Do you feel like you’re doing all the right things, yet you or your loved ones still struggle with health issues? Here are 8 reasons why we can be sick, even if we eat healthy. I hope these reasons will give you hope and help you keep going!
“If I eat so healthy, why am I still sick?”
There are very good reasons that we can still be “sick” even if we’re eating healthfully and doing all of the “right” things! You may relate to feeling guilty or hopeless, like if only you could do more, or do it better, it might make a difference. As wives and mothers, it’s especially hard to see our husband or children struggle with health problems that we wish we could have prevented.
Yet the truth is, sometimes illness is out of our hands. I hope these reasons will be encouraging to you, like they have been to me. We can only do our best with each moment that’s given to us!
8 Reasons Why We’re Still Sick Even Though We Eat Healthy
1. The World
We live in a fallen world, where everything from the soil to the food to the body is corrupted. For example, we may have genetic mutations and food is less nutritious than in the Garden of Eden. In addition, today we battle damaging things like EMFs and toxins in our food and water supply.
Even if we can’t achieve perfection in this world, here are some resources to help you make the best choices for your family:
- Should I Buy Local Or Organic Produce?
- How To Eat Healthy On A Budget #AskWardee 045
- What To Buy If You Can’t Afford Organic Meat #AskWardee 066
- Which Whole House Water Filtration System We Chose And Why #AskWardee 134
- Exploring Water Filtration Options {which water filter is best?}
2. Detox
When we start eating healthier, our bodies may release stored toxins that have been accumulating for years, a process called detox. It’s not always quick (remember, it took many of us years to get sick), and you might feel worse before you feel better.
Take it slowly so you don’t wipe yourself out. Focus on one (baby) step at a time.
If you’re interested in learning more about detox and how to support yourself through it, check out these articles:
- 7 Ways To Detox Naturally
- Detoxing With Traditional Foods: A Nourishing Soup For Gentle, Full-Body Cleansing
- Mercury Detoxification & Healing Cavities Naturally
- Detoxifying Herbal Gelatin Gummies (THM-friendly!)
- Reconsidering the “Cleanse”: 7 Easy Ways to Support Daily Detox
- 4 Tips For Introducing Probiotics Slowly & Without Die-Off
3. Lifestyle and Habits
Under a lot of stress? Don’t get enough water? Drink too much water? Don’t get enough or quality sleep? Still turning to things like sugar or caffeine? Do you need to work on your attitude… to cultivate gratitude, positivity, and happiness?
All these may slow down or prevent healing.
Don’t underestimate the power of a positive, happy attitude!
The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” And again in Proverbs 15:13, “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance.”
Here are some resources that may help:
- Sleep Smarter with Shawn Stevenson (KYF093)
- 6 Ways To Banish Stress And Find More Joy In Your Kitchen And Your Life (KYF161)
- 5 Healthy Coffee Alternatives: Boost Energy Naturally! #AskWardee 140
- 15 Natural Energy-Boosting Drinks: No Caffeine Allowed!
- Hydrating Sugar-Free Lemonade
- Is All Sugar Unhealthy? + 6 Reasons To Ditch Refined Sugar
- 10 Healing Ways To Overcome Sugar Addiction (KYF162)
- 10 Ways To Lose Weight & Still Nourish Your Body
4. Elimination
It’s so important to have regular bowel movements… ideally twice per day. Yes, I did say twice per day. 😉 At minimum, once per day.
This is how your body gets rid of toxins. If you aren’t voiding regularly, up to 95% of the toxins are being recycled back into your body and causing all the same problems all over again.
Balance your soluble fiber, not too little or too much, so that you can go #2 daily… preferably twice. 🙂
Here’s more information about eating enough fiber for gut health.
5. Mineral Deficiencies
Because our soils are depleted, most of us are lacking essential minerals like zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium, molybdenum, and more. And when we’re chronically sick, we may need even more of some of these.
Supplementing can help with sleep, bowel movements, cramps, detox, energy, and much more. However, there are minerals we don’t need to supplement ever, such as copper or chromium.
In the past I have enjoyed making “superfood smoothies”! They are delicious and an easy way to make supplements more palatable. I quickly learned to save time by making a dry mix of my favorite supplements to have on hand.
Here’s my green superfood smoothie recipe, too! It is actually healthy and satiating, with high protein and no added sugar.
On to the next reason we’re sick even if we eat healthy…
6. Vitamin Support
We might need additional vitamin support. B vitamins are important in the healing process; later, ideally you will get enough from food.
Additionally, we need regular Vitamin D… which is best, as God designed, from the sun (or a sun lamp that mimics the sun’s full spectrum of light, such as this one).
7. You
You might need to avoid certain foods or food groups temporarily or permanently because they are making you sick.
Gluten, dairy, histamines, FODMAPs, inflammatory foods, or other things… even Vitamin A can be toxic if you have too much stored in your body!
Keeping a food diary, listening to your body, and/or doing specific testing may reveal these trouble foods.
If you want to learn more about special diets and which one might be the best fit for you, check out our Healthy Diets eCourse!
8. God!
God works through our bodies to teach us things He wants us to learn. We may be doing everything right and have no genetic issues, yet we still might be sick because He wants us to learn something through physical suffering.
The whole point of the physical world is to teach us spiritual things, as well as learn to depend on God both physically and spiritually. And isn’t it amazing that while we await complete healing in Heaven, here on earth God promises abundant grace to help us endure suffering?
For example, my husband has suffered a lot with neuropathy pain in his feet. Yet, he says he has learned more through this than any other time in his life. He is happier today than ever before, while living with more physical handicaps than he’s ever had. He believes God wanted him to have these health challenges for a spiritual purpose… and it’s changed him for the better.
In Conclusion
I hope this encourages you to keep trying! Eating healthy, for God’s glory, is always worth it… even if we don’t experience miraculous healing here on Earth.
No matter what, let’s pray for grace to persevere through whatever trials or successes the Lord brings our way!
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Nice article and points, just note about God – He never tests us or makes us suffer. God is light and in him is no darkness at all, I John 1:5b. The reason there is sickness is because of Adam’s sin, death was written in our bodies. The adversary, has the blame on sickness and death. God sent his son to die for us- 2 parts, for physically healing and for forgiveness of sins. God wants us to be healthy, wants us to prosper. It’s never God’s will for his people to be sick. He heals, and delivers in any situations. We need to have great believing in order to receive. God is never to blame for sickness. It was a sin problem from the beginning. We have the greatest deliverance from death which is eternal life. Healing can happen miraculously, or it can take time. And God does work to show us what we need to know. In this life, God is a God of great mercy, grace, forgiveness, compassion, healing and wants only the best for us. He is the greatest father to his children. 🙂
I would hesitate to say that “It’s never God’s will for his people to be sick.” Yes, he CAN heal in any situation. Period. We are incapable of even slightly knowing the “will” of God in regards to healing. After all, we’ll be healed on “the other side”, so shouldn’t we just press on and become more Christlike even in our dis-ease? Our purposes on Earth don’t include our comforts, but the furthering of the Gospel.:-)
Amen, James 1:13 assures us that God never tries or tests us with evil things, and as you said Adam and Eve were designed to live forever without sickness and death. God is never the cause of our our illness, and if he doesn’t remove the “thorn” he gives us what we need to endure with joy (2 Corinthians 12:8&9) until it is permanently removed (Revelation 21:3-5).
Wardeh have you found any relief for the neuropathy pain your husband is/was suffering from?
Could it be a pinched nerve or due to a dropped arch?
My 81 year old sister is also battling with this.
Hi, Frances.
Thank you for asking.
He has had some improvement and they believe the underlying issue is Vitamin A toxicity. He is slowly getting better since following a low vitamin A diet.
You can find more information here:
~Danielle, TCS Customer Success Team
This is a good health reminder, thank you so much. I’ve been eating properly, but I guess there are other elements that affect my body as well.
Wardee Harmon – God bless you and your family for all you do! ?