Green olives and chocolate…
We all know that’s a bad combination (unless you’re pregnant!). 😉
What about body fat and candida? When those 2 get together it spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E with a capital T. For most women, that trouble can be found clinging to our hips, bottoms, and thighs.
Quick note here: Most of us say we want to lose weight. Yet what we really need to lose is fat.
Weight loss can happen fairly easily in the form of losing muscle weight, water weight, or even bone weight. Actual fat loss can be harder to achieve.
This is why it’s misleading to weigh yourself with a scale. It doesn’t discriminate between weight loss and fat loss.
“Eat Less & Exercise More” Doesn’t Always Work
I read a surprising statistic recently. In a survey conducted between 2009 and 2010, more than 2 in 3 adults were considered overweight or obese (source).
That was over 7 years ago! I can’t imagine the statistics are any better now!
So, in the interest of honesty, can I have a show of hands? If you’re a woman trying to lose body fat, how many times have you heard that you need more self-control? That you need to eat less and exercise more?
Yep, my hand is in the air, too!
On one hand, I’ve been the woman who doesn’t watch her portions, gives into cravings, and doesn’t put in the long-term effort to lose weight. But I’ve also been the woman who watches her portions, actually works hard to eat healthfully, and exercises — yet can’t lose fat.
If the latter woman is you, too — if you look back over your struggle and can truly say that you’ve put in the hard work and effort but don’t see results — then candida may be a factor.
How Does Candida Affect Fat Loss?
Candida is a yeast-like fungus that lives in our digestive tract. Yes, the one that extends all the way from your mouth to your other end! And actually, candida is a normal part of our gut flora.
It becomes a problem when it overwhelms the good bacteria to create an imbalance. Read about the causes of candida overgrowth here.
This imbalance between healthy gut flora and candida directly relates to body fat. According to this article,
There is clearly more to obesity than simply taking in more energy than is expended … obesity appears to be linked to an overall imbalance in ecological configuration or community structure of the gut microbiome, called dysbiosis.
What Are Candida’s Symptoms?
Candida’s symptoms are many and varied. There are over 80 symptoms, but I’ll list the more common here:
- yeast infections
- bladder infections (UTIs)
- athlete’s foot
- psoriasis
- toenail fungus
- ear aches and ear infections
- allergies
- bloating
- indigestion
- constipation/diarrhea
- fatigue
- headaches/migraines
- mood swings
- brain fog
- anxiety
- joint pain
- weight gain
- sugar cravings
- autism
- cancer
How Does Candida Affect The Liver?
Candida creates toxins in your body.
The liver performs over 500 vital functions — one of which includes cleaning out candida’s toxins and breaking down body fat.
In a healthy person with normal amounts of candida, the liver keeps up with its necessary functions… but if the liver lacks proper nutrition or is just overwhelmed, it stores those toxins until it can handle them.
Guess where the body’s first and favorite storage space is?
Body fat.
According to Dr. Benkim,
[Y]our body will first store ‘excess’ toxins in your fat tissues. Accumulation of toxins in your fat tissues is what can lead to so-called harmless conditions like cysts, lipomas, and other benign tumors.
Furthermore, Dr. Wendle Trubow tells us that,
Your body will not lose an ounce of fat if that fat is storing toxins your liver has not yet been able to process.
The bottom line? If candida’s toxins are stored in your body fat, no matter how much you eat well and exercise, it’s nearly impossible to lose extra fat until your liver is working properly and candida overgrowth is resolved!
How To Lose Fat Effectively — Even With Candida?
Here’s the short answer…
- Stop candida overgrowth — reduce or eliminate sugars, high-glycemic fruits, and starchy foods.
- Develop a high-functioning liver — eat foods like beets, walnuts, or doing a safe liver cleanse.
- Turn your body’s metabolism into fat-burning mode instead of fat-storing mode by cutting out processed foods.
The long answer? Well, we could be here all day discussing the details…
You are unique in how your body reacts to candida, the specific condition of your liver, and the balance of your hormones that control what you do with your fat.
So it’s not a cookie-cutter answer. It’s a series of lifestyle changes that are uniquely formulated to suit your own body.
I’ve created 2 options to help women like myself who struggle with candida and fat loss.
The Kicking Candida Program is a 9-month program that addresses candida and fat loss. This program is quite detailed and comprehensive — in fact, 3 months focus specifically on the liver and other organ support!
In Metabolism Unlocked, I offer month-by-month coaching for women who struggle with fat loss but not necessarily candida. Women whose hormones, cravings, and metabolism need the support of one-on-one coaching and continued accountability as we discover the specific formula to transform their bodies into fat-burning machines.
Don’t let stubborn fat discourage you — all it takes is a little know-how and a solid plan!
More Candida Related Articles from TCS:
- How Staying Hydrated Can Help You Avoid Candida
- 3 Essential Oils That Fight Candida-Related Skin Problems
- Can I Eat Fermented Foods If I Have Candida? #AskWardee 033
- Candida Diet Pancakes {made with coconut flour!}
- The Connection Between Mental Illness & Candida (+ why you need more than anti-fungals)
Do you struggle with fat loss? Do you think candida could be a factor?
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Hi, interesting article. Have you come accross ledema? My mum has it and I’ve been trying to really understand the process behind it. Toxins stored in the fat seems a likely culprit, but I wonder if you have any knowledge or experience of this?
Sorry…lipedema (seems to be spelt different ways but original spelling v wrong,,)
Hi Cari,
Are you referring to lymphedema? Has your mom had any lymph nodes removed from surgery?
The lymphatic system is a major way in which our bodies detoxify, and when the lymph nodes can’t remove fluid properly it can create lymphedema which is the swelling. Is it mostly affecting your mom’s arms and legs?
I can’t say that toxins are the cause, but if the lymph system isn’t working properly, it’s likely that toxins are an issue now.
Improving immunity, reducing inflammation, and losing weight are all going to be very helpful. I’d love to schedule a Discovery Call with you and your mom and we can talk about some options. 🙂