The best thing you can do for yourself each day is so simple, but it’s often overlooked.
I know this because I myself — a person who cares a great deal about healthy living — neglected it for years.
What is it? Drink enough water.
And even more importantly: drink some first thing.
That’s right; get up in the morning and before doing anything else — except maybe going to the bathroom 😉 — drink a glass of water.
Here’s why. During the night, we lose water. We get dehydrated. Either slightly or majorly, depending on our overall hydration level. Drinking in the morning replenishes our body with essential liquids to keep us sharp, productive, energetic, and “regular” (*ahem*).
Your body needs water for everything! Water helps flush out toxins, carry nutrients to cells, provides a moist environment for your ears, nose and throat, keeps your digestive and elimination systems flowing, and more.
My Story: Dehydration
Recently, I realized that I was dehydrated. I could tell because my skin was more dry, and my mouth felt dry and thirsty, and I was having digestion issues, too.
Then I listened to a podcast where the guest mentioned the importance of taking an “inner” bath each morning by drinking 3 to 4 cups of water upon waking. He said: most people bathe outwardly each morning to get ready for the day, but taking an inner bath is even more important.
I’ll tell you what… the very first day I woke up and drank water, I got instant results. This confirmed for me that I have been dehydrated, and I vowed to turn it around.
And now, after many weeks of drinking first thing in the morning and then regularly throughout the day, I am much improved. I’m committed to keeping it this way!
How Much Water Do You Need?
Our needs for water vary according to who we are, our activity level, and outside conditions. The old adage of “8 cups a day” may not be true for you. You may need more; you may need less. How do you know?
Well, do you feel thirsty? That’s a sign you should drink more.
Are you constipated? That’s another sign.
Dry skin, nails, hair? Yep. Drink more.
Not losing weight? Though many factors are at work here, perhaps simply drinking more water will help.
You will know best whether or not you’re dehydrated.
If you’re not sure, try drinking more water for a day or two just to see if anything improves — perhaps your mental clarity, your outlook on life, or things you didn’t really realize were suffering.
What Kind of Water?
Not all water is created equal. Fluoridated, chlorinated municipal water is not a good choice for drinking water. In fact, it could be considered poisonous.
Good water choices are: clean well water; clean and true spring water; or filtered water.
This post will not explore water filtering options, but I do need to say that reverse osmosis filtered water has had minerals removed and so re-mineralization is necessary to make it healthful. (In my recipe below, I add liquimins.)
For more information on filtering that removes the bad stuff but not the minerals, take a look at the Big Berkey water filter from our friends at The Berkey.
And if you’re looking for more robust water filtration systems (whole house or at-the-sink), take a look at this #AskWardee where I share which water filtration system our family chose, and why.
Can You Drink Too Much Water?
You don’t need to guzzle your water in huge quantities. Go ahead and take your first waking hour to drink 3 to 4 cups of water. Because actually, it can be dangerous to drink too much water at once. Here’s what could happen:
“…if you drink too much water, the sodium levels in your blood may drop to dangerously low levels, causing hyponatremia — a condition in which your cells swell with too much water. While most of your body’s cells can handle this swelling, your brain cells cannot, and most of the symptoms are caused by brain swelling. This condition is most common among athletes, although anyone can be affected by drinking excessive amounts of water.” –source: Dr. Mercola
So take your time (but not too much time). Some sources say about a quart an hour is an amount that a normal body can handle well.
Your water can come in the form of plain water, water with flavors or ingredients added, tea, or the water that’s naturally part of foods like fruits, vegetables, and broth. It’s all water your body can use.
Did you notice my jar of water in the picture? It’s not plain water, is it? It’s actually “lemonade water”.
It’s a great option for anyone who doesn’t like drinking plain water. Instead, drink this!
In addition to (or instead of) the lemon juice, you can add raw apple cider vinegar*. You can boost with minerals. Add fresh or powdered ginger for digestion and immune benefits. And even, if you wish, a bit of liquid stevia to balance the sour.
Why ACV, you ask? Check out 5 Health Benfits of Apple Cider Vinegar to learn more.
I find this drink delicious and very refreshing!

Lemonade Water
I drink this lemonade water in the morning. In addition to the lemon juice, I add raw apple cider vinegar and minerals and powdered ginger. If you wish, feel free to add a bit of liquid stevia to balance the sour. I find it delicious, easy to drink, and very refreshing!
- 2 to 4 tablespoons lemon juice or lime juice*
- 1 to 3 teaspoons raw apple cider vinegar
- 1 pinch sea salt
- 2 to 3 drops liquimins
- 3 to 4 drops liquid stevia extract
In a quart size jar (or double this recipe and fill a half gallon jar), combine all ingredients.
Then fill the jar to the top with good, clean water.
These are loose amounts; adjust up or down to suit your tastes. Stainless steel drinking straw is optional. 😉
Recipe Notes
*I found a jar of organic lemon juice in the refrigerated, organic, produce section of our grocery store. For about $8, it contains the equivalent of the juice from 40 organic lemons -- a great deal. 🙂
I often make a quart size jar plus a 1/2 gallon jar at the same time — then I’ve got plenty to drink in the morning and throughout the day. It’s a time saver and ensures that in the busy-ness of the day, my water is already waiting for me.
The jar pictured is a 2-1/2 cup freezer mason jar. It’s nice because it fits in the cup holder of a vehicle. Here’s our tutorial on making your own DIY Mason Jar Drinking Cup.
Your Challenge
If you think you’re dehydrated (or maybe if you aren’t really sure), do this for 30 days and report back: make an effort to drink water each morning and throughout the day.
Then let me know what it does for you!
Have you noticed an improvement in your health when drinking more water? Do you need to drink more water?
This post was featured in 15 Natural Energy-Boosting Drinks — No Caffeine Allowed! and 16 Tips to Heal and Prevent Dry Winter Skin…Naturally!
We only recommend products and services we wholeheartedly endorse. This post may contain special links through which we earn a small commission if you make a purchase (though your price is the same).
I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one who can’t drink plain water first thing in the morning. I love our well water but before breakfast it tastes gross. My husband thinks I’m nuts. I like to drink ACV water with a drop of honey and a dash of ginger first thing but I haven’t been doing it lately. Thanks for the reminder to pick it back up again!
Amy — Me, too! 🙂
the only water I love to drink is distilled….but I often add lemon juice…
Coffee can actually be extremely dehydrating. It acts as a diuretic, so may not be the best choice for those looking to rehydrate after chronic (or any) dehydration. I believe that tea (not herbal) can have a similar, though not as strong, effect.
Nicola — I just removed that from the list. You’re totally right; thanks for pointing it out. 🙂
Wardee, I checked out the link to the Mineral Supplement in your post;then went a step further in reading A LOT of the customer reviews on this product, and I am concerned about the Arsenic levels in it….and, how much do you put in your water? Also, how long have you been using the product, itself? Do you know anything about it that has not been covered in the Amazon ad?
Cindy — I didn’t know about this. I have heard it for other mineral supplements (rock-based) but not this one. I’ve been using it for years though, I just tip the bottle quickly into the beverage and call it good. (I tip twice for a half gallon.) Also we add this to our water kefir because the grains really love the minerals. Thanks for alerting me and if I find anything out, I’ll let you know.
I’d be interested if you’ve heard any negative about Add My Minerals? I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and am having many fewer bad fibromyalgia days.
I really believe in hydration. I’ve been more purposeful about this for a few months now, and even though I’ve recently stopped coloring my salt & pepper hair, have been told I look younger. 🙂
This Amazon customer wrote an interesting review on the arsenic levels in it.
Watch the brands–ANY supplement or FOOD can be tainted with these naturally-occurring toxins (or some unnaturally-occuring ones). I use to check out supplements for purity and claims.
Thanks Mimi. I wondered where a person could check out their supplements. I take over 13 different vitamins… And have always wondered whether or not I’m getting a quality product!!
Kangen water …alkaline water is so pure so goo tasting will add to any water drink
This is awesome! So close to a drink a friend taught me to make: 1 tsp. raw apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp. lime juice and 3 tsp. raw honey. Stir together in a tall glass and fill with cool water. Yum! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this article!
I have noticed a drastic difference in my pregnancies since I heard the suggestion that nausea=thirst. If I’m pregnant and very dehydrated, it’s TOUGH to rehydrate, because the water itself is nauseating at that point, but if I take the first hint of “blah!” as a thirst signal, it’s amazing how much less I feel it, and start noticing a more comfortable thirst signal.
AND… I was fascinated to learn this tidbit: blood cells don’t re-hydrate. They can continue to be used for awhile, but with a limited efficiency, as their capacity to receive and deliver is lessened, but then they must be REPLACED.
Do you have issues with low iron levels? Stop throwing away your half-withered blood cells! It works wonderfully. I can be taking the best of the best food-source iron supplements and they have little effect if I’m not also drinking enough water.
It’s tough to remember as a busy mom; sometimes I have to just keep a glass by every sink (and by the munchies cupboard) and try to remember: water out—-> water needs to go in, too! Worth the frequent bathroom visits.
…Off to take my own advice… THANK YOU for the timely reminder!
Wendy — That is fascinating about the blood cells; I’ve taken note. Thanks for sharing!
I’m skeptical; blood cells certainly rehydrate under a microscope. Red blood cells are often used in basic science courses (or at least they were before concerns about blood exposure in class) to teach about tonicity, the concentration of solutes in a liquid and how it affects the movement of water in and out of a cell. Put concentrated salt solution over them, and they shrivel and look spiny. Replace it with pure water and they pop like balloons. If your blood becomes properly hydrated, your blood cells should be too.
The first thing I do in he morning is drink water! Though I am the complete opposite, I can only drink water when I wake up anything else is to sweet or sour etc. Unfornantly I am waaaay to poor to buy a non flouride water filtration. 🙁 a brita or camel back is closest I can get. Plus I currently reside in California where this inane drought has any type of water valued at GOLD standard! Lol I tried you lemonade water and it is delicious! It helps with the taste of tap water ( even filtered through the brita you can still taste it :p ) thanks for this awesome post. People need to understand that water is essential to us we need it to exist and some times it just tastes the best. 😀
You can treat tap water very easily and cheaply with borax (this removes heavy metals, chlorine, and mircrobs 😀 ) 😀 Also lemon water tastes better because Vit. C neutralises chlorine 😀
Can someone please expound on using borax to treat water?
How would you treat it Bron? How much borax, etc.?
I will have to start this. I do start my day with 16 oz. of filtered water daily. But adding the salt, lemon juice, minerals and stevia seem like a nice way to start the day. I have a friend that drinks 32 ozs., of hot herbal tea with lemon and honey every AM. She has the shiniest hair and clearest complexion! Nevermind the facts that she is Mensa-like smart and has amazing sharp wit!! Her emotions are always up and hardly ever down in the dumps.
A few things that I have learned about water over the years of being a student of life is:
1) Never drink tap water. Besides having other impurities, tap water has chlorine added to it. Chlorine is a basic antiseptic and when it hits our gut, it continues it’s anti-septic abilities by wiping out colonies of ‘good’ bacteria needed for proper digestion. This is why we eat yogurt, drink keiffer and/or take probiotics; all this adds ‘good’ bacteria to our guts. Chlorine kills it period.
2) The temperature of water can make all the difference in the taste of water. I prefer my water cold with ice cubes (made from filtered water please!). It’s palatable for me. Sometimes adding a slice of lemon or lime to water can make it palatable to another person. Some people drink it hot (like the sacred yogis) with lemon. My mother used to add plain cranberry juice (unsweetened) to her water. She obviously liked it tart!! Everyone is different. I say keep trying different formulations of water consumption until you find the one palatable to you!!
3) More than half the headaches are caused by mild-moderate dehydration. So the next time you have a headache, reach for a glass (or two) of some water for relief. Hold off on the Tylenol or Motrin.
4) Drinking water in the AM can hold off allergy symptoms better than an allergy pill. Water consumption in the AM is crucial to keep the sinus’s clean, clear and ready to help you stave off allergy triggers. And if you do take allergy medication, it helps the medication work better and relieves some side affects of those meds, i.e., dry mouth, constipation and minor dehydration.
5) Drinking water satisfies your sense of thirst which is often mistaken as hunger pains. So in turn, water consumption can add to weight loss. Depending on your daily activity and meal schedule, if you feel hungry and have eaten within 3-4 hours of a meal, try drinking a glass of water before you eat again. Drink the water and wait 20 minutes or so. Hunger pain should subside. If not, you can have a snack. Make that snack a hydrating one, like an apple, pear or orange. If you are not hungry enough for one of those, you probably are looking for something to quell your ‘mouth hunger’ or ’emotional hunger.’ Take a walk, phone a friend, read a book or sit and talk to your children until the feeling subsides (and while doing that activity have a glass of water).
Water is essential to all life on the planet. All life. So do yourself a favor and water yourself. Be well.
This is SUCH good advice! We do drink an ample amount of water but I need to add the lemon etc. I have noticed that as I get older, even my eyes seem dry if I don’t drink enough! Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Thank you for this article! I had been trying to lose weight for quite some time. I tried all sorts of diets and until I realized I was constantly dehydrated and began faithfully drinking water regularly. I have a very hectic schedule at work and beyond so I simply was not taking the time to take care of myself and drink water. I’m sure a lot of other people are as busy as me so here is my tip: Water Alarms.
Use your cell phone and set an alarm every 2 to 3 hours depending on how often you feel you should drink and faithfully respond to your alarm by drinking 12 to 16oz of water each time the alarm goes off. I started doing this about a year ago, and after just a week, I started noticing a remarkable difference. I had no idea I was so dehydrated. After a few months I decided to change my eating habits as well and now every few hours when my alarm goes off, I eat a small 200-300 calorie meal. I always have water when I wake in the morning and then a good breakfast and I longer eat big meals at night, I eat for 12 hours and then fast for 12 hours, mostly during sleeping hours, and now I’m never hungry and I’m well hydrated.
Hydration has turned my life around. I’ve lost over 100 lbs. and I look and feel younger. The best part of it all is that it is so simple for anyone to do. People ask me all the time what my secret is, I simply say WATER. It opens a whole new world to a better body. I hope and pray that everyone can come to the realization that they need to drink enough water and stay properly hydrated, it is what we all need to do to live a healthy and happy life!
Congratulations on the 100 lb. weight loss, Kevin! Drinking water is a very important step in our healthy eating process. I’m once again trying to lose 35 lbs. that I regained (out of 50 lbs. lost). I need to learn consistency. I started a Weight Less Journey group on Facebook for members to encourage each other throughout the week. Let me know if you’d like to join us.
I want to join. I lost 70 pounds about two years ago and I have gained about 40 of it back. I did it the wrong way. I limited my calories to 1200 while working out everyday super hard. I can’t work like that anymore. It’s to much. I have a messed up knee and I was even loosing my hair. I feel healthier now but I want my waist to be 32 to 30 inches. I am at 35 1/2 close to 36. That’s too much for health reasons. I now want to show myself love and not deprive myself of yummy things. Everything in moderation. 🙂
Mary, I would like to join your weight less journey!
Wardee. I was hoping that you now will talk about lifting weights. I am 50 and need to take care of my body better with trying to balance hormones etc. please tell us what you do.
if you must drink tap water, leave it laying around in an open container for up to 24 hours, so that the chlorine evaporates out of it. that’s what i do.
That’s what I do in the bathroom, since my filter is downstairs. I fill my cup and leave it by the sink. When I need a drink, most of the chlorine is gone. Drink and refill, let sit!
I’ve drunk water as soon as I get up all my life, even as a little girl. My mom couldn’t understand how I could drink water first thing but I crave it as soon as I get up. I don’t think I could drink a flavored drink.
I have been stuggling with this one for a while. I like drinking water and do it almost all day. My problem is this, my husband won’t drink water…. it upsets his stomach literally. Now I filter our water but not with a quality filter like the Berkey line! Would the Berkey make the water easier on his stomach? I know he needs to drink water and I am seriously concerned.
Well it is hard to say if the Berkey would help more or not, to be honest, it certainly couldn’t hurt. However, will it solve the problem of it causing him stomach pain? No one could answer for certain. Experimentation is your best bet. All you can do is try something and see if it works. It would be nice if you were able to determine what about the water is causing him pain… for instance, if it’s fluoride or chlorine, than a good filter like the Berkey would help. I have heard of a very rare case of allergy to water, so the question is, does your husband react badly to water when showering? If not… then it’s probably not that. I would guess that it’s likely something the water contains… or possibly something the water doesn’t contain… or if it’s none of that, could it be that he has stopped drinking water so long that his body is averse to water? I guess it could also be psychological too. That is a strange problem for sure but definitely dig deep and find out what it is… Can he drink the water warm? hot? cold? ice cold? cool? room temperature? – Can he drink the same water if a drink mix like Kool-Aid and sugar is added to it? If he cannot drink the plain water cold but can drink refrigerated Kool-Aid then likely it’s psychological or flavor based because there is nothing about adding drink mix and sugar that would make it not hurt his stomach, so if he can do that… then it’s not the water itself making him sick. If he cannot do any of what I listed above, then can he drink the water if it’s boiled first? (cooled to a drinkable temperature of course) – if he can drink cooled water after boiling it, then it’s likely a pathogen of some sort that he is really sensitive to. Honestly, it sounds like a fun puzzle, I could come up with a thousand experiments to determine exactly what it is about water that is giving him the stomach ache. Like for instance, if he can drink it after running it through a berkey filter without the fluoride filters, then it’s probably chlorine bothering his stomach, which seems most likely to me… if he cannot, then how about with the fluoride filters attached? If he can then… then it is clearly the fluoride upsetting his stomach. It really wouldn’t be that hard to figure it out. Good luck.
All tap water hurts my stomach. Unless it’s from a really good well.
Berkey filters really are worth it. I love to drink water if it’s clean and fresh tasting. But I have to buy purified water whenever I travel. I also bought those mineral rocks to add to the bottom of the Berkey. They give the water a fresh clean flavor and make me feel like my thirst is quenched. It’s worth a try!
I love my Berkey, I have used it for years! Where do you get the mineral rocks?
May I ask, what is the brand of organic, refrigerated lemon juice you found in your grocery store? Thank you!
It has been proven that lemon juice will oxidize in about 10 minutes, and the bottled stuff is more than likely pasteurized…meaning that both have minimal nutritional value. Better off using fresh lemon. FYI…any citrus is acid, but becomes alkaline upon entering the body. Alkaline is very, very good. Apple cider vinegar (with the ‘Mother’…like Braggs brand) is also alkaline and has huge amounts of potassium, which helps keep our arteries flexible so that they become less blocked as we age. Potassium is also good for a lot of other things. You can check out the Braggs apple cider vinegar book.
SO i have had a couple of people telling me that drinking this much lemon daily is really bad for your teeth – what are your thoughts on this?
Lemon is very bad for teeth, ruins the enamel. Happened to me……because I chewed lemon wedges when I was finished !!!! Dumb. Now I use a straw
I drink hot lemon water first thing in the morning. You may be able to cut out the stevia, I got used to the sour taste quickly.
One thing I have learned is if I drink water straight from the tap it gives me heartburn, also many others I know, I’ve found that if I let it set out for awhile and add ice it’s usually ok, I think it’s the chlorine in it. I’m going to try this but make it the night before, and instead of minerals and stevia, I will use unrefined sugar and a touch of molasses, to get my minerals.
I know you’re drinking “lemonade water” because you’re not a fan of plain water but lemon water is great for you for so many reasons! You’re actually doing a great thing for your body! Some people swear by warm lemon water but, warm or cold, I’m not sure it makes a difference. Here’s a link source:
exactly…… Nothing perks me up & gets me ready for the day better then lemon water.. I do use the bottled & it works wonders….. feeling low & sluggish…… lemon water to the rescue 🙂
it is best to wait a while before brushing your teeth tho.. the acid from the lemon is hard on the enamel.. using a straw helps with that.
I tend to switch off during the day.. coffee, water.. lemon water.. ACV water.. & of course green tea or Breakfast blend..
I drink water first thing when I wake up to kick my brain into gear! It’s amazing what that first glass of water does for my thought processing. 🙂
Great post- sometimes it’s the basic stuff that is overlooked! As for your comment about chlorinated water, this issue can be eliminated by simply leaving tap water out in an open glass container for about 1-2 hours or overnight – preferably near a window so the UV light can help.
A simple charcoal filter would remove the flouride. It’s so important not to discourage people to avoid drinking tap water- because the alternative is usually bottled water- which is usually tap water anyway that has been sitting in plastic containers leaching BPA / BPS-S for days/months/years.
Also, we are so fortunate to have chlorinated water as it helps kills 99% of water-bourne illness such as Hep A, Cholera, Typhoid Fever, etc… these disease are still major issues in most of the world and having traveled to places where they run rampant, I can speak from personal experience that well water can often be contaminated by fecal matter in crowded living conditions.
Anyway- love the blog, just feel that we in the natural community need to balance all the factors in promoting a healthy sustainable lifestyle.
Charcoal filters do not remove fluoride. It is important for those in each situation to consider the pros and cons of simple charcoal filtering (Brita) versus Berkley type (with option removes fluoride) versus RO or bottled. Note bottled may be spring water or tap water or RO.
I wander if you have ever heard of Le bleu? It is bottled water. Its actually the purest water you can find. Minerals in water do nothing for your body, you body does not absorb them through water. Mineral water is bad. Only foods can digest in our body’s in a way to absorb minerals from them. If you cannot find Le bleu water at your local grocery store, try finding distilled water. But please for the love of everything holy stay away from mineral water. That is all.
Why did it take so long in finding out this recipe !? Goodness, I had to continue with all that reading before I found what should have been displayed after the first picture of lemon water ! Interesting, although time consuming !
I just started doing this! I am trying to do it every morning and so far I have remembered 🙂
Mineralized water saved my life! I had Cdiff infection for many months and the doctors said the only thing that saved me was drinking water day and night with added magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, etc. My heart would have given out with the severe dehydration. I’m SO thankful that God prompted me to do this on my own after two E.R. visits! (I used NOW brand powders and added them to water with a little lemon/orange juice.)
Great information, Wardee!!
Brenda, can you tell us specifically which NOW brand product you used that includes the magnesium, calcium, sodium, etc.? Thank you.
I don’t know if anyone mentioned the straw, but when I started drinking lemon water in the morning I noticed my teeth were becoming very sensitive. I started using a straw, so the lemon juice wasn’t coming in contact with my teeth as much and the sensitivity went away.
I find it easier to consume more water, if it’s at room temperature, rather than cold water.
Drinking acidic beverages in a single sitting and especially throughout the day, can damage tooth enamel. Rinsing mouth afterwards with water or baking soda & water helps. Brushing teeth immediately after acidic beverages can also harm the tooth enamel further.
I agree with needing to stay hydrated. And there is a good chance that im under hydrated. I can go almost all day without drinking anything. My body does not crave liquids. I clean houses (2 a day) my activities level is high. I drink a cup of coffee every morning, the rest of the day would be either water or soft drinks. My question this normal to not want much if any liquid thur out the day??
Many municipalities use a form of chlorine that does not evaporate anymore, leaving out the water only concentrates it. This is a problem for our barn animals on rural water in hot weather- the exposed water evaporates and leaves higher concentrates of the chlorine derivative. Has anyone researched or came across this information?
Can you please tell me where to find a covered mason jar drinking cup like you show in the photo?
Hi Cindy,
Here is a tutorial to make your own: 🙂
I started drinking two cups of warm water before having my acv and eating breakfast but have had to stop as it completely suppressed my appetite, I stopped being able to eat until lunch, and even then only a small amount. Any ideas why? I am a petite breastfeeding mum?
trying to lose weigh, I do drink water, how much can I drink and is tap water ok
My husband and I actually keep water bottles by our bedside. If we wake up, we take a small drink.
I know that I’m often dehydrated because I end up going somewhere without my water bottle. I do love fruit/veggie infused water when I remember. Apple cinnamon is a good choice because it boosts your metabolism. I probably should prep my jar tonight so its ready to go with me to work tomorrow! Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
Hello. I have try so many things to loose some weigh but nothing worked. After I started drinking water in the morning, my body has been changing in a very good way. I have more energy, my skin is more hydrated and of course already lost 5 pounds in the first week. Thanks very much for posting good things that can help all of us looking for natural ways to get better.
To protect the enamel on your teeth from acid drinks, try using Proenamel toothpaste.
I drink 16.9 oz first thing in the morning. I drink 1.5 litres by the end of each day too. 🙂
Several years ago, my husband began having shooting sharp pains in one foot. These pains would go on for hours, usually at night, keeping him awake. After many tests and a variety of doctors and failed meds, he was finally diagnosed with arthritis. He discovered he can manage it just by being sure he drinks 120 oz of water a day. If he drinks alcohol, he needs an extra glass of water. Dehydration is the trigger for the arthritis episode. He has never been s water liver, so this is a challenge for him, but better than the alternative. Weird, huh?
It’s difficult to find educated people on this topic, however, you seem like you know what
you’re talking about! Thanks