When we’re busy and I don’t have time to do much cooking, or if it is hot and I don’t want to heat up the kitchen, this is how we eat. Easy. Cool. Satisfying.
Every month, I buy a case of twelve cans of the Think Pink Wild Salmon from Azure Standard (sometimes it is even on sale for 10 to 15% off!). This provides at least one meal per week of healthy salmon. But, the real benefit – to me, anyway – is an easy meal!
The main dish is a wild salmon salad made from two cans of the wild salmon. I mix the salmon lightly (to keep it chunky) with onions, sea salt, pepper, garlic, dill, extra virgin olive oil, and good quality balsamic vinegar. That’s the salmon salad. Everyone gets a serving-spoonful or two of that.
To the side, I’ll serve a dollop of homemade chevre or homemade hummus.
For scooping and dipping, I serve whatever bread is already made – sourdough bread (perhaps toasted), sprouted spelt or kamut crackers, or sprouted spelt scones. And we always have a green salad with homemade sprouts – easy to make, too.
Pictured: wild salmon salad, sprouted spelt or kamut crackers, and homemade raw cheese.
What do you like to cook when you’re hot, tired or busy? Let’s share some quick and easy meal ideas!
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Our default meal is a broiled fish and broccoli or asparagus. So easy. Fish in a pan. Salt, pepper, garlic. Broil for 6 minutes. Flip. Put the green veggie on to steam for the second 6 minutes. Done. Add a little lemon juice to the fish and a little mustard to the broccoli and we’re done! Takes 15 minutes. And most of that is doing other things while waiting for the timer! Of course, the broiler heats up the kitchen, but it is a quick and easy meal.
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gilliebean – Sounds really yummy and easy!
We enjoy homemade salsa, with pita chips (toasted until crisp) or homemade corn chips, and maybe some melted cheese and beans.
This is totally off the subject by could you remind me what type of laundry detergent you use, or if you make your own? And……do you know if borax is considered a natural ingredient?
Tiffany – I use Country Save powdered laundry detergent which I buy through Azure in a 50 lb (or 30?) bag. I do believe borax is considered natural.
Love your quick meal idea!
Hi Wardee,
Do you buy directly from Azure or do you use a buying club like UNFI? I am trying to use more co-ops and buying clubs for nearly everything. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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Faith – Both. 🙂 We have a local buying club with Azure. As a group, we have to meet a minimum of $1000 (I think) and $40 individually. Most of my food I buy though from another buying club and that is through Hummingbird Wholesale in Eugene, OR. They deliver right to me (and I split and deliver everyone else’s orders), which is more convenient for my family than going out to meet the Azure truck late in the evening.
What are your options where you live? I have ordered from UNFI in the past, when we lived in CA. Now that I live in OR, they have a freight charge, which is when I made the switch to Azure. I really love not having to rely on a grocery store or health food store for bulk food. The food I get this way is more fresh and cheaper. If you ask around, you might uncover other options.
Thanks for your reply! It’s strange, I actually had more buying club, etc. options when I lived in a small IA town than I’ve been able to find around the Twin Cities and most things were considerably cheaper. I had a wonderful and inexpensive organic CSA that delivered four blocks away and sold things like raspberries and raw honey, raw goat milk, raw goat cheese, and farm eggs I could p/u; and belonged to a UNFI buying club. I am still trying to replicate that here.
I am really striving to reduce not only money spent, but shopping time:) I did email both Hummingbird and Azure, but I think it’s a long shot. On the plus side, I finally did find a UNFI club around here, but still looking for different buying clubs.
.-= Faith´s last blog post… The Vegan B12 Discussion =-.