It’s time to do another round of listener questions! Please keep them coming… I love to answer and help you!
Here are the questions I’m answering:
- is Kombucha bad for candida?
- is there a sourdough alternative for a hot climate?
- how to substitute natural sweeteners for white sugar?
- can you sprout einkorn?
- can I use a blender or food processor instead of a Vitamix?
- what to store instead of powdered milk?
- favorite kefir cheese recipe?
- what veg can you ferment?
- what fermented food has the highest probiotic count?
All the answers are in this episode, and any links mentioned are below. Plus… the tip of the week!
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Tip of the Week: How Do I Know If My Ferment Is Done?
Lacto-Fermentation 101 Video Series
Listener Questions
Mayra asks:
“Love Kombucha and have been brewing it for almost a year now. Recently read that it is bad for candida and that it can cause candida. Is this true?”
Lindsey H. asks:
“Due to some health issues in our family, I have recently started exploring the world of sourdough. Thanks to your wonderful site (e-book and short sourdough course) I have successfully started my first starter and had some successful tortillas and pancakes! My husband is thankful to be able to eat bread again and I am looking forward to making some loaves of sourdough bread in the near future. My question is this: Is there an alternative to sourdough that will still yield bread that is edible for those that have digestive issues and need the soaked/fermented grains? Presently we are in the States, but soon we will be returning to our home in the bush of West Africa, where we serve as missionaries. I would love to get a sourdough starter going there and continue baking sourdough things, but the climate there will prevent me from doing that (based on what I’ve read in the sourdough e-book). My kitchen is often over 100 degrees, sometimes reaching over 110 degrees. So I’m thinking that growing/keeping a starter will not be possible. I guess my question is two-fold: 1) Is it even possible to grow a starter and bake sourdough goods in that high of a temperature? and 2) If not, what other other alternatives do I have for making bread (including tortillas, muffins, etc.) that is easily digestible (fermented/soaked)? I know that baker’s yeast isn’t the best, but since it is an option for me in Africa (readily available), is it possible to soak/ferment the grains (whole wheat flour) and bake with yeast? I would love to know your thoughts and recommendations on this. Thanks so much!”
Donna asks:
“Many of us want to eliminate white sugar, sugar substitutes and any GMOs from our diet. But some recipes call for sugar (which I believe is made from the sugar beet which is a GMO food.) Do you use honey? Do you use coconut sugar? For example, when I make strawberry shortcakes I’ve been substituting coconut sugar in the shortcake and in the strawberries. Any other ideas of what I might use that will not effect the consistency or flavor of recipes? Thank you!“
Link for Donna:
Marianne asks:
“Hi, My name is Marianne. My website is the My question is ‘do you sprout your einkorn before you grind it?” Sprouting grains has become a very popular thing lately to help the grain become more digestible. I was just curious if you did that. Otherwise, if you don’t, it would be much easier to grind the grain without sprouting it, grinding it and then drying it. Thanks!”
Shank asks:
“Thank you for your many helpful videos, but I have some questions to ask. Why would you use whole grains if they have more physic acid than white rice, white flour, etc? Is it just a preference, or is there some health reason? Also, in your sourdough course, you used a Vitamix. Could I replace that with a blender or food processor? Looking forward to your reply.“
April asks:
“Hi, Wardeh! I know you and your family have been storing food for emergencies, and I wondered if you have any advice about what to do in place of stocking powdered milk. I know canned coconut milk is an option, but it’s expensive and I’m only able to handle it in small amounts (due to allergy). Do you have any other thoughts/suggestions for a healthy alternative?“
Mary asks:
“What is your favorite kefir cheese recipe?“
Paula asks:
“What veg can you not ferment? Which ones have the highest probiotic rate to the least?“
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Anything to Add?
I would love to hear from you! Do you have questions for me, or comments about anything shared in this episode?
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As always, your blog is so informative for MY work in progress. Can you tell me a better way to de-skin my almonds before prepping them to make almond butter? I hate losing nutrients when boiling them and it doesn’t always work effectively. Many thanks, COACH. P.S. You always play a good game!
I have been trying to grow starter for about a week now (using directions from another site), and decided to toss my first batch after 5 days of VERY inconsistent activity. After discovering your book, I decided to start over using Erin’s instructions. After the initial 12 hours, there was no noticeable activity, but it was on the cool side, so I did not feed, but instead stirred well and placed under the oven light. Bingo! The starter tripled in size. My problem: I was very tired when I fed it for the first time, and discarded half, followed by feeding, INSTEAD of feeding without wasting. Is this going to cause a problem? What is the reasoning for not wasting with the first feeding? Any input and advice would be greatly appreciated!