“Do I need to go on a gut-healing diet? Or is a traditional food diet enough?”
This is a great question, and I get it a lot.
Neala M. recently asked me for more information, so I’m devoting today’s podcast to answering her (and you!).
Up ahead:
- what is a Traditional Food diet?
- what is a Gut-Healing diet?
- how are they same?
- how are they different?
- when should you choose a gut-healing diet?
- resources for both Traditional Foods and Gut-Healing diets (including FREE!)
Be sure to share your experiences and tips in the comments!
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Video from Periscope
I recorded this podcast live on Periscope last week and here’s the video from that! It’s just like the audio file above, except you can see it, too. 🙂
Want to join the fun of the live recording? Follow me on Facebook or @TradCookSchool on Periscope. I hop on to record most Thursdays!
Which Diet Is Right For You — Traditional Food or Gut-Healing?
Good morning Wardee, I feel so confused on what diet to follow there are so many options and not sure which is best for me and my family. I hear raw food diet is best, then I hear low carb, high card, no salt no sugar, etc. and so on. Please shed some insight comment on how I can choose the best diet thanks so much. –Neala M.
This podcast contains my answer — I go through the features and benefits of each diet. Much of the info I shared can be found in this guest post by GAPS practitioner Melanie Christner: What’s Right for Your Family: Traditional Foods or GAPS?
Helpful Links:
- What’s Right for Your Family: Traditional Foods or GAPS? — guest blog post by GAPS Practitioner Melanie Christner
- FREE Traditional Cooking Video series (from me)
- Eat Beautiful eCookbook (50% off) by Megan Stevens
- GAPS Class from Melanie Christner, GAPS Practitioner
- FREE 30 Day Prep Guide from Melanie Christner, GAPS Practitioner
- Heal Your Gut class from Lydia Shatney, nutritional therapist
- What Can I Eat Now? (30-Day Intro Diet eCookbook) by Cara Comini
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Anything to Add?
I would love to hear from you! Do you have questions for me, or comments about anything shared in this episode?
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thank you for the succinct explanations. looking forward to hearing from you again. thank you for sharing your resources
Great podcast, Wardeh. We are preparing to start…something…(will begin consulting with Megan this month so we’ll do what she tells us to do.) ???? We do a lot of things right but my husband especially has some major health issues that conventional medicine (which is his field) hasn’t touched. He’s been reluctantly semi-cooperating, but after a friend who was in our pharmacy this week began having a heart attack, was helped by my husband to the hospital, and died later that day, he came to me the next morning and said “I’m ready. Tell me what to do.” His dad and granddad died in their 60’s of heart-related illness and he’s only a few years away from that…and in much worse condition than they were. I’m praying he stays on board and is helped by this. Thanks for all your help and encouragement over the years. You’ve been a big part of what I’m trying to do to heal my family.
hi there!
I’ve been trying to get access to Lydia’s course,heal your gut,without success…since october!
is there any other way I can get to it?
thanks alot for all you do for all of us!
Hi Al,
Feel free to email me about this.
I have received your e-book on sourdough cooking and I have listened to a podcast and been receiving your email for several months. I haven’t actually started the Traditional Foods diet yet, but I really want to start it in 2016. For the past couple of years, I have been using my own Kefir in baking and sometimes drinking. 🙂 My husband isn’t a huge fan of drinking it. But I want to do more. It still all seems a little overwhelming. Can you tell me what is the best way to start? I would love to break it down to a very simple. Ok – for step 1 do this. Step 2 – do this, etc.
Can you help me please? I love your web site, blog, podcasts, etc.
And, thank you so much for sharing everything, especially the resources, with us.
Hi Brenda,
Thanks for your question. Wardee would like to address this question in a future podcast. We’ll let you know when she does. 🙂
Great. Thank you so much!
Hi Brenda,
Wardee addressed this on #AskWardee. You can find the replay here: https://traditionalcookingschool.com/2016/01/21/askwardee-013-6-simple-steps-to-getting-started-with-traditional-foods/
If you have any additional questions please leave them on that post. Enjoy!
Mixed diet- whole foods as much as possible!