With the polar vortex freeze that trampled through the country, my family, like everyone else, suffered through a spell of bitterly cold weather. Our pipes froze, our heater fought to keep our home at a brisk 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and I didn’t get much sleep.
In the end, my throat was the only thing left unfrozen… why? Because it was on fire. God kept my family sickness-free this entire winter, but then I went and broke the streak!
I don’t remember having a sore throat quite like this one — it felt like I was swallowing heat and pain all wrapped together. Desperate, I sipped on tea and honey while searching for natural cures.
Browsing medicinal folk remedies and recipes, I settled on one concoction in particular, adding my own embellishments of ginger and turmeric to the mix.
Within an hour of sipping on this sore throat tonic, I was able to join my family for my son’s birthday meal.
I felt better and better as the night progressed… but then I succumbed to the temptation of homemade vanilla sprouted cake with chocolate Rapadura butter frosting. There went my throat ablaze again — sugar was just what it needed (unfortunately).
I immediately whipped up another batch of the concoction and sipped at it slowly, but without reprieve, so I decided to gargle it for a few minutes. This worked wonders! I went to bed, and in the morning, by the grace and blessing of the Lord, my throat was no longer on fire.
This folk remedy, with the addition of ginger and turmeric, will certainly become the new sore throat cure in our home. I rejoice at the ability to use natural herbs and tonics instead of immediately resorting to conventional medicine. Here’s to a happy throat, everyone!

Sore Throat Tonic
- 1/8 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
- 1/8 teaspoon ground turmeric
- 2 teaspoons raw apple cider vinegar
- 2 teaspoons raw honey
- 2-3 slices ground ginger fresh
- 1 cup pure water
Boil water, then turn off heat.
Add a mixture of cayenne, turmeric, vinegar, honey, and ginger to the pot.
Let steep for at least 5 minutes.
Transfer to a mug.
Sip as long as you are able.
What do you do for a sore throat? Would you like to try this sore throat tonic? Feel free to share links, recipes, or tips in the comments.
Did you know that the common cold is associated with over 150 viruses, none of which respond to antibiotics? Instead, try natural food and herb-based remedies for preventing and relieving symptoms. We recommend this book: Cold and Flu Season — Are You Ready?
We only recommend products and services we wholeheartedly endorse. This post may contain special links through which we earn a small commission if you make a purchase (though your price is the same).
I usually just gargle with a little food grade hydrogen peroxide in some water and put 1/4t. of same in my neti pot. It doesn’t necessarily take the pain away, but it seems to stop sick bugs in their tracks and I feel better by the next day. However, your remedy sounds a whole lot tastier!!
I overdid the neti-pot during one pregnancy to ward off the dreaded H1N1 virus, and since have had a hard time going back to it. I should pull it out again as I know it is beneficial. : )
I must add, I do not consider this wonderful to the palate, but it certainly worked for me. : )
God bless!
Tracey, I’m reminded of that saying, “an ounce of prevention’s worth a pound of cure”. I guess I’ve been proactive this season (or I’ve just been on a real health-food kick). Thankfully, I’ve been in good shape and haven’t had to resort to the cures you mentioned, although I’ve used them all before, and they do seem to help. But this year, I’ve started a few extra habits that might be keeping me healthier than usual. (By the grace of God, too, for sure.)
I started juicing a pound or two of ginger root at a time, since it was so convenient to do it “bulk-cooking” style. That way, I could make ginger ice cubes, and add a cube at a time to each new batch of kefir. (“Gingerale”!) I might also add a ginger ice cube to a batch of fermented cabbage (kimchi style).
To assure that I’m getting enough cayenne and turmeric, I started adding those spices to the batches of “chocolate fix” I make up to add to smoothies (recipe on my site).
As for the apple cider vinegar, I’ve been letting my kombucha (probiotic drink) go to the almost-vinegar stage (less sugar that way, right?), and drinking it regularly for breakfast.
I suppose there are a lot of bugs that say, “No way do I want to live in that lady’s body- have you seen what she eats?!” Haha… Maybe no one else would want to eat like this either, but, well… it has been keeping me healthy!
Hello Jennifer!
You always have great input. I absolutely love your ginger ice cube idea! Do you think ginger in the vitamix with a bit of water would work?
Do you eat food before the kombucha?
Hope your N. CA weather is treating you nicely. May you be blessed with continued health, by the grace of God!
Tracey, the Vita-Mix option works for ginger. It’s so much handier that way! (Not everyone has a juicer…)
With the kombucha, I’ve had it with meals, and I’ve had it before meals. I guess, because of the acidity, you wouldn’t want to drink it by itself without rinsing/brushing your teeth?
Also, God bless you too.
And, thank you, Lord- it’s started raining here in NoCal- Yay!
Thank you for your help and kind words! I will have to give the ginger a whirl in the Vitamix. I made a smoothie today with some berries and ginger and kelp- it was great! The ginger taste was strong, but not too over-powering.
My husband is from the Bay Area. It has been two years since we have been back- at times we miss it. Enjoy the rain. Here- snowy rain and cold, cold, cold.
May you have a wonderful weekend!
Tracey, How did you know I had a sore throat? I just saw this now……I am off the make a mugful!
Regards to your family. Jamie
Thanks, Jamie, a little late. Hope you are well again!
Thanks Tracey! Ate candy at the Veterans Day parade today which I never do and guess what? Sore throat tonight:( Going to make this tonight. Love reading your posts!!
The best thing for a sore throat is the Thieves or Plague Defense spray (YL or Heritage EO’s). It numbs the throat and is healing itself. Sometimes just straight honey helps too.
Cold Snap is an herbal supplement I’ve taken for over 15 years and it is amazing! Great for kids, nursing mamas, our family takes it regularly during cold & flu season. It comes in both capsule and powder form so I will definitely be making this tea and adding some Cold Snap powder to it!
Sounds like a great concoction.
In the best sense. I might try this in warm milk sometime.
Sounds like a great cure. I am definitely going to try this next time I have a sore throat!
Hello Wardee,
I made some soar throat concoction with cayenne pepper, black pepper, cinnamon stick, turmeric and some other seeds boiled
everything for five minutes and then sipped it slowly. I hope it works for my soar throat.
I just found this recipe. But, I thought honey was not supposed to be heated?