Do you have fibrocystic breast tissue?
This condition, also known as Fibrocystic Breast Disease, includes breast lumps or areas of thickened tissue which are sometimes tender and can vary with one’s menstrual cycle.
As a teenager, my gynecologist told me that I had inherited cystic breast tissue from my mother. She also said that I should be extra careful when doing breast self-exams because finding pre-cancerous lumps is trickier amidst cystic lumps.
I didn’t realize at the time — and neither did my doctor! — that this common condition can be healed.
The Causes Of Cystic Breast Tissue
According to the Mayo Clinic, cystic breast tissue can be described as “fluid-filled round or oval sacs (cysts), a prominence of scar-like fibrous tissue, overgrowth of cells lining the milk ducts or milk-producing tissues (lobules) of the breasts, [and] enlarged breast lobules” (source).
Hormonal fluctuations (excess estrogen and/or insufficient progesterone) during puberty, perimenopause, or times of stress can cause cystic tissue to form. This fibrous tissue can also form during the first half of a woman’s cycle — the follicular phase — when estrogen levels are higher.
A woman’s cycle, in preparing for pregnancy every month, also prepares her mammary glands for lactation. If she does not conceive, her body breaks these new breast cells down.
If a woman’s hormones are unbalanced and the cells are allowed to build up, inflammation remains (source). As you can see, cystic breast tissue isn’t really a disease.
3 Home Remedies For Cystic Breast Tissue {heal lumpy breasts!}
Let’s look at some natural remedies to heal lumpy breasts!
#1 — Iodine
Natural practitioners often prescribe iodine as a nutritional supplement. Breast tenderness can actually indicate an iodine deficiency. In fact, iodine helps the body usher out excess estrogen while making cells less responsive to it (source).
If you have a thyroid condition, please talk to your practitioner before taking iodine. Individuals with thyroid conditions must balance iodine intake with adequate selenium. Furthermore, iodine stimulates the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormone (source), which can be dangerous if the gland is already weakened.
#2 — Red Raspberry Leaf
Red raspberry leaf tea or tincture (learn how to make your own here!) is a powerful herbal approach to healing cystic breast tissue. It effectively and gently balances hormones by detoxing excess estrogen. If taken daily, it generally maintains this hormonal balance over time.
There are certain exceptions, such as periods of more extreme change like perimenopause, when cystic breast tissue can return. I experienced this myself when, after a year of relief from breast cysts, they suddenly reappeared, unusually tender and uncomfortable, in the midst of a bout of insomnia. Insomnia is also a symptom of perimenopause and general hormone imbalance.
I was already taking the right dose of iodine for my body and a red raspberry leaf tincture daily. This leads me to remedy #3…
#3 — Quietude Homeopathic
I stumbled upon this third remedy by accident! One night after my breast cysts had returned, I took Quietude as a natural sleep aid, knowing that my mom uses it successfully, too. When I woke up the next morning after a great night’s sleep, my cystic breast tissue had vanished. Totally smooth, pain-free breast tissue — overnight!
Not surprisingly, Quietude homeopathic works by balancing one’s hormones.
Occasionally, my cystic breast tissue returns. I still take Quietude intermittently as a sleep aid and to resolve lumpy, painful breast tissue. It always resolves breast cysts, even when it doesn’t prevent midnight insomnia/prevent midnight cortisol spikes. I follow the dosage instructions on the box.
Why does Quietude work? Take a look at the second ingredient, derived from nutmeg. Nux moschata quells pain and anxiety, and treats a variety of menstrual symptoms! Its ability to relieve stress and remove toxins may also help it balance hormones and heal cysts (source).
While I can’t know for sure, I suspect it is the nux moschata in Quietude that makes it an effective remedy for cystic breast tissue. I have not used this homeopathic on its own. I’d love to hear your results with the use of Quietude or nux moschata.
Have you struggled, or do you struggle, with cystic breast tissue? What remedies have worked well for you? Please share in the comments below!
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I am so excited to read this today! This is a God-incidence of getting this information now. I was just diagnosed with cysts in my breasts. Thank you for this information.
mine got so bad and since i lost 13 lbs my cists are visible ! 🙁 im a believer in the miraculous healing of Jesus Christ by His Spirit, and if He leads me to , i love natural healing. i hate the whole CHOP RADIATE AND POISON and i do NOT believe that is the ONLY option. breast cancer has been prodominant in my family but ive been praying for the miraculous! however i’d like to add some support. but my cysts are like a band of them on my left really bad compared to right and the doctors are always cautious to get me tested. but im 31. and i want to wait a little… i mean otherwise i get bloodwork done frequently for thyroid and take levothyroxine for that , i always had hormonal issues with thyroid and adrenal which i think could contribute to the cysts? not sure. but this Quietude thing strikes me im like hmmmmmm … all i can say is God created oils from plants for healing, not these man made poisonous “medications” the enemy is at work to kill us fast and i believe in natural and the Power of Jesus! i have seen Him heal before ! 🙂
Amen. GOD has given us the herbs for the healing of the nation. After a terrible period, I got a lump in my left breast; it’s not stuck to one place. I was diagnosed with lumpy breast (I think it’s called fibrocystic breast) had a lump removed from this breast years ago. I refuse to let any Doctor cut me again. I will continue to eat healthy.
I will continue to pray and trust GOD for HIS healing mercies on my body. I know HE is able to do abundantly more than I ask or think
Hi this was very encouraging to me and for some reason my left is worse than the right and it’s been about 17yrs since I been dealing with this and I think the pain worsens the older I get but my faith is still in God
I agree, and pray for your healing in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And may His name be glorified through it all… ?
I love your faith my sister, people of old were healed because of their faith and if it is God’s will, may you be healed in Jesus name…..
Hello. Healing is always God’s will. Without exception, ever. Be blessed ?
Praying for u ? I speak healing over your hold body I plea the blood of Jesus over going through women Issus .Jesus said many are the affliction of the RIGHTEOUS he said I will deliver u out of them All of your Afflictions, so then all we have to do is receive it,believe it walk in what he said I do understand we women go through many things in our bodies I do as well What I say to my self it not my problem, why Jesus told me in his word The bible.if there is something to hard for me give it to him
Jesus said I will deal with it !!!so that what I do I give him Praise for all he is doing for me I thank him for loving me enough to die for me & U
Evening primrose oil helped a lot. Every period I would experience worsening of my symptoms and that’s when I would take capsules of this wonderful product. It is a life savior
Evening primrose oil was recommended to me many years ago by a nurse practitioner, and I find it works really well to Lana!
How to use it ?
Christine, please share how to use primrose oil for breasr cysts.
i have it does it help with breast lumps?! what if we rub it on ? or take it? does it REDUCE them?
Gud day how can I get the primrose oil and does it work for breast lumps
Please does evening prime rose cure breast lump .I have it here in my house
Which capsules u used for this ??? Plz share us
Hi. A brand you recommend for the primrose oil capsules? Plz & thank you.
Hi, In the past I have used Poke Root (Phytolacca decandra) to alleviate fibrocystic breasts. Works wonderfully well.One of the best remedies for this problem. Fibrocystic breasts disorder seems to be a imbalance in estrogen/progesterone and I would have used progesterone on the last half of a cycle if I had the information about progesterone twenty years ago. Now after menopause I use progesterone for the symptoms of menopause.I just wished I had known about progesterone sooner so that I may have prevented fibroid growth in the uterus during peri-menopause.
Hi, I am wondering if Sandy used Poke root oil? Is it topically applied? Where does she get it?
Hi Amy,
I used Medi Herb Poke root through Standard Process, It is a tincture and really worked well.
Thank you, Sandy. 🙂
Hi Sandy.. where did you buy the poke root tinture? I can’t seem to find it on line?
Hi sandy, is there a way you can tell if you are getting fibroid growth in the uterus are what does fibroids or cysts feel like in the breast? Mine get sour and feel like I have lymph nodes that get inflamed around my cycle. Now it just stays all the time. What do you suggests?
Hello Nancy.. have you got any any relief for your breast fibroid or cysts? If so, do you mind sharing with me? I discovered a cyst/hard mass on my right breast. It seems like it gets bigger around my period. Thank you and God Bless.- Jennifer
I wish I had known about this year’s ago! My first cancer scare, was in my late 20’s, when my doctor misread my fibrocystic breasts and thought I had cancerous lumps. That was back, in the early stages of mammograms when they used balloons to compress the breast. After the mammogram my doctor figured out I had fibrocystic breasts and I was told to monitor the lumps in the outer area of my left breast.
Years later, I had another scare, with a possible cancer diagnosis, at the Mayo Clinic, because they couldn’t tell, on my mammogram, if it was cysts or cancer. So, I had to have a special ultrasound. Once again, I was told I didn’t have cancer.
A couple years later, I had a total hysterectomy, so . . . Instant menopause. However, even without hormones, I had an episode, with pain, in the area, of the cysts, that I monitored, with self breast exams. Years earlier, I had decided to not have mammograms, anymore, due to the practice of increasing pressures, to compress breast tissue, so tumors could be seen better. I read that these increasing pressures could actually cause cancer, and they did not increase possibility of early cancer detection. Well, considering that fibrocystic breast tissue made mammograms very painful anyway, increasing the pressures made that pain even worse.
When I started having pain in my left breast, I knew that a mammogram was not the way I wanted to be evaluated. I had heard about Thermography, as an alternative to mammograms. I heard that thermography was able to detect cellular and vascular changes up to ten years before a mammogram could detect cancer. So I found a Chiropractor in my area that did Thermographic scans. It wasn’t covered by my insurance and it wasn’t cheap ($450 for a whole body scan). I was scheduled for a follow up breast scan ($165) 4 months later, to see if there were any changes.
The Chiropractor sent the scan to a licensed Radiologist, to be read, and his findings were sent back to the Chiropractor. As it turned out, I had multiple “hot spots” (including my breasts), which indicated sluggish lymph. As a retired RN (converted to Alternative/holistic) I knew that sluggish lymph wasn’t good, and it could be helped by lymph massage. So, I did some online research and learned how to do lymph massage from my neck, to my underarms, to my breasts to my groin. When I went back for my follow up scan, the Chiropractor was surprised to see that my “hot spots” had cooled down considerably, especially my neck, underarms and breasts. I told her I had been doing lymph massage, and she said, “Well, keep up the good work! Don’t stop what you are doing!”
I continue to do lymph massage when I am in the shower – using a small amount of my unscented, non-toxic shower gel, to lubricate my skin. Making small moderate pressure circles, I start behind my ears, work to under my jawline, down my throat, on either side of my trachea, into the collar bone depression, down to the breasts, doing large circles around each breast (with both hands), then gently pushing/flattening each breast toward my chest (to squeeze lymph fluid out of the milk glands), then circles under my arms and under my breasts, then down to the groin.
Since I started doing lymph massage, I have not had any painful cyst episodes. I can feel the glands, when I do self breast exams, but they are not hard or enlarged. I believe doing the lymph massage has greatly decreased my rush of having breast cancer.
Do you think the homeopathic mentioned above would help vaginal fibroids? I believe I have one/some near my vaginal opening which makes intercourse (& even speculum insertion) very painful. Would love to know if I could shrink it naturally.
Logan Caleb
I am a 66-years-old man. My Parkinson’s disease appeared at the age of 37. My symptoms, at the beginning, were fine tremors and rigidity with joint stiffness. I was taking entacapone with levodopa, carbidopa, and pramipexole. My Parkinson’s disease is mostly under control but not cured,After using Parkinson’s disease herbal formula my daughter purchased online from Good Health Herbs Home
Logan, I have had an auto immune issue since I was 17. I am now 47. And I found a type 1 medical device that has really help. It has science research that says it helps with Parkinson’s. It you are interested I would be happy to share!
My husband has Parkinson’s can you tell me more. I am always looking for alternative treatments to help him.
What is the device?
My husband will be 81 years old next month and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 13 months ago. his main symptom were and rigidity or stiffness of his right-hand side.he also had some difficulty writing. The original diagnosis was confirmed three months later by a second neurologist. He was on one tablet of pramipexole (Sifrol), 0.25 mg three times a day. Four months ago his neurologist added Biperiden, 2 mg. he takes half a tablet of Biperiden three times a day. Since the original diagnosis, his stiffness has slowly increased. He lost touch with reality. Suspecting it was the medication I took him off the Siferol (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started him on PD natural herbal formula we ordered from GREEN HOUSE HERBAL CLINIC, I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in Canada and they all gave a positive response, his symptoms totally declined over a 6 weeks use of the Green House Parkinson’s disease natural herbal formula. He is now almost 81 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! (Visit their website ) I am thankful to nature, herbs are truly gift from God. Share with friends!!
I have a breast that bothers me. They performed an ultrasound and a mammogram and they found something, but the doctor told me it was nothing to be worry about, but still this thing bathers me, specially when I am sleeping. I was doing some iodine on my breast (I do have a thyroid issue, so I’m also taking Selenium, Mag, Victim D and C). I going to try the other 2 recommendations, also because my menstrual cicles are super heavies. Thank you for this post.
I don’t do mammograms any more, only thermography. Much better!
Hello I am a concerned individual, if your pain only you know what that feels like. I had that issue and is now fine. Go to and purchase Lympholin by Dr. Sebi. It heals and dissolves breast masses. Try it
I do not see this on Etsy. Do you have the name of the shop?
Thank you!
I read somewhere else that it’s the Henbane in the Quietitude that shrinks the cysts. I just thought you might want to know. Perhaps the nux muchata helps as well?
Do you know of a lactose free Quietude? I didn’t have any luck finding one. Also, I have Hashimotos and take selenium and vitamin c and eventually tried nascent iodine (years after trying Lugols) and my thyoid flared. Ergs…red raspberry, poke root and quietude it is!
I’ve just been recommended to use Lugols. I’m taking vit d, c, magnesium and a supplement with selenium in it. What issues did you have with it?
I found that cutting yeast from my diet keeps the pain of the largest cysts at bay. I always notice the difference if I have something with yeast in it. This has saved me having them drained yearly. They fill up again so it seems best to just get rid of the pain.
Thank you for your post! Took quietude two nights in a row and my cyst is gone! Thank you for your recommendation! Wonder what ingredient it is that does this.
Can you take that with Blood pressure med
Are these safe to take while on birth control? I have formed many cysts in my breast since starting it a month ago. Thanks!
I love your work. Thanks so much for making people to understand the power in nature.
I am Rachel a Nigerian who also believes so much in nature. Have got so many testimonies also……
I have a lamp in my left breast,which the pain is off and on. it is movable and like am afraid of sée a medical Dr, because I might be dignosed wrongly. how do I manage it home?
Pls don’t be afraid, I just did my own too, thought I was afraid I maybe diagnosed wrongly too, and mine came out as a fibrocystic disease
Happy to read about this.
Hi! I’ve been searching for Quietude here in Canada (specifically the 60 pack you’ve referred to with instructions to take one per day), but I could only find the 90 pack (two pills three times per day & different ingredients – doesn’t appear to have Nux Moschata). I reached out to Boiron & they told me they’ve discontinued the 60 pack & replaced it with the 90 pack. Has anyone tried the 90 pack to reduce breast cysts successfully?
I was wondering this as well. I found nux moschata pellets from the same brand so will try those.
My cysts disappeared after taking the pills, but I also changed my diet to 95% carnivore. That was two years ago. I had 13 cysts. I just found one yesterday, bought the pills immediately. Hopefully they will help again…
Can you till me which pills I need the name please
Hii,l read about you having acyst and took pills and they were gone.l was requesting you to please help me know the pill name because am really suffering l have 15 cyst in my breast. Thanks in advance
Good day what the name of the pills?
Did she ever tell us what pills??
I believe she is referring to the Quietude that a previous commenter mentioned above.
~Danielle, TCS Customer Success Team
I read your comments
please tell me what kind of pills did u take it.Will be grateful for your answer
Which pill was that ??
Hi dear, I feel as if one of my breast is developing a lump, could it be caused by hormonal imbalance? My periods skip months have tried regulation them but nothing seems to work. Please help me am giving up.
Hi Winny,
I had a bunch of lumps and soreness around Dec 2020. I was scared at first and then I did my research plus visited my natural doctor. She ran some tests and she determined that my tyroids were out of whack (hypo) which I knew but it got worse because of stress and other ailments. I also have EBV that has gone rampant as well. So, obviously, see a Dr but do some research. Those are all the tests my Dr did for me: an ultrasound of my tyroid, check my hormone levels, EBV test, food allergy test. I did have small issues with leaky gut and a bit of candida overgrowth. All of that stuff can put your body on overdrive. I changed my diet – gluten free mostly, took my supplements, exercised which I had been doing, reduced stress levels etc. Since then I started seeing some results. I also did a thermography which showed some areas of inflammation. We have been conditioned by conventional medicine to panick every time we see a lump and run to the squeezing machine. I am not downplaying any lumps but God – a Holy being created the human body. He knew what He was doing.
Hope that helps!
Dont give up.
Soursop works also but the taste is horrible: (
Really? It (soursop) helps in reducing the breast cryst or lump?
I recently found out I have several cysts in both breast that make them both very tender. And I have very dense breast tissue. So it makes it hard to find cancer. I am going on 54 and have a family history of breast cancer my mother had it when she was 40 and my aunt had it at age 33. They both passed away a few years after they were diagnosed. My recent find after doing a lot of research was a baby aspirin a day. Aspirin is a wonder drug and they are finding out it his anti- estrogen affects. And helps lower the risk if breast cancer and other types of cancers. Also, I take Tumeric,. I drink it in a tea. I mix it in my food as a powder form and I take it as vitamin. It has helped me with all kinds of pain I have been having in my back, hip knees and breast. It stops inflammation in the body.
Flax seeds every other day or so in green smoothies will help heal! Replacing all fat sources with natural and truly healthy fat sources (not “healthy” like margarine or other marketing ploys)
Did the flaxseeds help reduce your cysts? Do you eat them at any time in your cycle?
I’m definitely gonna be trying some of the things on this list and in the comments.
I had mine under control for quite some time but I think my period delaying//now being on a different monthly cycle threw things out of whack.
I had been and still am taking tumeric.
It’s really made a huge difference and I think right now I’d be feeling a lot worse if I didn’t take it.
I just take the capsules. Two or three a night after dinner.
It takes about a week to show results but tinctures and teas get results even faster.
I have been on a birth control pills for almost 4 years. After coming off, I immediately notice a lump inside of my breasts…never had anything like that before. Maybe it happened due to hormonal imbalances ( synthetic estrogen/progesterone).I don’t experience any pain on a daily basis, only when it gets closer to my menstrual cycle I feel some dull pain here and there ( as if something is pulling my breast down). Haven’t gotten to the doctor yet to check up on it, hopefully these natural treatments you recommend will help.
P.S. coming off the birth control pill was the best decision. If only I knew before starting taking those how bad it affects mental health (brain fog) and ability to make rational decisions, it also affects your physical health and libido. Horrible.
Miracle cure! I’ve used castor oil packs overnight to treat the breasts. It can get rid of lumps and some cancers. This is an old Edgar cayce remedy that I found to be very helpful for sore lumpy boobs. You simply soak a wool cloth in castor oil, lay it across the breasts, then wrap it with plastic wrap so it doesn’t leak all over the bed or your pjs. You can add a hot water bottle to put on the breasts to penetrate deeper. This will significantly help reduce inflammation and get rid of lumps naturally.
Yes, I am well informed about flax seeds decreasing excess estrogens. Iodine deficiency can make fibrocystic breasts worse and you can apply the leugols iodine on the lump itself, and it usually shrinks it. Primrose oil is excellent for PMS symptoms and fibrocystic breasts. Castor oil packs are also very therapeutic. Functional Medicine Health Coach.
Thx for sharing info on flaxseed, I wasn’t aware.
I have a lump next to my breast I’ve noticed it a couple days ago a lil puss came out I thought maybe it was from sweat I’m 50 years old I though maybe something bit me like a spider or something idk wht it is plz help me thankyou
Hi, Angie.
It is best to contact your natural health doctor to discuss this.
~Danielle, TCS Customer Success Team
Please how can I use soursop?
I use vitamins daily to help my cyst, but it is not a cure. It does help maintain the pain. I use vitamin B6 and E. If I do not use them daily I can tell right away. They do not take the pain away 100%, but makes it less painful.
I found this article about 1 year ago when I was freaking out about a cyst in my breast that just didn’t go away…not bigger, not smaller…for almost 10 years. Two mammograms…it’s a cyst. So I set out on a mission to solve this problem. Evening primrose oil part of my routine in cycles for years. I tried iodine…healed my cracked heels and helped with sleep. Tried quietude…sometimes a little difference. Did not try the tea, although I did take at the end of pregnancy at the naturopathic drs recommendation. Then one day, perimenopause in full swing, the cyst tripled in size. I started using young living Progessence plus oil morning and night…it has progesterone from wild yam to balance excess estrogen and clary sage (works wonders! on hot flashes/insomnia/night sweats). ? guess what? Seriously that cyst shrank until it is now completely gone, lumpyness-free all over!! And the ganglion cyst on my foot— gone, the lipoma on my back — from thumb sized to dime sized. And for years the Obgyn doctor says I was a “cyst factory” to stop caffeine… thanking the Lord for His creation of healing helps from plants. ??
Hello Jennifer. Wow. Thank you for taking the time to write and share your story. 2 years ago at the onset of real peri – menopause, all the typical peri/menopause symptoms! Then 10 months ago I discovered a lump hard mass on my right breast near the armpit area. It seems to be changing in size and will get bigger and would coincide during my period cycle. Im a big young living oils fan. I will the start using Progressence oil. Thank you again!
Hi Jennifer. How would it be used? I’m thinking to just massage into the affected area?
Hey Jennifer,
Can you please tell us how to use living Progessence plus oil? You mentioned in the morning and and night but how, where and how much? Please share ? Your story gives lots of hope.
Thank you,
Ania ??
Hey Jennifer,
Can you please tell us how to use living Progessence plus oil? You mentioned in the morning and and night but how, where and how much? Please share ? Your story gives lots of hope.
Thank you,
Ania ??
Hi everyone, can anyone share if one can take any of the 3 suggestions from the article if you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer and tested with surgeries and radiations? I’d really like to use natural means to help me reduce the cysts I get with PMS in my left breast that was treated. Thank you and God bless, Julie
New research has come out in both Australia and Poland. In Poland they did tests with Potato Poltices and it said the chemical compounds were actually more successful than drugs. I started doing them daily.