I have to thank my friend Cheryl for inspiring some yummy food for tonight’s dinner. We got a big bag of local, naturally-grown-although-not-certified-organic green beans at the Farmer’s Market yesterday. I could’ve pressure canned green beans, but instead I was going to make Loubieh (Arabic Green Bean Stew) out of them. But her simple recipe sounded so good and so simple, so I changed my plans, as I’m prone to do. Here’s what to do:
Take a bunch of green beans and wash them well. Snap off the ends and snap the beans into about 2″ long chunks.
Meanwhile, heat your cast iron skillet or wok over medium heat with a generous helping of oil. I used unrefined virgin coconut oil, probably about 5 tablespoons for the panful of green beans you see in the picture.
Put the beans in the pan. They’ll probably sizzle if the oil is ready. Using a bamboo wok spatula (or whatever wooden utensil you have) toss them to coat them. Cover. Remove cover and turn every 2 minutes or so, to allow the beans to cook evenly. Of course, you have to taste them to see if they’re done yet. Aim for a good crunch, but tender. This will probably be about 10 minutes.
Douse liberally with soy sauce, additional sea salt (if desired), and black pepper. My friend also adds hot red pepper flakes. A little too hot for me. I’m sure Jeff would like it, and possibly C., but the rest of us wouldn’t.
Serve hot. Oh, so good!
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