that! It’s just like the audio file above, except you can see it, too. 🙂
My apologies for the “white out” lighting. I discovered after the podcast was over that the source of it was the glow of my computer screen. Duh!
I plan to do this for many podcasts in the future. Follow @TradCookSchool on the Periscope app or on Thursdays if you want to join the fun!
6 Tips to Stay Healthy and Sane This Christmas Season
In today’s podcast, here are the 6 tips I shared. What would you add? Please share in the comments!
1. Drink plenty of fluids.
Especially first thing in the morning when you wake up. Water keeps you hydrated, flush toxins. If you don’t care for water, drink lemon water or tea.
2. Make healthy treats so you are less tempted to indulge in the treats that are out there.
Some healthier holiday treats include Fruit and Nut Christmas Cookies, nourishing Christmas Pudding, Chai Tea gift mixes, and these 22 real food Instant Pot desserts.
One new book that’s come to my attention (and I’ll be featuring the author on KYF next week) is Nourishing No-Bake Treats by Traditional Cooking School writer and content director Lindsey Dietz. I made 3 varieties of the no-bake treats last weekend in about 30 minutes. They’re guilt-free, healthy, allergy-friendly, use only 1 appliance, kids love them, and they’re modestly sized bites.
3. Be choosy about what you say yes to.
Everything you say yes to, you are saying no to something else (potentially important). Are you saying no to getting enough sleep, to spending time with your family, to taking care of your own health so you aren’t run ragged? It is ok to say no to things so you can say yes to the most important things.
4. Prioritize your sleep.
Sleep is SO important. There’s nothing wrong with working hard. I do it every day. I also am so tired by 8pm that I am practically falling into bed by 9 and sleeping deeply and well on most nights. If you aren’t sleeping well, look into:
- prayer or journaling before bed to calm your thoughts
- herbs or essential oils to help you sleep (I enjoy these wintertime essential oil diffuser blends)
- eating enough protein in the morning and throughout the day so that your sleep/waking hormones are firing at the right times of day and night (did you know that if you only drink coffee for breakfast instead of eating good protein, you get behind and behind on your protein needs all day and it can literally mess up your sleep that night?)
- getting electronics out of your bedroom! If they are on or there, they mess up your brain and your sleep. Plus, don’t you want a break from them? I think of my bedroom as a refuge and I hate to bring that stuff in there… hate it, hate it.
- other sleep aids — I wear ear plugs and an eye mask, plus we have room darkening curtains — these allow me to turn completely off at night and I sleep so well (where most of my life I didn’t)
5. Unplug.
Can you schedule some unplugged time? A few hours or a whole day each week to read a book, go for a walk, spend quality time with a child or your spouse.
6. Give thanks.
This is a season where it’s even more important to get our minds on the right things — and that is all the blessings that God gives. Even if we are in a difficult season financially, with health, or with relationships, I believe we can give thanks for everything.
God is real in our lives, even in hardship, and the evidence that He cares for us is everywhere.
People often ask “Why did God allow this to happen?” when bad things happen or trials beset us. I believe that He allows challenges into our lives so we realize how much we need Him and how we can’t make it without Him.
During busy (or stressful) times it’s more important than ever to have our mind on the most important things — God, family, and purpose. I find that giving thanks is a perfect vehicle to pull our minds up where they should be.
Links Mentioned:
- Nourishing No-Bake Treats eCookbook by Lindsey Dietz
- Start Your Day With This! Lemon Water Recipe
- Ear plugs
- Eye mask
- 10 Herbs for a Better Sleep
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The link to the Nourising Treats isn’t working. ?
Hi, Earl Ann:
I’m happy to help!
Here is a current link to the ebook:
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