What does hair have to do with nutrition? Well, let me fill you in. Hair gives us a glimpse into our body’s nutrition — what minerals are present, deficiencies, imbalances, ratios, even the presence of toxic metals… This information is golden! With it, you can customize your healing regimen (including what you eat) to correct or address your own body’s biochemistry. It’s really amazing and powerful!
My friend Lydia Shatney, a certified nutritional therapist, is here to walk us through how hair tissue mineral analysis works. Plus — of course — the exciting possibilities for healing.
Interested in learning more about hair analysis? Ask your health care practitioner — or Lydia offers simple health consults worldwide.
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Tip of the Week: Start a Simple Advent Wreath Tradition
Go here to read Jenny’s 3 easy steps and get started this week!
Listener Question
Theresa V. asks:
“Can you ferment things in the same area in your kitchen or should you keep them separate? For example Kombucha, water kefir, and sourdough starter. Would you ferment all these next to each other in the kitchen or do they need separate areas? Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge, Theresa”
My answer is in the podcast.
About Lydia Shatney
“Lydia, blogger at Divine Health From The Inside Out and teacher of Heal Your Gut, is a single mom of four fabulous boys, on a mission to share her passion for whole, healthy, real foods with the world. Lydia believes that good health is a choice and a gift that we cannot take for granted — and in this day and age, we must fight for it. Lydia is a certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner through the Nutritional Therapy Association. Lydia offers specialized step by step consultations to transform your health with the use of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis; to create an individualized nutritional protocol.”
Links Mentioned
- Lydia’s health consultations
- Lydia’s hair analysis service
- KYF #036 — Lydia shared tips for digestion and gut healing
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Are there any testimonials on this Hair Analysis?
I’m a skeptic on things that sound too good to be true :/
If you will look under Lindsey Dietz’s Coffee Enema blog, you can see my remarks on hair analysis. I’ll be glad to answer specific questions, but please read what I posted there first.
I would also like to see some testimonials or a sample of the analysis you get. If it really works it is an inexpensive way to determine the health of the adrenals, but if it doesn’t work well then ….
I am actually working on adding testimonials to my site -should be up in a couple weeks!
What people find the most helpful from getting this hair test is that they can finally correlate why they feel the way the feel with the results from the test. They can also take more seriously the direction they need to go in to begin to recover and restore mineral balance.
As far as being too good to be true – really it’s just a simple test that shows us what is going on in the body so we have further direction -there is still work to be done and it can take some time, however most people feel more energy and balance in a short amount of time while continuing to work on deeper issues over time.
My personal experience with hair analysis for both myself and my children is that the test provided so much clarity that I wished I had done it long ago. I was able to find some key information as to why I still have some areas that are ‘stalled’ in my own health.
My two younger sons had some behavorial issues (AD/HD) and the hair test showed me why -within 2 weeks of supplementation both of them became far more calm and I had an even better plan of action with which to work from to meet their unique needs. It has also helped extended family to be more understanding and supportive.
Here is one CLIENT TESTIMONIAL (this client just had her first retest and will be sharing a testimonial on my site soon):
“After years of testing I had gotten a glimpse of the issues that were ailing me. However, one of my big hinderances was that I suffered from chronic fatigue, lack of clarity and memory loss.
So whenever I would go to my naturopath, he would explain what my issues may be, but I would always have a hard time relaying that information to my fiance, friends and family because the reports didn’t make any sense and my mental clarity was failing me.
Through one-on-one support with Lydia and my latest and greatest move, the hair analysis, I was able to see all of my potential ailments in one report. It was also broken into somewhat “lamens” terms and, through assistance with Lydia, I better came to understand the report.
The report and Lydia gave me a clear picture of what I needed to do over the next months to begin getting to a healthier place. The best part about it though, was that I could forward this report to my fiance and loved ones, so they too could have an all-encompassing clearer picture of where I resided with my health.
I’m now halfway through with my protocol after receiving my results and I’m happy with the progress my body is making. I’ve been taking test for my health for years and I can say definitively that I would recommend anyone looking to improve their quality of life to take this test first!”
You can read more about the labs testing here: http://www.arltma.com/FAQ.htm
If you have any more questions feel free to ask!
I truly wish this was written info instead of (just) a podcast; I strongly prefer to read this type of information for better retention and reference.
I’ve written a few posts on the subject – if you would like to read them:
Thank you for the info about fermentation location and distance with multIple ferments. That helps so much. I have a cold kitchen so I have a heater for my Kombucha crock and wanted to share the heat. It’s good to know that setting multiple cultures close together is not ideal. I’m starting my sourdough starter today with high hopes thanks to your classes. I’m hoping to get the water Kifer started in the next couple weeks as soon as I can find some Rapadura. Thank you for the fast response to my question.
I agree with Teresa. I retain information better by reading than listening—and I don’t have time to just sit and listen for 30 or 40 min. to something. (I can read it faster than I can listen.) I know people listen while they do other work, but when I do that I miss important things. A transcript or written article as well would be great!
I haven’t actually listened to the podcast…I like reading as well. I do, however, have somewhat of a testimonial about hair analysis. My daughter and I had one back in September of this year. I have six children and so far only two of us have had hair analysis, the others will get at the beginning of the year. I can say that I am noticing a difference in how I feel, but one thing that really got me was that our hairdresser noticed a difference. I had her cut our hair for the test and when we went back for our next hair appt. (which was about three mos. later-I’m not very good at going to the hair dressers regularly!) She really noticed a difference in my daughter and I’s hair! She said our hair finally feels like real hair and not dry, coarse, brittle hair! She said that my older daughter’s hair still felt dry and coarse. Some of what we were lacking was zinc, calc. and mag. Zinc is supposed to help with dry hair. So, even though this may not be quite the testimonial you may be looking for, I was impressed and pleased to know that there is a difference in that area. I do think that overall I can tell a difference in how I am feeling too, but that not as pronounced yet as the hair.
For those who would rather read than listen, I have a post coming up toward the end of December about Nutritional Balancing. This approach begins with the hair mineral analysis. I have had two hair tests so far, and my husband and kids have had one. We are all on NB programs that were designed by our practitioner and based upon our individual results. Like someone else said, this is a test I wish I would have known about for my family YEARS ago.